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Flesh Consumed - ...Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate... lyrics


01. Schizophrenic Slaughter Frenzy

Paranoia setting in.. distorted faces mimic me..
The voice beckons to kill..
With a rusted ax, I start to hack..
Blood streams down the neck and back..
Faceless minions closing in..
I behead them one by one..
Bodies fall limp and bleed profusely..
Echoes of malicious commands crescendo in my mind..
The frequencies reach unbearable volumes..
The voice distorts and multiplies..
The voice beckons to kill..
Psychotic impulses drive me further..
The bodies jolt as I strike them repeatedly..
Hacking off limbs to immobilize the threat..
Spewing blood from the stumps..
Blood gushes, sprays and spatters onto the surrounding areas..
Under hypnotic schizoid psychosis..
I follow commands which repeat for hours..
Continue to chop at the segmented bodies..
While I ramble monotone neologisms..
When reality comes into focus..
my children and wife lay on the floor..
Dislimbed, decapitated and hacked to a pulp..
I'm left with only meat and gore..

02. Disinterment

Gorge on death, rotten flesh
Liquefied, eat that which has died
Unearth the bounty of jellified human carnage
Pillage the treasure chest, of mortified produce
Feast on the meat, of the long since deceased
Worm infested cutlets, tenderized by decay
Cemetery cropfields, constantly replenished
Saturated the earth, with dead human effluents
The time has come, to reap the harvest
Exhume the casket, snatch up the carcass
Decrepit mangled bodies
Devastated by putrefaction
The hands of time aid our cuisine
By means of pre-digestion
Plunge into this before you
Submerge yourself in human slosh
Slurp down giblets, siphon spinal fluids
Gnashing teeth tear through tendons
Splinter bones to suck out marrow
Waste nothing, feast again tomorrow

03. Cast Into The Pit

Beneath the septic system of the metropolis..
Hides a lair of torture and killing..
An assembly of intertwining tunnels and passages..
The underground labyrinth leads into a pit..
Chloroform on a rag, I drag victims into the feeding ground..
Awakened by the bestial gutturals of starved boars..
The gates are drawn and the beasts are released into the labyrinth..
Adrenaline pumps as I watch the boars hunt down the prey..
Eaten alive by the pack, ripped apart and devoured in minutes..
Cranial bone crunches as they gnaw on the skull..
The sounds of the teeth scraping on bone gets me high..
Feasting on cranial seepage..
Gelatin textured brain matter leaks from the cranium..
Human scraps are all that remain..
Plummeting into the depths of the cesspool..
They descent into the abyss..
The spikes below split humans in two..
Fumes from decaying flesh induce vomiting on impact..
Tortured souls emit blood churning shrieks from the depths..
Skeletal remains impaled on stakes aging back for decades,
And sustain for decades to come..

04. Human Abattoir

Human livestock hauled in by the hundreds
And herded into holding pens..
Prepared for pre-slaughter inspection
Then let the slaughtering begin..
Bolt through the brain, hung by the legs
Slit the throat, let the blood drain..
Conveyor commencing infinite killings..
Vat of human slush overflowing with plasma..
Humans transferred from bleeding shackles to hooks..
Identified by numbers, side by side..
Cadavers transferred to the cutting-line..
Stainless steel, the skin is peeled..
Remove the head, thousands killed..
Harvest the organs, cavity inspected for parasites..
Split the carcass and continue down the F-line..
Body parts are separated and meat cuts preserved..
Meat products packaged and distributed
On the underground human meat market..

05. Flesh Consumed

i lay the cadaver on the chopping block..
placed on the cutting table inside up..
i've bled and beheaded this hollowed carcass..
band-saw splitting the body down the center..
spinal column saw dust fills the air..
human carcass is quartered into four primal cuts..
shoulder, rib, loin and limbs..
sliced and diced, marinated and minced..
cutting against the grain of the meat..
the excess fat is removed..
connective tissue lining is peeled..
thickly fleshed meat is sawn into steaks..
shoulder, rolled and tied into roast..
juicy breast meat, savored with flavor..
intramuscular marbling runs throughout tenderloin..
extremities are reduced as the muscle is sliced thin..
cleaver in hand, i dice into cubes..
neck processed into human ground round..
meat grinder oozing, human muscle sold by the pound..

