A Real Mönkey
Posts: 1305  |
>The Shit of God
Wouldn’t that make it “de(i)fication?”
Thryce Retired Staff ElitePosts: 4404  |
ThryceRetired StaffElitePosts: 4404 
The Shit Ov God. Really? The bad jokes practically write themselves at this point.
> Holy shit!
> Really pushing hard to put the black back in black metal.
> Missed opportunity to ask for a guest appearance from The Browning.
No, but seriously, how, uh, how am I supposed to picture this exactly? Is it like a lumpy, sausage-like clump, or more like osmotic diarrhea? And what about the smell... what are we dealing with here? I have so many questions right now.
Posts: 712
Sounds more like The Shit of Nergal
Posts: 9236  |
Terrible track as expected.
Posts: 43
Posts: 262  |
Oh Behemoth, the shit you've become.
A band of this calibre, reduced to generic, bang-average music and trying to sell with "shock value" cringy titles.
This kind of shit would MAYBE sell to teenagers in the 90s or early 00s, when we didn't have internet access of this level and we'd listen to these titles just as an "act of rebelion".
Metal God Contributor Posts: 166
This song is shit. No pun intended.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7704  |
It will pull lot ov traffic here. Behemoth at its again.
Posts: 372  |
Posts: 125
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 30.01.2025 at 06:55
It will pull lot ov traffic here. Behemoth at its again.
Yes. Traffic over substance, that's what Behemoth has been over 15 years now. Embarrassing and absolutely cringe.
Daniell _爱情_ ElitePosts: 6126  |
(I will say something that will piss off most of the posters here, and later provide my opinion about the song - but no outraged user will notice that opinion)
Yes, he generates controversy, which in turn sells more stuff. He is smart, and you are not. The more you criticize, the more he sells, because purveyors of controversy like him feed on credulous outraged people like you. Don't believe me? This year's Behemoth tour comes to my city too - the venue sold out so quickly that the event was immediately moved to a venue that's three times bigger. Want him to fail? Shut up and let him fail, stop generating traffic and engagement.
Nergal is an intelligent guy. I've met him and of course saw multiple interviews too. He comes acros as slightly mannered and cringy, but he knows exactly what he is doing.
Most of the "fans" do not want the bands to just put out music. They want the music to be what they want it to be, and whine if it is not, because god forbid a band release something adventurous. It started with "The Satanist". The general consensus on these boards could be summarized with "boring 'cause slow". The negativity hasn't changed since, and possibly never will - underdogs are cherished and celebrated, while successful, established bands are maligned. The new song is mediocre and boring, even though there are some cool parts here and there. I'm not holding my breath for the new album.
Posts: 125
Written by Daniell on 30.01.2025 at 10:27
He is smart, and you are not. The more you criticize, the more he sells
I think the majority knows what is he doing. But for the adults in the room we can still have an opinion that it is pretty sad, since other bands rely on good music and not cheap tricks.
Daniell _爱情_ ElitePosts: 6126  |
Written by SamuelYK on 30.01.2025 at 10:51
Written by Daniell on 30.01.2025 at 10:27
He is smart, and you are not. The more you criticize, the more he sells
I think the majority knows what is he doing. But for the adults in the room we can still have an opinion that it is pretty sad, since other bands rely on good music and not cheap tricks.
And other adults in the room will lay bare those adults' misconceptions and provide their opinion too.
Thanks for proving my point.
Quote: other bands rely on good music and not cheap tricks
By "other bands" you mean of course the bands you value.
corrupt With a lowercase c AdminPosts: 3768  |
corruptWith a lowercase cAdminPosts: 3768 
Written by Daniell on 30.01.2025 at 10:27
(I will say something that will piss off most of the posters here, and later provide my opinion about the song - but no outraged user will notice that opinion)
Yes, he generates controversy, which in turn sells more stuff. He is smart, and you are not. The more you criticize, the more he sells, because purveyors of controversy like him feed on credulous outraged people like you. Don't believe me? This year's Behemoth tour comes to my city too - the venue sold out so quickly that the event was immediately moved to a venue that's three times bigger. Want him to fail? Shut up and let him fail, stop generating traffic and engagement.
Nergal is an intelligent guy. I've met him and of course saw multiple interviews too. He comes acros as slightly mannered and cringy, but he knows exactly what he is doing.
Most of the "fans" do not want the bands to just put out music. They want the music to be what they want it to be, and whine if it is not, because god forbid a band release something adventurous. It started with "The Satanist". The general consensus on these boards could be summarized with "boring 'cause slow". The negativity hasn't changed since, and possibly never will - underdogs are cherished and celebrated, while successful, established bands are maligned. The new song is mediocre and boring, even though there are some cool parts here and there. I'm not holding my breath for the new album.
So you came here to tell people they're not smart for saying they don't like a song, then lecture them on something they already know, then finally do the thing you just accused everyone else of doing and questioned their intelligence for doing?
Back in my day, we used to call that "trolling".
Daniell _爱情_ ElitePosts: 6126  |
Written by corrupt on 30.01.2025 at 11:32
So you came here to tell people they're not smart for saying they don't like a song, then lecture them on something they already know, then finally do the thing you just accused everyone else of doing and questioned their intelligence for doing?
