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Sylosis - New Album Details Unveiled

British modern thrashers Sylosis have completed the work on their new album, which will be titled Monolith. The album was recorded with Romesh Dodangoda in Wales at Monnow Valley Studio and is set for release on September 7th via Nuclear Blast Records. Edge Of The Earth, the band's latest effort, was released back in March last year.

Vocalist and guitar player Josh Middleton talked extensively about the new album: "Some people might not have expected us to come out with a new album so quickly but we already had a few songs written for this album by the summer of 2010. We've spent as much time writing this album as any of the others and I think we're all the most proud we've ever been. Monolith is the best representation of us as a band in terms of our diverse influences and stylistically it's what we've always been aiming for. A mixture of thrash, big doomy riffs and dark atmospherics and ambience."

"Overall, Monolith has a darker vibe to anything we've done in the past, both lyrically and musically. It's a concept album which is just something I like to help guide me writing the lyrics. I like the fact that I can write about personal issues but dress them up in a way that people might not know exactly how they relate to me (if at all in some instances). The idea for the concept was very loosely inspired by the Greek tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. It's quite far fetched but it's about this guy who loses his wife and tries to bring her back from underworld. This giant monolith starts to grow out of her tomb. The most prevalent theme beneath it all is sort of accepting that you might not be as nice a person as you once thought. It sounds really cheesy but everyone has a darker side to their personality in terms of being selfish, manipulative or dishonest. A lot of metal lyrics are always 'you're this, you're that, you suck' and in a lot of cases it's probably really hypocritical. Some of the lyrics on this album are about owning up to those flaws and almost reveling in it."

"Some parts of the album is us covering new ground but everything that people have come to love about our band is still present. It's not necessarily a change in direction or something we're moving more towards, it was just about making a unique vibe for this album as a whole. There's a real urgency to a lot of this material and the really natural and honest production helps mirror that. We really wanted more of a 'live session' feel. Both Romesh (Dodangoda - producer, mixer) and Jens (Bogren - mastering) have done a great job in giving this album a unique sound. Too many bands these days rely on technology and it can just suck all the life and personality out of the music."

Band profile: Sylosis
Posted: 23.06.2012 by BloodTears


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Comments: 6   Visited by: 86 users
23.06.2012 - 13:31
Given that the only album that stopped their debut being on regular repeat and being at the top of my favourite albums was their second album, suffice to say, massively excited. Tbh I'll be slightly disappointed if it isn't at the top of my 2012 list; however given that I've so far heard mentions of sludge and doom (two genres I have only brief interest in) and not much of the prog and melodeath-y elements that made Edge of the Earth so epic, slightly wary as well. Love the lyrical description as well.
24.06.2012 - 02:47
Does the world really need another Monolith?
My lo-fi synth project:
24.06.2012 - 02:55
These guys are the definition of "top-notch metalcore". i cant believe i'm saying this...
25.06.2012 - 16:27
Fart Enthusiast
Written by MyNameJeff on 24.06.2012 at 02:55

These guys are the definition of "top-notch metalcore". i cant believe i'm saying this...

I barely think of this band as metalcore. They have absolutely nothing in common musically with 99% of other metalcore bands.
25.06.2012 - 16:40
Written by BaneConall on 25.06.2012 at 16:27

Written by MyNameJeff on 24.06.2012 at 02:55

These guys are the definition of "top-notch metalcore". i cant believe i'm saying this...

I barely think of this band as metalcore. They have absolutely nothing in common musically with 99% of other metalcore bands.

i know, but they started as a metalcore band. they differentiated from the others by using elements from other styles.
25.06.2012 - 21:36
Fart Enthusiast
Written by MyNameJeff on 25.06.2012 at 16:40

i know, but they started as a metalcore band. they differentiated from the others by using elements from other styles.

Even their earliest stuff didn't really sound like metalcore to me. Both of their EP's before Conclusion already had a pretty similar sound to what they are doing today. They've obviously progressed a very long way since then but the foundations were already there. I guess what I want to say is that they were differentiated from the others right from the start. Or at least they had fully differentiated by the time they started releasing stuff.

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