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Formloff - Working On New Album

Norwegian metal outfit Formloff have finished recording guitar and drum parts for their sophomore release, with vocals, bass and synths to be recorded for the nine tracks in the coming weeks. Spyhorelandet, Formloff's dark black metal monument follows five years after the experimental metal album Adjø Silo which was released by Audio Savant Records. The themes of Spyhorelandet and lyrics which are sung in Norwegian and honor ruralism.

For the album Bernt Karsten Sannerud and Marius Sjøli have recruited session members Kvalvaag on bass (Mök, <b>Nattefrost</b> live) and drummer Kristian Valbo (Obliteration). More news and special guest contributions will be revealed closer to the summer/autumn release date. The band is currently unsigned and still in search for a label.

More info about the band on

Posted: 06.03.2010 by Thryce

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