06. Lynched With Entrails

Surgically slicing, disembowelment begun
Sorting through umbilical cord and intestine
I gargle amniotic fluid
Force feed the living fetus to the mother
Legs snapped off and jammed down her throat
Eating the skin so moist and tender
Sifting through innards
Strangled, mangled and hung from entrails
Living fetus dissected like swine
Secreting intestines suspending the corpse
I carve at her face, slicing the gums and muscles
She stares in horror as I rip and feed
I dig deep in the gut and yank on the intestine
Intestinal noose, lynching the victim
Left to hang for weeks and weeks
Decomposition taking its toll
Clusters of maggots spreading
Bacteria through the bowels
Rate of decay increasing exponentially
The bloated body collapses
Into a stagnate putrid mass

07. Sadistic Incineration

Human flesh at my disposal, sacrificed for my amusement
Deranged obsession with fire, my victims I will immolate
Their languished bodies hooked and dragged to the pyres
I receive much delight torching my captives
Smothering them in homemade napalm
I set them ablaze, shackled to stakes, I laugh as they writhe
While molten skin slides off their bodies
My paradise of blackened death
Corpses burnt to a crisp as far as the eye can see
Yet so much work still lies before me
My blood begins to boil with envious hysteria
Absolution of my being, I commit self immolation
Conflagration of my soul
My sick addiction to be consumed by fire
I too must writhe, melt to my core
Claw out my insides, reduce to ash
Charring me outside in, organs swell and burst
Flesh crusts, bubbles and distorts
Intense heat cooks me to the bone
Skull exposed, my brain liquefied
Drains out my eye sockets
Impossible to describe the pleasure and pain
Embracing my living cremation
I wither and implode
This firestorm my funeral ceremony
To mark my passing to the eternal flame

08. Locked In The Crosshairs

Cross hairs locked onto the target..
Bolt-action sniper rifle picks off the victim at 900 meters..
They scatter, I splatter humans onto the concrete..
Like a spreading disease the parasites disgust me..
I must exterminate the Human Race!
Random Civilians drop in a hail of gunfire..
Men, women, and children are all potential targets..
Ecstasy increases with every fatality..
High velocity projectiles fire from my PS90..
Ten 30-round magazines are gone in minutes..
Humans littered throughout the street like the empty shells..
I switch over to the Remington Super Magnum..
Lined up, execution style killings..
Brain matter splattered, cranial discharge leaks from cadavers..
I then stroll through the sea of bodies with a 12 gauge in hand..
I detect an innocent humanoid playing dead..
I stick the barrel to the back of her head..
She pleads and begs yet I remain emotionless..
I cock the gauge and pull the trigger then repeat..
The crimson carnage of the mass homicide makes me feel complete..

09. Harvesting Humans

Nuclear warheads detonate overhead..
Salted hydrogen bombs designed to destroy..
Mutually assured destruction..
Bodies incinerate in the initial blast..
Building structures collapse into rubble..
Firestorms burn through cities and forests emitting
vast amounts of smoke, soot, and dust into the troposphere..
Driven by whirlwinds to form a black particle cloud belt
encircling the Northern Hemisphere..
The clouds block out the Sun's light causing
surface temperatures to plunge to subfreezing levels..
High doses of radiation kill off the Earth's vegetation and animal life..
Hazardous radioactive fallout in every continent..
Toxic radiation lingers for years..
The surviving humans retreat into underground
fallout shelters beneath the ruins..
Soon all food rations are depleted..
The starvation triggers chaos and killing..
The weak, killed off and eaten raw..
Children and elders ripped limb by limb..
Until they devise a systematic way to feed..
Women are isolated and impregnated ..
Raising the infants like cattle..
Their kept in cages made of human bones..
Harvesting humans, slaughtered by hand..
Skins are stretched, dried and used as clothing..
Organs and meat dispersed amongst the tribe..
Everything mankind has built up to has been
Reduced to a barbaric, cannibalistic society..