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Duff McKagan's Loaded

4 fans
Also known as Loaded

Country: USA
Label: Eagle Rock Entertainment

Links: Facebook

Formed in: 1999
Broke up: 1999-2001
Hiatus: 2003-2008

1999-Hard rock


1999  Duff McKagan - bass, guitars, vocals
› 2000-2002  -//- guitars, vocals
› 2008-  -//-
2001-2002  Mike Squires - guitars
› 2008-  -//-
2001-2002  Jeff Rouse - bass
› 2008-  -//-
2009-  Isaac Carpenter - drums
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1999  Dez Paul Cadena - guitars
1999  Michael Barragan - guitars
1999  Taz Bentley - drums
2000-2001  Dave Dederer - guitars, bass
2000-2002  Geoffrey Nicholas Reading - drums, percussion, backing vocals
› 2008-2009  -//-
2002  G. Stuart Dahlquist - bass
2002  Dave Kushner - guitars
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2001-2002  Martin Feveyear - keyboards, percussion, samples, backing vocals

Latest reviews

The music industry is dead. Like it or not CD's are on their way out, which is why we've been starting to see a good chunk of CD's these days come with nice little DVD's. It's a nice gesture, and definitely makes the purchase...
Review by Doc G. ››

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