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Saviour Machine: Legend Part III:II finally!

Hello friends....I know this LONG overdue....I thank you for your patience!

So, here's an attempt to update you on the progress of Legend Part III:II....

After 3 years of a grueling "pre-production" process and a 6 month sabbatical to produce "LID2002," the principal recording of Legend Part III:II finally began last October here in California! The past 6 months have been "interesting" to say the least! ; ) Joshua and I began the process of recording all midi based material on October 15th....our production schedule was based on a 60 day recording plan....ALL orchestral-percussion programming/FX/samples/segues would be recorded over a 60 day production
schedule ("phase 1" of recording). 60 days = 2 months....right? Well, not
really....not if you are only able to work together on the weekends due to
numerous "other" responsibilities and work schedules during the week....
60 days now = 6 months....just do the math! ; )

After our first weekend of production in mid October, our second weekend had
to be canceled abruptly due to the California fires which broke out that week!
The enormous Waterman Canyon fire which devastated and consumed over
1000 homes, burned within less than 200 yards of the studio....the entire area
was evacuated....needles to say, we nearly lost the production before it ever
really got started....fortunately, that was NOT the case and we were able to
resume production a few weeks's that for "dodging an arrow?" ; )

As scheduled, after six months we have completed "phase 1" of recording and
we're gearing up for "phase 2" which begins next Saturday (May 1st) in Sweden!
Providing that my plane does not plummet into the Atlantic Ocean, ; ) I will arrive
in Sweden next Friday (April 30th). That evening, I will perform a few songs on
stage with Narnia, return with CJG to his home and most likely, drop dead from
from exhaustion due to the fact that I will have probably been awake for nearly
36 hours at that point! ; ) "Phase 2" of recording will begin the following day....

"Phase 2" will be the most intense, the most elaborate and most crucial part of
the recording for this album....your prayers are VERY welcome! ; ) During my
3 1/2 weeks in Sweden, we will be recording drums, guitars and lead vocals!
On May 27th, I will fly from Sweden to Germany in order to record the choral
arrangements in Wurzburg before returning home to California on May 31st!

Upon my return home, I will spend some much needed time with my family before
beginning the 3rd and final phase of recording....(piano, bass and backing vocals).
IF all goes as scheduled, all recording of Legend Part III:II will be complete in July!
Providing that it IS, we will then begin the tedious process of confirming a time, a
location (studio) and a talented engineer who is just insane enough to attempt to
mix this album ALL it's sadness, madness, horror and GLORY! ; )

Until then....

TCGB....Eric Clayton

Band profile: Saviour Machine
Posted: 27.05.2004 by Dream Taster

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