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Chur - Revival lyrics


01. Three Ways

Beyond the high mountains and wide seas
The White Oak stands.
There is, so high, in the blue sky,
The Falcon's nest.

He's sitting and waiting, not sleeping
For two thousand years.
He's looking for his little children
When they will appear

Beyond the green valleys and dark woods
The Great Stone lies
It lies at the crossroads
Of four sides

The first one for coming and others
For choosing to go
So where will be Mara and
Where will be Fathers and Gods?

Short, hard and thorny the
Way of the Warriors.
Narrow and rocky the
Way of the Saints.
But so broad and so easy the
Way to Oblivion
For those who rejected
The Ways of the Gods

02. Oldman

One day I met an old man
With curly hair and a big mouth
He said: "The world is mine
So, you have to bow!

Die, as you seek the Truth
Or live, but make a vow
And now you have to choose
Die or serve me now!"

My mother is Earth
My shrine is the Forest
God is the Sun - high in the sky
Freedom's for the strong
Slaves can't enter Vyriy
And I am not afraid to die

He said: "You're unprotected
Your ancient Gods are dead.
Play by my rules, enjoy
Everything you get!

Hark! Lad is not a warrior,
Fair isn't a mother anymore!
They live to eat and drink
Nothing left to die for!"

My mother is Earth
My shrine is the Forest
God is the Sun - high in the sky
Freedom's for the strong
Slaves can't enter Vyriy
And I am not afraid to die

I said to him: "Stop talking,
I recognized you, Black God!
Go test the people walking
this way who's unworthy!

I know you for a long time
You're Keeper of the Truth
I bless you to protect the
Knowledge from the fools!"

My mother is Earth
My shrine is the Forest
God is the Sun - high in the sky
Freedom's for the strong
Slaves can't enter Vyriy
And I am not afraid to die

03. Fight With Me!

In the field, oh, in the valley
The white horse is stomping
King is ruining the nest of snakes
Smoking and burning

They will taste no more
The blood of our children
They won't sell anywhere
Our daughters and wives

From the Black Sea to Northern
It's heard up to the stars

Fight with me!
They can't hide from our sacred anger!
Fight with me!
Our blood is on their golden coins!
Fight with me!
Flaming Sun against the Scrolls of Darkness!
Fight with me!
Let them pray to their Dead God!

Once a black snake reached the King
And lay on his body
She gave birth to Serpent Prince
Of the alien blood

The Prince took the throne
The truth isn't known

Fight with me!
They can't hide from our sacred anger!
Fight with me!
Our blood is on their golden coins!
Fight with me!
Flaming Sun against the Scrolls of Darkness!
Fight with me!
Let them pray to their Dead God!

On the hill, oh, on the mountain
There the lights are burning high
Sons of King cry for their father,
Sharpen their swords

Mother Earth is crying badly
From the Kin of Snakes.
Good people don't see the light
Spending a life of slaves

Equip me, oh, Mother!
Where's my father's armour?

Fight with me!
They can't hide from our sacred anger!
Fight with me!
Our blood is on their golden coins!
Fight with me!
Flaming Sun against the Scrolls of Darkness!
Fight with me!
Let them pray to their Dead God!

04. Brother Wind

Fly, brother Wind, my unstoppable friend!
Fly, brother Wind, so high over the clouds!
Far the horizon, where Vyriy is shining,
Oh, take my dove and bring it there on your wings!

Wings of white
Are dropping our tears
On grasses of light
The dew is salty

Flow, sister River, so fast and so clean
Into Nava's World, deep under the ground,
Beyond the horizon, where the Black Sun's shining,
Oh, take my raven and show it a right way to fly!

Raven wings
Are dropping our blood
On withered grasses
The dew is so red

I will go out to the field
I'll see the path of the Old
There on the shoulders of Grandma
I will see both of my birds

So mournful eyes I will look into
She won't say a single word
Only the way she will show
Where everyone's waiting for me

Fly, brother Wind, my unstoppable friend!
Fly, brother Wind, so high over the clouds!
Up to the heaven, where the Sun reigns
Smoke of my fire, oh, carry there!

Flow, sister River, so fast and so clean
Under the ground to the darkness of roots
Beyond the horizon, where the Black Sun's shining
Ashes of sadness, oh, carry there on your palms!

05. Mara

Why are you, guelder rose, bended so low?
Why are you, mother, so sad, may I know?
Why is the Sun above me shines by black?
Why I walk barefoot and leave no tracks?

Mara, Eternal Grandmother,
Covered with a black shawl, can you talk to me?
Tell me, oh, The Grey, tell me, oh, The Wise,
How good I was fighting, how fair I lived?

With no hope and no gold
With no sword and no light
For the Truth or Fraud
How well did I fight?
Did I pay my price?
Did I try to the end?
Can I look into the eyes
Of the Gods of my land?

Mara, you know everything
So, say what is stronger - the Truth or the Lie?
The gold in our hands or the light in our hearts?
Should I obey or fight and die?

With no hope and no gold
With no sword and no light
For the Truth or Fraud
How well did I fight?
Did I pay my price?
Did I try to the end?
Can I look into the eyes
Of the Gods of my land?

"Long time ago a glorious warrior fought
Against the snake with one hundred of heads.
When the knight cut off one of them
Another two grew instead.

Why did you give your soul to your enemies?
Why did you sing about them?
Where's your temple? I see only ruins
What's left for your children?"

Mara, let me go back!
To the bright Sun, to our land!
I'll start to build, I'll stop to hate!
From my first day and till the end!

With no hope and no gold
With no sword and no light
For the Truth or Fraud
How well did I fight?
Did I pay my price?
Did I try to the end?
Can I look into the eyes
Of the Gods of my land?