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Agathocles - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (14)
EP (52)
Live (24)
DVD (2)
Compilation (41)
Demo (4)
VA (14)
Split (406)

Showing 14 releases of 557 [ show all ]

01. Burning Water (intro) / Lack of Personality
02. Four Walls
03. Theatric Symbolisation of Life
04. Like an Ivy (Poem) / Suffocation
05. Kill Your Idols
06. The Truth Begins Where Man Stops to Think
07. Train (Poem) / The Tree
08. What a Nerve
09. Alternative: Another Trend
10. Mutilated Regurgitator
11. The Accident
12. Threshold to Senility
13. Forced Pollutions
14. Consuming Endoderme Pus
15. Playing With Lives
16. Splattered Brains
17. Well of Happiness
18. Judged by Appearance
19. Solitary Minded
20. Trust? Not Me
21. Lay Off Me
22. Threshold to Senility
23. Mutilated Regurgitator
24. Gorgonised Dorks
25. Lay Off Me
26. Consuming Endoderme Pus
27. Let It Be for What It Is
28. Theatric Symbolisation of Life
29. The Tree

8 | 5 votes |
01. Bastard Breed (Intro) / Scorn Of Humanity
02. Sentimental Hypocrisy
03. Megalomanic Stupidity
04. Hangman's Dance
05. Black Clouds Determinate
06. Ubermensch Hilarity
07. Triple Murder Flesh
08. Europe's Fairy Tale
09. Musicianship - Musicianshit
10. Confront Your Image
11. Mister Hardcore Syndrome
12. For White Lies
13. Technological Boom - Technological Doom
14. Destroy To Create
15. Bigheaded Bastard
16. Hate Birth
17. Until It Bleeds [2013 reissue]
18. Sieg Shit [live]
19. Well Of Happiness [live]
20. Birds (Poem) / Agarchy [live]
21. Theatric Symbolisation Of Life [live]
22. Bigheaded Bastard [live]
23. Lack Of Personality [live]
24. Squeeze Anton [live]
25. What Mankind Creates [live]
26. Distrust And Abuse [live]
27. Teachers [live]
28. Hideous Headchopping [live]
29. Mutilated Regurgitator [live]
30. Get Off Your Ass [live]
31. Hate Birth [live]

8.3 | 7 votes |
01. A Start at Least
02. Clean the Scene
03. A for Arrogance
04. Thy Kingdom Won't Come
05. Media Creations
06. All Gone
07. Swallow or Choke
08. Razor Sharp Daggers
09. Enough
10. Throwing Away Crap
11. Cracking Up Solidarity
12. Lunatic
13. Didn't Ask
14. Twisting History
15. Deserves to Die
16. Age of the Mutants
17. Zero - Ego
18. Gear-Wheels
19. Dear Friends
20. Hormon Mob
21. Hash-Head, Farmers' Death
22. Dare to Be Aware
23. Kiss an Ass
24. All Love Dead
25. Fear Not
26. Sieg Shit
27. Hatronomous
28. Hideous Headchopping
29. Bigheaded Bastards
30. Get Off Your Ass
31. Distrust and Abuse
32. Hippie Cult
33. Provoked Behaviour
34. Black Ones (Poem) / Systemophobic
35. Anthropodislogical
36. Labelisation
37. What Mankind Creates
38. No!
39. Rejected Adaptation
40. An Abstract
41. Faded Novelty
42. Senseless Trip
43. Here and Now
44. Is It Really Mine?

8 | 7 votes |
01. Criminalisation Of A Strange Behaviour
02. Life Control
03. Until It Bleeds
04. End of the Line
05. Doctors Wished Me
06. Knock Back
07. Thanks For Your Hostility
08. Hatred Is The Cure
09. Be Your Own God
10. Distraction
11. Remember
12. Cheers Mankind Cheers
13. Strangulation
14. Foul
15. No Use... Hatred
16. My Reason
17. No One's Right
18. Sheer Neglect
19. Is There A Place?
20. Go Fucking Nihilist
21. Progress Or Stupidity?
22. Try!
23. He Cared
24. Mankind's Not Kind
25. Reduced To An Object
26. Ego-Generosity
27. ...

7.2 | 5 votes |
01. Humarrogance
02. Because
03. Model Citizen
04. Let's Feel Alright
05. As Years Pass By
06. It Bothers Me
07. One-Day-Fly
08. White Horse
09. Ain't I?
10. Beam Me Up, Scotty
11. Ice Brick
12. Culture of Degradation
13. Closed Down
14. Alright, Let's Feel
15. Kneel and Pay
16. Failure?
17. I Can't Stand
18. Smelling the Odours of Death
19. The Bastards Have Landed
20. Mince-Core

01. Bomb The Bastard
02. Judged Too Soon
03. Wage-War
04. To Serve... To Protect
05. Hand In Hand
06. Scared
07. Homes Not Domes
08. Full Of Hatred
09. Who Cares
10. Euro-Nomous
11. One-Sided-Views
12. Wrong Way
13. I Thought
14. Living In Hell
15. Cool Fools
16. Tele-Conning

8.2 | 5 votes |
01. Intro / Cash Will Do the Job
02. Raw War
03. You Bet
04. Autonomy Melts
05. Bait of the State
06. Take a Piss
07. Bureaucracy Versus Efficiency
08. One-Way-Dead-End-Street
09. The Aim Is the Same
10. Saturday-Night Swindle
11. Directed by the U.S.
12. Zero-Tolerance
13. Hand in Hand
14. Smash to Nothingness
15. Superiority Overdose
16. Proud to Be Out
17. Chop Off Their Genitals
18. At Random
19. Autumness
20. Save Your Soul
21. No Sign of Unity
22. Made of Babies
23. Pale
24. Useless Judgement
25. Alexandra's End / Outro

