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Tantal - Discography

Studio (4)
EP (5)
Single (7)
Demo (1)

Showing 4 releases of 17 [ show all ]

01. Beginning Of The End
02. Controlled By Hate
03. Lifeless Existence
04. When Clarity Comes...
05. Suicide
06. In The End Pt.1 (Agony)
07. In The End Pt.1 (Epitaph)
08. Farewell

01. Through The Years
02. Expectancy Pt.1 (Desert In My Soul)
03. Echoes Of Failures
04. In Times Of Solitude
05. Nothing (Selfish Acts)
06. Pain That We All Must Go Through
07. Expectancy Pt.2 (Despair)
08. Under The Weight Of My Sorrow I Crawl
09. In The End Pt 2 [acoustic version] [bonus]
10. В Моих Глазах (In My Eyes) [bonus]

01. Constant Failure
02. Denial
03. Torn Inside
04. Drained
05. Torpid
06. A Hopeful Lie
07. Low
08. Ruin
09. Tears Of Yesterday
10. The Awakening

01. Эхо Тишины
02. Танцуй В Темноте
03. Карусель
04. Дай Мне Уйти
05. Времени Ход
06. На Перекрёстке Судеб
07. Однажды
08. В Сетях Отчаяния
09. Нет Любви
10. Лети
11. Сны
12. Заживо
13. Мечты
14. Post Scriptum