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25.07.2009 - 18:08
Dark Phoenix
As I found Snakeskin has inactive profile on MS I guessed there must be some people besides me liking this project and the music.

For those unfamiliar with Snakeskin: it's a project of Lacrimosa's frontman and mastermind Tilo Wolff. but it goes in a totally different direction than Lacrimosa's orchestral gothic style. With Snakeskin he's creating electronic music, that sometimes flirt with pure dance electronica, but moreover has a very industrial sound, features infuences from electro-goth culture and each and every song has this amazing atmosphere.

I discovered them of course by being Tilo's fan for years. His own words about Snakesekin were: ''

The center and the main idea of LACRIMOSA is, that every composition is based on a poetry. This concept was exactly the right thing at that time and still is the right thing to this day! And so that nothing will change this in future, I had to create a new frame for compositions which aren't the result of the inspiration matured from the word but tell a story on their own. So SNAKESKIN was born. The second skin. This second skin represents another surface now, just like SNAKESKIN's musical surface - the arrangement and production - is different from LACRIMOSA's. But underneath this skin, there is the same heart beating.

Snakeskin currently released two full lenght albums:
2004's Music For The Lost

and 2006's Cantatronic

besides the EP's Melissa and I Am The Dark, both songs from Music For The Lost.

So I'm interested in your thought's about this project, if anyone knows it, likes it, hates it, your thoughts on electronic music in general perhaps....?

The song that really impressed me at first was Melissa from Music For The Lost, this song is just one of my favourites in electronic music (and to be honest with you, I'm not very good at knowing the electronic/EBM scene,.... ), because of the present hauting atmosphere Tilo cereates with his deep, suffocating vocals. So I took the liberty of listening to the whole album and I gotta say I was impressed especially by the ambient it holds.

On Cantatronic I fell in love with the opening track Etterna immediately, because after all this time I am still a sucker for a good opera vocal and it was interested for me to hear opera vox mixed with electronical beats. And I was again impressed, who could have done it better than Tilo.

Gotta say I can't pass any of Wolff's works, he is in general one of my favourite composers and lyrics writer and it's great to see people outside their primary genre, creating something new and inspiring and, well, at least for my taste, good to listen.

And please, I would really appreciate if all you 100% pure metalheads who don't like electronic vibes would hold comments such as ''buhu, electronic music sux'' for yourselves. Thank you!
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
12.03.2010 - 23:24
Snakeskin^^ second Tilo's child i call it mmmmyeah well, i like Snakeskin very very much. i don't really remember but i think my first song i heard was euuummm... Bite me. and i was impressed and amazed at least half as much as i was with Lacrimosa^^ first i couldn't believe it's Tilo's creation because well, Lacrimosa is something completely different, but that doesn't make Snakeskin bad while comparing those two^^ it's just another proof what a real maestro Tilo is^^ everything he touches turns into gold, to say it with another words^^
"... i whisper i miss you
but all i hear
are fading echoes of my dream ..."