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Paralysis - Arctic Sleep lyrics


01. Intifadah

The intifadah...
Can't be denied...

Scattered all over the world
Persecuted to the farthest corners
Damned to be an eternal minority
Always to be blamed
They lived and suffered for centuries
Scapegoats for every clamity
Subjected to legalised terror
Even facing genocide

Dark clouds of extinction disappeared
Sense of community was growing fast
The rebirth of a nation
Compelling sympathy of the world
Why were they so short of memory
Forgetting what they have just been through
For now they oppress another race
Terrorising everyone who opposes
Relocating them from their lands
From their lands...from their...lands

The intifadah can't be denied
Riots..all around
Riots..all around

Nowhere to run escape this truth
Fighting alla round rebellion of the youth
Intifadah's raised its head word spoken now been said
Many more shall die hear the Intifadah's cry

The intifadah can't be denied
Women and children fighting soldiers
Who are not able to restore the peace
Brute force can't kill the spirit
Opposing parties only blame each other
Progression nowhere in sight
Must we sit back and watch again
Or can we take some action
This is not a simple conflict
But it concerns the whole world
We can no longer feel sorry for them
And swallow their accusations

Prejudice will have to be put aside
This conflict cannot be solved with force
We will have to apply all our influences
And make them see the stupidity of it all...

02. Special Operations Executive

A red alert situation
Normal access to be denied
High class clearence specification
Only reference to be allowed
You have no authorised classification
Theirs was not to reason why
Just numbers in a plan to do or die

Pushed deep into no man's land behind enemy lines
Mislead by a sense of dedication
Abused allegiance betrayed by their own nation

Descending information..received and understood
Messages transmitted..received and understood
Over and out
Blinded by mass deception
Convicted to be a superior race
A new order to rule the world
Inevitably expanding its terror
One after ond had to surrender
All hope seemed to be in vain

Special operations executive
Security precautions denied
Every warning ignored
Special operations executive
Acting with a tunnel vision
Blind to see reality

Disillusioned some regained their freedom
Desperately searching for a way to fight back
Striking when least expected..method of attack
Agents of a new secret service
Trained to be dropped in occupied territory
Preparing the liberation

Time for action finally arrived
Dropped from the air in the middle of the night
Their mission was Doomed had to fail
Welcomed by a hostile enemy party
Captured tortured interrogated
They served as puppets in this game

Confused and decepted
Forced to cooperation
Misleading their observers
Trying to warn their superiors
The game went on all efforts were useless
They were all disposed in working camps

Communication...transmission..over and out

03. Powers Of Old

Ancient...are the mysterious concealed within
Secrets..for future times to reveal
Man the race we know so little
A lust to learn to solve their riddles
Quest for knowledge leads us on
But how far have we really come
We must decide what's to be done
But how far have we really come

Powers of old..secrets to unfold
Study the past the past with open mind
Search explore and you shall find

Energy the key to all prosperity
Without it we'd return to savagery
Our wells are all drying out
Producers blackmail the lesser endowed
Stop this stupid power policy
Day by day time is running out
Alternative powers aren't feasible
And nuclear power isn't very appealing

Physicians of antiquity
Ridiculed by modern sciences
Physicians of antiquity
Surrounding themselves with mystery

Man the race we know so little
A lust to learn to solve their riddles
Quest for knowledge leads us on
But how far have we really come
We must decide what's to be done
But how far have we really come

Suppose we're not the most intelligent
And accept that knowledge has been lost
We'll have to find the missing link again
Which may be found in Dendra's temple

Let's go and search for answers in libraries of old
Find that pyramids were no royal graves as we like to think
We must fathom the secrets of the sacred orders
To find put for what purpose the pyramids were meant

Intelligent as we think we are
We can't imagine their purpose
Let's proceed the following hypothesis
Covered with special alloys unknown
With their unique conspicious shape
To give power light and warmth
Pyramids were the first powerplants on earth

Now we must decide what's to be done
Continue our quest for new resources
Or swallow our arrogant pride
And study the past with an open mind
Maybe it's wrong to look in one direction
Can't afford to rule possibility out
Hopefully our leaders will take the right decisions
Or else prosperity will be lost
Powers.....of.....Powers of old

04. Inhuman(e)

Never in the history of man
Were we so prosperous as today
War far away and long forgotten
Plenty of food and luxury at hand
Our society seems so just
But it only shows the outside

We believe just what we wee
Not what's been said
So risks have to be taken
To open our eyes

Only now and then are we confronted
With the horrors carried out in our name
We feel offended by the sight of it
And start talking how it all can be Stopped
But just talking won't step this massacre
Public persuasion's the only way
Now that we have seen what it going on
We realise at last this insanity must be Stopped

We believe just what we see
Now what's been said
So risks have to be taken
To open our eyes
Only now and then are we confronted
We belive just what we see...

Small creatures to serve science
Terrible things are being inflicted on to them
Research is what they call it
Injecting toxic to obtain survival statics
Lethal dose fifty to serve mankind
Are we really that civilised?!

05. Arctic Sleep

I shall return
Awaken from this frozen slumber
To once more feel the warmth
Breathe and live again

The cold is getting a hold on me
All life functions are slowing down
I feel the power pouring out of my veins
Numbness spreading so rapidly
I keep wondering as time passes by
Is that what I really wanted
Frozen in preserved for future times
There's no turning back
No way to inform the world
About the contents of my mind
No way to inform the world
About the thoughts in my mind

My body awaits a time when I can live again
Freedom from this icy hell that enchains me

Cold I feel alone in pain
Ice preserves my mind, my brain
Future knowledge holds the key
Power of science set me free

Frozen in...awaiting treatment yet unknown
Despair...ruling out all matter all reason
Froze in...expecting power future healing
Hope given another chance to live

I was told I'd notice not a thing
No one said my mind would be aware
So now I'm lying here till my cure is found
Tormenting myself with questions unanswered
The spreading of my disease is stopped
But another is growing inside of my
I ask myself what's so special about life
That I endure this agony

All life functions are slowing down
Power pouring from my veins
Let me breathe and live again
Only that for me remains
The endless waiting is over at last
Thaw is giving me back my sense
Treatment is awaiting just around the corner
Not long now till they find out I've become insane

Now that my body is healthy again
I find myself being out away..In a sort of cell
Won't experience what the world will be like
Back then the prospects seemed so hopeful and easy

To pick up my life again when healing is achieved
I should have lived my life a long time ago