8.3 | 6 votes |
01. Dethrone the Tyrant
02. Matadores del Libertad
03. Maze of Papers
04. Empty Frame
05. War Fetisjists Kill
06. Carved Face Fashion
07. Forced to Masturbate
08. Ergos - Thanatos
09. Archives and Files
10. Yuppie Career Freak
11. Diary of White Trash
12. Bass the Gabbers
13. Kurose
14. Expendable Goods
15. Class War Necessity
16. Logical Exodus
17. Misery = Destiny
18. Pricks at Gigs
19. Goredom - Boredom
20. Where It Belongs
21. Mincer

8.2 | 5 votes |
01. Grind Is Protest
02. Only Friction
03. Bon Apetit
04. Legions Of Consumption
05. Pathetic
06. Bang Bang
07. Worthless
08. Open The Gates
09. Paula
10. Big Flat Cages
11. Run Whitey Run
12. Ministries Of Arms
13. Contradiction
14. Desk Armada
15. Liberal Cancer
16. Ring Tone Rip Off
17. Porcelain A
18. Hype And Go
19. Bad Ass Farmer
20. Electrifarce
21. Axe The Tax
22. Voor War Het Baat
23. Religious Fucking Dope
24. Hear More
25. VMO
26. Bank(Rupt) Cards
27. Today's Solution
28. Infoverdose
29. Knights Of The Cash
30. Too Fast
31. Tension
32. Horns Up - Fuck Off
33. Not A Bit
34. Monitored And Controlled
35. Abolition
36. Chronic Death
37. Necessity
38. Solution Or Prob
39. Arbeit Macht Krank
40. Arrows Of Death

8 | 1 vote |
01. My Eve Of Destruction
02. Blue Blood Dummies
03. Another Grey Brick
04. Obey Their Rules
05. Copyleft
06. Law And Order
07. A Broken Mess
08. Fed Up & Angry
09. Share Welfare
10. Aside
11. Shooting Metal Up The Sky

01. Black Tea
02. Houses Of Fraud
03. Straight Lane
04. Bits And Chips
05. Reduce The Pain, Refuse The Gain
06. People's Property
07. Gaszilla
08. Soap And Joke
09. Hyvää Paivää
10. Financial Cris-Ass
11. Motherfucker (Swing That Axe)
12. Go With A Blow
13. Monkey Business
14. Troops Of Rhumania
15. Cut Off
16. God Save The Real Green Crocodile
17. Fangs Feasting On Funds
18. Cleptocracy
19. De Kiezer Heeft Nooit Gelijk
20. Aside
21. Ulkopuolinen
22. Stuck@Dumb.Com
23. More Patches Than Brains
24. Gallows Eve
25. After The Battle
26. Will Gone, Lobotomy Done
27. Manipulotiek

7 | 5 votes |
01. Will Gone - Lobotomy Done
02. Electrifarce
03. Grind Is Protest
04. Not A Bit
05. Big Flat Cages
06. Only Friction
07. Who Cares?
08. Tension
09. Carved Face Fashion
10. Bang Bang
11. Hear More
12. Until It Bleeds
13. Soap And Joke
14. Lay Off Me
15. Splattered Brains
16. Peoples Property
17. A Start At Least
18. Open The Gates
19. Black Tea
20. Christianity Means Tyranny
21. Porcelain A
22. Chronic Death
23. Razor Sharp Daggers
24. Mutilated Regurgitator
25. Financial Cris-Ass
26. Motherfucker (Swing That Axe)
27. Too Fast
28. Gallows Eve
29. Ulkopuolinen
30. Go Fucking Nihilist
31. Go With A Blow
32. A For Arrogance
33. Necessity
34. Arbeit Macht Krank
35. OSL
36. Straight Lane

8 | 3 votes |
01. Bathing In Hate
02. Noise Abatement Crusaders
03. Snobhunt
04. Bad Space Cake
05. Opportunist Swines
06. Lights Off
07. I Piss As Defense
08. No More Faith
09. Freeze, My Dear
10. Dark Marks
11. Black Evil Rays
12. From Market Place To More Space
13. Anarchist Spectrum Disorder
14. King Of The Scene
15. Thanks Man!
16. Orgulho Americano
17. Why Do They Gaggle
18. Demons In My Head
19. (Sh)out
20. Wasted Words
21. Interrupted
22. Flag Up Your Arse
23. A Late Abortion
24. Different Direction
25. Opgefokt
26. The Only Honesty
27. Dadaesque Orange Attack
28. Hypotrips
29. Commence To Mince
30. Excellent Toilet Paper
31. Winner
32. Nazional Sozalist Security
33. In The City Of Opportunists
34. Kill Thrill
35. Chinese End

01. Big One
02. The Fog
03. Teachers
04. The Accident
05. Mutilated Regurgitator
06. Consuming Endoderme Pus
07. Splattered Brains
08. Christianity Means Tyranny
09. Squeeze Anton
10. Introtyl
11. Wiped From The Surface
12. Debalance Their Policy
13. Another Need To Be Fed
14. Screenfreak
15. Bring Down Their Throne
16. Pigs In Blue
17. I Just Won't Fit
18. Threshold To Senility