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Most popular publications

This is the list of Metal Storm most popular publications. The numbers on the right indicate the number of hits during the current month | total. The counter has been launched on Nov. 15 2007.

Reviews: June | Total Events: June | Total
Interviews: June | Total Articles: June | Total
Funny stuff: June | Total News: June | Total
Albums: June | Total Comics: June | Total
ALL: June | Total

This month in Comics

Comics Nick Nack Paddy Wack 36 | 6727
Comics Epic 32 | 5708
Comics With Satan and Victorious Weapons 22 | 6589
Comics Something to Cry About 21 | 11183
Comics Gulinary Abortions 21 | 5505
Comics The Obligatory Matrix Reference 18 | 4427
Comics Shallow Water Crowd Surfing 16 | 7361
Comics As the CD Spins 16 | 8448
Comics Still too Young to Fall in Love 16 | 8652
Comics That's all, folks 16 | 358
Comics Dying Fetus 15 | 6462
Comics At a Loss For Words 15 | 8972
Comics Cred to the World 15 | 8232
Comics PSA: Peace Through Superior Firepower 14 | 4411
Comics Acid Bloody Gore 14 | 6909
Comics Love Bloody Gore 13 | 6207
Comics Great Old One 13 | 4800
Comics Little Brother 13 | 5792
Comics Incipit Jesus 13 | 8140
Comics Shot in the Dark 13 | 7465
Comics Cold Rum 13 | 8295
Comics Reversed Psychology 13 | 6672
Comics Spiritual Healing with Fries 13 | 8782
Comics March of the UnDead 13 | 7784
Comics Here's No Peace 13 | 3565
Comics Hit It While It's Hot 13 | 7711
Comics The Corporate Machine 13 | 6262
Comics The pilot 12 | 10201
Comics Jungle Love 12 | 5298
Comics Raiders of the Lost Tart 11 | 4677
Comics The Silence of the Dead Girl 11 | 4435
Comics Epilogue 11 | 6044
Comics Youthanasia 11 | 8564
Comics Kristus, ein Windir 11 | 9478
Comics New Metal 11 | 10685
Comics Swing Thor, Swing! 11 | 4817
Comics Bad Religion 11 | 5783
Comics Yunzui! 11 | 4168
Comics Happy (belated) Halloween 11 | 7516
Comics What's Eating Gilbert Grape? 11 | 4052
Comics The Merry Reaper 10 | 4652
Comics (Head?)Banging 10 | 7890
Comics Monsters Incarcerated 10 | 4405
Comics Moshing Wounds 10 | 8396
Comics Johnny Got His Stabbing Weapon 10 | 5451
Comics Suicide is Simple! 10 | 7962
Comics Divine Intervention 10 | 4991
Comics Gore-to-Gore Sale 10 | 7059
Comics Moshing Wounds 3: Hardcore-Dance Commander 10 | 8501
Comics Polo! 10 | 5487