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2002-2010  Florian Gargaro - drums
2002-2010  Christopher Mouron - bass
2002-2010  Fredrick - guitars
2002-2010  Florian Sliwa - guitars
2004-2010  Stéphane Molino - vocals
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2002-2003  Michel Lamrani - vocals
2002-2003  Armando Da Silva - guitars
2003-2004  Sebastien Denudt - vocals
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When I listen to an album I like to be surprised and if unfortunately it's extremely rare nowadays to buy Metal CDs which are a bit original, with Dornfall that's really different. The first album of the French combo ("Dornfall") was...
Review by Jeff ››
Dornfall is a new Heavy/Progresive band from France, and their first album "Dornfall" is out this year for the pleasure of all the French Metal Heads, and why not also for the other Metal Heads all over the world. If you're not afraid of...
Review by Jeff ››

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