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Darkest Hour - Announce Tenth Full Length Offering

Darkest Hour are excited to disclose details and first single in connection with their tenth studio record. Entitled Perpetual | Terminal, is has been set for February 23rd, 2024 official release through MNRK Heavy label.

"The record’s theme centers around the duality of ‘survival while embracing rebirth'," notes guitarist Mike Schleibaum. "We keep killing parts of ourselves to make new parts and survive. The story of the record is the story of the band. We’re still here, and we’re giving the world a body of work that’s representative of our music today. We’ve realized relationships, tours, good times, everything that seems to give life meaning, is terminal - and will inevitably end. Nevertheless, we’re 46-year-old dudes who love this music enough to put up with the trials and tribulations of being artists in a touring band."

Band profile: Darkest Hour
Posted: 14.11.2023 by Abattoir


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14.11.2023 - 23:51
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
Good song, didn't expect the grandpas guitars but a nice touch. Excited for the new album. I thought their last album was a banger.
The sun shines over The Fool...

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