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Staff picks

Non-BM Taranis
Remember Taranis? Then you should remember the name Attila Bakos (presented in Hungary's traditional name orientation for this release). If you read any interviews with him post Kingdom's release, then you know he promised to make more music, but in a much less extreme format than Taranis.

This is that release. Imagine an entire album in the style of the melodic/non-extreme moments of Kingdom, with lyrics in Hungarian, and you get Aranyhajnal. And the artwork is, of course, just as epic as Kingdom's since it's the same artist.

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Dream Taster, BloodTears
Up and coming -core band from my hometown, Houston, TX. Check 'em out. My favorite track is "Foundations".

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)
Extreme sci-fi prog death awesomeness!!!
If I really have to tell you why I'm Staff Picking this album, then you just... you're just... fuck, you people have no excuse for not checking this project out after I've been peddling it for 3+ years. All his albums (save for the new one cuz it's not released yet) are on Bandcamp for Name Your Price. Get on it.

YouTube full album stream
Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Dream Taster, ScreamingSteelUS
Melodic Death/Metalcore
The sound we all knew Tommy's vocals were much more suited for than Divine Heresy's.

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)
Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)
First-era CoB
They're not quite as neoclassical as Children Of Bodom was, but slightly more dynamic. Certainly a good fix for the old-school CoB fanboys/girls looking for a worthy successor to that sound/style.

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), BloodTears, wrathchild, ScreamingSteelUS
Apparently there's a new "thing" out there now - 'Doomcore'

Deathcore played slower, or down-tempo. Name's actually kinda catchy, and it's certainly less to say than "downtempo deathcore" (if it catches on anyway).

Chugga chugga, mothafuggas!
Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), ScreamingSteelUS, X-Ray Rod
'Oriental black death metal' from Egypt
Read style above. If like, check out.

YouTube video for single, Dungeon Keys
Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)
'Cosmic atmospheric bm'
Read style above. If like, check out.

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Auntie Sahar, ScreamingSteelUS, Fat & Sassy!, wormdrink414
Modern melodic Metal
Grooves, hooks, riffs and lots of melodies!

Features Travis Neal (Divine Heresy) and Shaun Glass (ex-Broken Hope, ex-SOiL)

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)
US Power
Def PM AOTY material right here

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), X-Ray Rod
Blackened deathcore
Some pretty bitchin' deathcore. Imagine good deathcore, kinda down-tempo, with some old school bm-style production.

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), X-Ray Rod, Deadsoulman, Ag Fox
Local heroes from my neck of the woods that know how to rock!

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)
Symphonic blackened technical deathcore
^Yes, it's really that much of a mouthful. Lol!

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), X-Ray Rod
Progressive metal
Progressive metal that has some extreme elements in it, but not so much of it to really justify calling them "Extreme progressive metal".

This is definitely rivaling Lascaille's Shroud for my prog AOTY right now.

Features drummer Dobber Beverly (ex-Insect Warfare, Ingurgitate), and some other current members of Ingurgitate.

Staff pick by: psykometal
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x)