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Lacuna Coil interview (10/2003)

With: Andrea Ferro [male vocals]
Conducted by: Unknown user
Published: 02.10.2003

Band profile:

Lacuna Coil

- You have been touring for a long time worldwide. Which were the best and worst moments of this tour?

We are really happy about all the touring we did so far, all the reactions of the people have been amazing, we had lot of fun and we've seen the band growing in popularity and in experience. the only negative points are connected to the long time far from our families and the really long plane travels, but that's part of the job?

- Which bands [you play with] and places [where you played] did you find more interesting ? Why ?

Our favourite tour so far, is the North American one with Opeth, it was a massive tour with a lot of people every night, we had the chance to visit a lot of really cool places like Los Angeles, the old Sacramento [a "western style" town], the Niagara falls, Universal Studios, New Orleans and much more? We played also in a bunch of cool festivals and we hang out pretty well with the Opeth guys who are awesome musicians and fantastic people.

- Is it different playing in Europe and playing in America ?

Yes, there are many differences and for us America is pretty fresh and new.

- I think that your American tour was delayed? why?

You're right, we had some problems to obtain the permission for working in the U.S.A. because it was holiday time and everything was delayed, so we had to postpone the tour.

- Comalies has surely been an important album for you. Are you satisfied with the results? Do you think Lacuna Coil can still become bigger? How?

Comalies is still working really well and we're going to tour again in the U.S. [from the end of July to the beginning of October non stop] with Type O Negative first and Anthrax then, a new video for 'Heaven's A Lie' is gonna be released there in these days and we have a lot of promotion to do. We are more than satisfied at the moment but we also feel that we can still grow.

- Which are Lacuna Coil's future plans? Maybe a live album? ? I watched you last October in Bilbao [Spain] with Sentenced and enjoyed a lot, I think that recording a live gig will be great.

After the American tour we will have some holidays and then start the songwriting for the next album, we have no plan for a live album or DVD at the moment but maybe you will see something like that in the CD-rom track of the next album or in our website [].

- Before that concert we even have a little chat and we even took some photos. You all were very kind, is it hard to be kind and polite every night?

Not at all. If the people are respectful with us, we are more than happy to share a little bit of our time with them, we like our fans and they deserve it.

- Which are your favorite male and female singers?

Mike Patton and Cristina Scabbia, but I like many other singers too!

- With which band you will like to tour? And sing with?

Metallica .

- How did your family react when you told them you would like to be a Metal singer?

They were not enthusiastic but they supported me.

- Which was the first song/album you heard and make you interested in Metal? How old were you?

AC/DC's Let There Be Rock and I was 11.

- What comes into your head when you see so many people singing your songs with you?

It's simply amazing, there are no word for describe it?

- Which was the first concert you went to?

The first metal gig was an Anthrax show, I believe?

- What do you like to do out of Lacuna Coil's world?

I like to ride my mountain bike, watching sports, cinema, hang out with friends.

- Do you listen to other kind of music styles apart Metal ? Which bands?

I listen to everything even if my favorite music is rock'n'roll?

- Feel free to say something to your fans?

We love Spain and we hope to come back soon, muchas gracias and adios!

I would like to thank Cristina Scabbia [ Lacuna Coil´s female singer] for making this interview possible and Andrea Ferro [ Lacuna Coil´s male singer] for answering my questions.

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