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Deadsoul Tribe

71 fans
Also known as Dead Soul Tribe

Country: Austria
Links: MySpace

Formed in: 2000
Disbanded in: 2010

2000-2010Progressive metal


2000-2010  Buddy Lackey - vocals, guitars, keyboards, flute
2000-2010  Roland Ivenz - bass
2000-2010  Adel Moustafa - drums
2002-2010  Roland "Rollz" Kerschbaumer - rhythm guitars
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2000-2002  Volker Wilschko - rhythm guitars
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Devon Graves is back again with his progressive metal outfit Deadsoul Tribe. The former vocalist of Psychotic Waltz, back then going under the name of Buddy Lackey, brings out the third album, "The January Tree", and proving that with time he...
Review by Ivor ››
As soon I received this album I was completely amazed by the beautiful cover art, is just amazing! Very somber and dark, a dead crow with the wings facing up, dripping blood... This is, without doubt, my favorite cover art of the year 2003. And things...
Review by Undercraft ››

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