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2002-2003  Ar - bass
› 2009-  -//- guitars
2003-  VR - drums
2006  MGP - keyboards
› 2007-  -//- bass
2009-  PYM - keyboards
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2002-2003  Thomas Taube - drums
2002-2006  Iconoclast - vocals
› 2002-2010  -//- guitars
2003-2006  Thomas Chassaigne - bass
2003-2008  Lyshd Mordrak - guitar
2006-2009  Serge - vocals
2009-2010  Boris (I) - vocals
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Sael is a French black metal combo that managed to release during 2010 their debut album, The Sixth Extinction, after an EP and some demos etc. The cover artwork is really beautiful, depicting probably a god of the sea amidst the angry waves, with the...
Review by KwonVerge ››


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