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Burzum - Working On New Album

After 16 years in prison, Varg Vikernes of Burzum states in an interview with Norway's, that he has begun work on a so far untitled album.

Varg, who got released in May earlier this year, says in the interview that he has so far written 9 tracks for the album which is to be released next year. He also states that several labels has already shown interest in publishing, what is to be the first Burzum album in 10 years. He assured the fans not to worry, and that it will be a "true Burzum release".

In the interview Varg also speaks of a book he bas been writing during his imprisonment, that will feature the Norwegian Black Metal society, the murder, sentence and imprisonment through his own eyes. But it is yet to be published.

Band profile: Burzum
Posted: 09.07.2009 by Vermin


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09.07.2009 - 15:30
With a lowercase c
09.07.2009 - 15:51
Yes, it's great, I'm curious to see what it would be..
09.07.2009 - 16:01
He states in the interview that it'll be a metal album. So I'm a bit curious as well.
09.07.2009 - 16:12
Hell yeah!
In your face skeptical MS-ers!!!!!
Having a signature is an absolute must.
09.07.2009 - 16:26
Can someone explain me how he managed to release album in 1999 if he was in prison?
the riddle wants to be...
09.07.2009 - 17:05

thats the best news i heard in months
09.07.2009 - 17:10
Written by annodomini on 09.07.2009 at 16:26

Can someone explain me how he managed to release album in 1999 if he was in prison?

i think they let him use synthesizers, so the album came off more like dark ambient type thing. at least thats what i think
09.07.2009 - 17:12
Written by Amonisis on 09.07.2009 at 17:10

Written by annodomini on 09.07.2009 at 16:26

Can someone explain me how he managed to release album in 1999 if he was in prison?

i think they let him use synthesizers, so the album came off more like dark ambient type thing. at least thats what i think

actually it was a keyboard, just looked it up hehe
09.07.2009 - 17:16
With a lowercase c
What fascinates me is that all you heard about him was how he despised the guitar now for being a "nigger instrument" and stuff like that and that he'd never make music again. And now he is? As I said:
09.07.2009 - 18:01
With a lowercase c
Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 17:21

Suppose everybody will rush out and buy this convicted murderer and arsonist's album when it comes out. Still everybody is buying an accused paedophile's albums this week.
Crime pays it seems. Not for you though OJ, got you didn't they.

Why wouldn't you buy a good album (supposing it'll be good), just because have a personal problem with it's maker? He got punished by the legal system and served his sentence. That's more than you can say about many other criminals. So why the hell would this influence anyone's commercial behaviour?
09.07.2009 - 18:30
Hopefully jail didn't ruin his song making abilities...this will be interesting to listen to
09.07.2009 - 18:53
Liver Failure
Even if it sucks, the expectation already worth. The book also looks intereting..

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
09.07.2009 - 19:02
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 18:57

Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 18:01

Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 17:21

Suppose everybody will rush out and buy this convicted murderer and arsonist's album when it comes out. Still everybody is buying an accused paedophile's albums this week.
Crime pays it seems. Not for you though OJ, got you didn't they.

Why wouldn't you buy a good album (supposing it'll be good), just because have a personal problem with it's maker? He got punished by the legal system and served his sentence. That's more than you can say about many other criminals. So why the hell would this influence anyone's commercial behaviour?

So when are you buying Adolf Hitlers paintings then. I heard he wrote a book as well.

Talking about buying a murderer/arsonist's album or a pedophile's album... when Thee Plague Of Gentlemen's vocalist got thrown into prison because he is a pedophile the band did the only decent thing... got all the albums still out in stores back and destroyed them because they didn't any royalties to go to their former vocalist and they changed their name to SerpentCult.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

09.07.2009 - 19:03
What? That's surprising. I thought metal was "nigger music"...
09.07.2009 - 19:20
With a lowercase c
Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 18:57

Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 18:01

Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 17:21

Suppose everybody will rush out and buy this convicted murderer and arsonist's album when it comes out. Still everybody is buying an accused paedophile's albums this week.
Crime pays it seems. Not for you though OJ, got you didn't they.

