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Band - Album Year Rating
Yob - The Great Cessation
Doom, Stoner
2009 7.8
Process Of Guilt - Portraits Of Regret
2002 8
Process Of Guilt - Fæmin
Doom, Atmospheric sludge
2012 7.8
The Fall Of Every Season - From Below
Atmospheric doom
2007 8.3
The Fall Of Every Season - Amends
Atmospheric doom
2013 8
Arcana Coelestia - Le Mirage De L'Idéal
Funeral doom, Atmospheric black
2009 8.1
Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
2013 8.2
Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder
Doom, Sludge, Stoner
2009 7.9
Avrigus - Beauty And Pain
Gothic doom, Neoclassical darkwave
2010 8
Doomraiser - Lords Of Mercy
2006 7.8
The Howling Void - Shadows Over The Cosmos
Symphonic doom
2010 8.1
Frailty - Frailty
Death doom
2009 7.7
Autumnia - By The Candles Obsequial
Melodic death, Funeral doom
2006 8
Autumnia - O'Funeralia
Melodic death, Funeral doom
2009 8.5
Tristitia - The Last Grief
Blackened doom
2000 6.6
Dark Castle - Flight Of Pegasus
Doom, Sludge
2007 7
Ophis - Withered Shades
Death doom
2010 8.2
Love Lies Bleeding - S.I.N.
Atmospheric black, Doom
Love Lies Bleeding - Ex Nihilo
Atmospheric black, Doom
2002 7
Love Lies Bleeding - Ellipse
Atmospheric black, Doom
Raventale - Mortal Aspirations
Atmospheric black, Doom
2009 8.1
A Dream Of Poe - Sorrow For The Lost Lenore
Doom, Gothic
2009 7.3
MurkRat - Drudging The Mire
Doom, Gothic
2011 8
Svart - Det Personliga Helvetets Spiral
Depressive black, Funeral doom
2013 7.6
1000 Funerals - Portrait Of A Dream
Funeral doom
2005 8.4
Gods Tower - The Eerie
Pagan folk, Doom
Descend Into Despair - Synaptic Veil
Funeral doom
2017 7.3
The Morningside - Yellow
2016 8.2
Omit - Repose
Doom, Symphonic
2011 8
Pallbearer - Sorrow And Extinction
2012 8.3