Back in my day, we used to call that "trolling".
If you think that's what it is, it's fine.
Archie 666
Posts: 325  |
This song is very mediocre so I preordered the album to make sure not all of the songs on it are as meh as this one. 😎
Posts: 5777  |
"the shit ov god"? Really?
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
Sir Yupp
Posts: 54  |
Blows my mind how quick the fall off for Behemoth after The Satanist has been.
Archie 666
Posts: 325  |
Written by Sir Yupp on 30.01.2025 at 16:29
Blows my mind how quick the fall off for Behemoth after The Satanist has been.
All bands loose their way one way or another at some point. Which bands keep/kept reinventing themselves or stay/ed the same and are/were still great I wonder 🤔(which is always going to be someone's opinion). Motorhead, AC/DC?
Posts: 43  |
Written by Daniell on 30.01.2025 at 10:27
(I will say something that will piss off most of the posters here, and later provide my opinion about the song - but no outraged user will notice that opinion)
Yes, he generates controversy, which in turn sells more stuff. He is smart, and you are not. The more you criticize, the more he sells, because purveyors of controversy like him feed on credulous outraged people like you. Don't believe me? This year's Behemoth tour comes to my city too - the venue sold out so quickly that the event was immediately moved to a venue that's three times bigger. Want him to fail? Shut up and let him fail, stop generating traffic and engagement.
Nergal is an intelligent guy. I've met him and of course saw multiple interviews too. He comes acros as slightly mannered and cringy, but he knows exactly what he is doing.
Most of the "fans" do not want the bands to just put out music. They want the music to be what they want it to be, and whine if it is not, because god forbid a band release something adventurous. It started with "The Satanist". The general consensus on these boards could be summarized with "boring 'cause slow". The negativity hasn't changed since, and possibly never will - underdogs are cherished and celebrated, while successful, established bands are maligned. The new song is mediocre and boring, even though there are some cool parts here and there. I'm not holding my breath for the new album.
It's not that deep bro.
Gag reflex
Posts: 138  |
'The thoughts of dead babies
Wiped away with my semen'
Posts: 2  |
I ve got the slight feeling, that its not a sign for a quality release, when the songwriter states, that he doesnt care about the lyrics anymore.
But i might be wrong.
Archie 666
Posts: 325  |
Written by Krümel on 31.01.2025 at 19:38
I ve got the slight feeling, that its not a sign for a quality release, when the songwriter states, that he doesnt care about the lyrics anymore.
But i might be wrong.
You are probably not wrong.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3297  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3297 
I'm not even gonna attempt to check this out. I'll just go back and listen to Thelema.6 instead. I do not need to bother anymore, I'm already satisfied with their past. "The Shit Ov God" c'mon man... The hell did he smoke again.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7704  |
Written by Guib on 01.02.2025 at 02:02
"The Shit Ov God" c'mon man... The hell did he smoke again.
It's ok not get on the hyping machine anymore and check once, Guib. He won't change it no matter how much he has created ripples among the folks.
I mentioned this long ago—it's all about commercial marketing. Much like any corporate brand, bands have begun to adopt a more market-driven approach. Consequently, expecting Behemoth to retain its former identity is unrealistic (though I've never been one of their fans).
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3297  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3297 
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 01.02.2025 at 07:20
Written by Guib on 01.02.2025 at 02:02
It's ok not get on the hyping machine anymore and check once, Guib. He won't change it no matter how much he has created ripples among the folks.
I mentioned this long ago—it's all about commercial marketing. Much like any corporate brand, bands have begun to adopt a more market-driven approach. Consequently, expecting Behemoth to retain its former identity is unrealistic (though I've never been one of their fans).
I get what they're doing but there's a damn limit to the level of cringe I can take tbh and at this point I'm also not expecting quality music. So I'm just not gonna inflict this to myself, I've decided to respect my own time
I'm also not a big fan of bands just wanting to '"shock" for the sake of marketing and selling album. All publicity is good publicity huh? Fuck that, I don't like that and the current approach of hate-driven marketing (not only in music) annoys me a lot.
And sure bands can't retain their "former identity" forever but they could at least make an effort to put out quality music or at least look like they're trying to care. I'm guessing this "Shit Ov God" ain't trying hard enough for me to care so yeah I'm passing it by. I'm definitely not their targeted audience at this point.
Posts: 138
As someone who lives in Poland and knows the scene more or less, it really isn't surprising. Nergal is well-known for being a jerk with a massive ego (there was a drama a couple years back, when he was insulting an Ukrainian Uber driver because the driver asked him not to put his feet next to his nose. And Nergal was proud of this video and he was the one that released it online!).
And it seems his cringe / edginess spread outside of our country, at last
Posts: 47  |
I used to like this band a lot when they switched from traditional black metal to death/black, blackened death, or whatever they call it, but for some time now, they've only been cringe.
Be more like Funriz
Posts: 206  |
I'm very fond of this song
excellent performance
the fact that lyrics smells like a 10 years young (teen) spirit edgy-boy = it doesn't spoil anything
24emd Theory Snob
Posts: 1100  |
24emdTheory SnobPosts: 1100 
"I am too stupid to be human, and I lack common sense." - Proverbs 30:2
"Music? Well, it's just entertainment, folks!" - Devin Townsend
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