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GBR, Derby - The Victoria Inn

Location info

Type: Club
Location: United Kingdom, Derby
12 Midland Place

Contacts: Tel: 01332 74 00 91



When asked by the landlord of this very establishment you are reading about to write a few words to describe the venue and sum up my experiences within
the place , I found the request most daunting . Why? Well , this is mainly due to the fact that for 99% of the time I have been to the 'Victoria Inn', I have ended up in a state that can only be described as 'Pissed as a newt!' A newt who's day job is a wine taster , with the emphasis on 'taste'! The missing 1% was the time I turned up one New Years Eve to find the place closed.

For me , a visit to the 'Vic' as it is affectionately known is a Jekyl & Hyde sort of affair. The 'Jekyl' side of me walks in a sober , clean & tidy individual , I then 'Hyde' when it is deemed my round !

As a music venue the place sucks big cock! Unless you are a long serving regular , and you know which vantage points to take when the gig area is full of bodies. How I love to see male 'Vic Virgins' negotiate their way, with full pint in hand , through the throng of flesh that creates the mosh pit in front of the stage , to get to the Gents toilets. ( These are situated at back of the stage) If that punter has a quarter of his pint left by the time he's got through to the bogs , then he's done a good job, which is more than you can do in the Gents! ( A good job(bie) )

The urinals are fine , but the cubicle floor has always had this obligatory cover of one inch of water / beer / piss on it for all the years I've been going , making a number two , a wet experience. Toilet paper . Ha forget it . You want toilet paper you go to Public House Gay Boy ! You use a broken jagged edged plastic pint pot like the rest of us ! I trust this answers a frequently asked question as to "Why you ain't got no carpet in the gig room?" Yes , some people should get a fucking life!

Many great bands have played during my years as a punter / free loading blagging bastard ( Your choice ) . There's been many bands that 'grate' as well. To me , the bar staff have always been very chatty. I've never worked out if this is coz they have always been really friendly or coz they want to distract you and rip you off with your change !! ( Joke !! )

The regulars are strange as they are polite. This brings me to the landlord. My first meeting with the proprietor , ( Long word but stick with me ) , Mr Andrew Sewell , I made one simple request . " Hello mate , I'm from Leicester and I've run out of money . Any chance you could give me a slate ?" The response was enough to make the current poet laureate blush. "Fuck off you Leicester wanker!" From that moment on I fell in love with the place , 5 years on from setting foot in the place and that's still the kind of slate(ing) I have become accustomed to !

The Vic has more characters than Walt Disney. From the bouncers to the gig soundman , to that odd bloke who sits in the corner on a stool with a rucksack , who never speaks to anyone and only drinks half a bitter . Who is that man ?

So , if you have just stumbled across our web-site then get your arse down to a gig one night , and stumble around with the rest of the drunkards. Every hour is happy hour , Christ! I'd sell my own Gran for a free pint ....

The Queen Vic ( Eastenders ) - Shove it up yer arse ! You won't hear the phrases "They're family!" or "Let's have a nice cuppa tea" in this place. There's only one 'Vic' - And it's the best alternative music venue in the country , don't take my word , come and see for yourself.

I'll finish with my fave story of recent time. Local band ' The Serg' were to play a gig. This band contain players & relations of Derby County Football Club. On the guest list was the teams star midfielder (?) , Georgi Kincladzie ( Nickname Kinky ). The bouncers bless them , both hate football. Mr Kincladzie approached the two burly figures on the door and said " High , I'm kinky can I come in?" I'll leave the rest to your imagination !!

See you at the bar , drink 'til you drop !

Past gigs

31.01.2009 Esoteric (2)



Hits total: 2146 | This month: 5