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As You Drown

8 fans
Also known as Eternal Chaos (2001-2003), Ethereal (2003-2008)

Country: Sweden
Label: Metal Blade Records

Links: Facebook

Formed in: 2001

2001-Death metal


2001-  Simon Exner - guitars
2001-  Mikael Åkerström - guitars
2001-  Martin Latvala - drums
2006-  Robert Karlsson - bass
2008-  Henrik Blomqvist - vocals
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2001-2006  Alexander Persson - bass
2005-2008  Christopher Ranåsen - vocals
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Latest reviews

Well, here we go again, more cookie cutter death metal. Sure, As You Drown is slightly less banally unexciting than a lot of boring death metal, but being minutely better than crap doesn't make Rat King album of the year by any stretch.
Review by Doc G. ››


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Last Saturday As You Drown - Rat King in Albums 2
05.11.2011 0303:1111 As You Drown - Rat King in Reviews 8