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2000-  Neige - all instruments, vocals
2009-  Winterhalter - drums
2000-2001  Argoth - bass
2000-2001  Ludovic - guitars
2010-  Pierre Corson - guitar, backing vocals
2010-  Indria Saray - bass
2010  Fursy Teyssier - bass
2012-2013  Zoé Von Herrschaft - guitars
2007  Audrey Sylvain - vocals
2014  Neil Halstead - vocals
2014  Billie Lindahl - vocals
2014  Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir - cello
2014  Edda Rún Ólafsdóttir - viola
2014  Hildur Ársælsdóttir - violin
2014  María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir - violin
2016  Kathrine Shepard - vocals
2016  Indria Saray - bass

Latest reviews

If I could make a painting of Alcest's music, it would be rays of light finding their way through the branches of dark green cypress trees (you know, the ones that like cemeteries). The amount of light shining through and the thickness of the trees' branches both vary from album to album and if you were afraid that the band's signing to a big label would make the light too bright and blinding for you, fear not; Spiritual Instinct is not Shelter, even though it wouldn't be bad at all if it actually was.
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Right in the middle between Shelter and Les Voyages de L'âme - that's where Kodama puts itself. That should be what most people will come here to find out, so I'll say it right away. After Shelter's, let's say, mediocre...
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Over the course of the past few years, Neige has been not-so-quietly making a name for himself in the black metal scene, working his way through the likes of Mortifera and Peste Noire before contributing to - perhaps - his first real "experiment": Amesoeurs. An experiment that ended in name only...
Review by Troy Killjoy ››

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