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Psychofagist - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (3)
EP (3)
Single (1)
Demo (1)
VA (1)
Split (4)

Showing 3 releases of 13 [ show all ]

01. Non.Rational.Algebra
02. High Minded Martyrs
03. Io Ti Dono La Pace
04. Emo - Clasis
05. La Ballata Della Repulsione
06. Come Cieco
07. Unstable?
08. Tema: Delirio
09. 21st Century Schizoid God
10. Traces Of Ephemeral Steadiness
11. Al Tramonto Dell'Io
12. Strage

01. Uomo O Merda
02. Tema: Collasso
03. Untitled (Black On Grey 69/70)
04. Nouvelle De Spasticitè & Èpilepsie
05. Defragmentation Rotunda
06. Il Secondo Tragico
07. Corpuscles
08. Pithecanthropus Sapiens Sapiens
09. Biodegradazioni
10. Free-Non-Jazz Powerviolence Sonata

01. Blankness Reigns Supreme
02. Movement
03. Mechanoabsurdity
04. Neuronopatia Sensitiva Subacuta
05. Digression Into Distortion}
06. Inhuman 3.0
07. 22nd Century Misshapen Man
08. Song Of Faint
09. An Autism Aenigma
10. Unique.ElectroniX.Forms
11. Uninitiation