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2003-  Jonathan Thery - guitars, vocals
2003-2008  Frederic Patte-Brasseur - guitars
› 2010-  -//-
2008-  Asmael Lebouc - bass, backing vocals
2009-  Charles Ward - bass
2016-  Raev - drums
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2003-2008  Yskithyrwynn - drums
2003-2010  Vincent Buisson - bass
2008-2016  A.D. K'shon - drums
2009-2010  Laurent Chaulet - guitars, vocals
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While discussing the state of the environment, comedian George Carlin said: “The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE ARE. We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks”. With Decrepit, Funeralium isn’t just portraying humanity’s misery caused by its own hand. They also relish at the mere thought of a world devoid of people. Anger and bitterness has created a type of hope driven by visions of a barren Earth.
Review by X-Ray Rod ››
What the Hell have I got myself into here? Where to begin? I guess I could go the obvious route and compare the miserable experience of listening to this to an obscure form of slow and excruciating torture? Or I could go the humorous route and compare it to ordering pizza delivery in Paraguay. Fuck it. 2 disks, 4 songs, 90+ minutes. Let's do both.
Review by BitterCOld ››

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