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2003-  Paul "Cutlass" Lapkowski - guitar, vocals
2003-  Andrew Lapkowski - drums
2003-  Nikita "Nicotine" Rusakevich - bass
2005-  Mike "Carno" Dubovik - vocals

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Ever since I first heard Stickoxydal I knew they were something special, something quite original and something that will possibly reform the Goregrind scene (seriously). Their music, as brutal and sickening as it is, shows that Grindcore has a chance...
Review by Herzebeth ››
We have here one of the most entertaining bands I've ever heard in Goregrind history; I usually get overwhelmed by technical features and prodigious execution right?, not this time dear readers, Stickoxydal didn't shock me for being intricate...
Review by Herzebeth ››


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