Why wouldn't you buy a good album (supposing it'll be good), just because have a personal problem with it's maker? He got punished by the legal system and served his sentence. That's more than you can say about many other criminals. So why the hell would this influence anyone's commercial behaviour?

So when are you buying Adolf Hitlers paintings then. I heard he wrote a book as well.

Ok, obviously you're not interested in the discussion, so go ahead and turn it into buying everything any murderer has ever produced just because he's a murderer. My point was that, just because someone has a bad history, it's no reason not to appreciate the art he produces. By your point you could not only ever drive a german car or travel with any ship or plane (as obviously any shipyard and plane manufacturer also produces war machinery), you also, on a smaller scale change your perception of music based on sympathy for the musician. Talk about second chances...
09.07.2009 - 19:29
A murderer cannot make good music? Why should music be mixed with personal ideas? I don't like his personal ideas but the music is very good.
And Faust is a murderer but still he's (one of) the best drummers on earth. So?
+ Adolf Hitler was a great painter. He was a mad murderer his paintings are so nice.
09.07.2009 - 19:46
With a lowercase c
Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 19:29

Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 19:20

Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 18:57

Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 18:01

Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 17:21

Suppose everybody will rush out and buy this convicted murderer and arsonist's album when it comes out. Still everybody is buying an accused paedophile's albums this week.
Crime pays it seems. Not for you though OJ, got you didn't they.

Why wouldn't you buy a good album (supposing it'll be good), just because have a personal problem with it's maker? He got punished by the legal system and served his sentence. That's more than you can say about many other criminals. So why the hell would this influence anyone's commercial behaviour?

So when are you buying Adolf Hitlers paintings then. I heard he wrote a book as well.

Ok, obviously you're not interested in the discussion, so go ahead and turn it into buying everything any murderer has ever produced just because he's a murderer. My point was that, just because someone has a bad history, it's no reason not to appreciate the art he produces. By your point you could not only ever drive a german car or travel with any ship or plane (as obviously any shipyard and plane manufacturer also produces war machinery), you also, on a smaller scale change your perception of music based on sympathy for the musician. Talk about second chances...

I have morals, I believe if you take a life you should get a life sentence. I choose to not spend my hardearned money where the proceeds go directly to a convicted murderer. Has he apologised for his crimes, I don't know, If not, then he is not rehabilitated. As for the german car jibe, I doubt that many war criminals or convicted murderers currently work for BMW or VW. I mentioned actual criminals, not people who were just born in that country, as that is xenophobic.

It was meant to serve as an example. These companies definitely took advantage of nazi forced labour. And many companies today are involved in warfare because there's good money in it. If you draw the line there, OK. But that falls under the same category as buying Hitler's paintings now, so there you have my reason for coming up with it.
Back to Mr. Vikernes: As far as I know, and admittedly I don't know much because I don't generally care much about the actual musician, the whole murder was a self-defence that got out of hand. I read that in his writings one day (those btw might be the upcoming book the news refer to). That should at least grant him the benefit of doubt. The other side is that the norwegian legal system punished him for a real murder and we can't judge which of both sides is right. But as I said, he served his sentence and is now granted a second chance by society. In a way it's more important for him to do something decent with his life now that for most of us, because what he did cannot be undone. The least he can do, as a musician is making people happy with his music.
I'm starting to lose my focus and get esoteric here but you get my point.
09.07.2009 - 19:47
Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 19:29

Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 19:20

Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 18:57

Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 18:01

Written by Irritable Ted on 09.07.2009 at 17:21

Suppose everybody will rush out and buy this convicted murderer and arsonist's album when it comes out. Still everybody is buying an accused paedophile's albums this week.
Crime pays it seems. Not for you though OJ, got you didn't they.

Why wouldn't you buy a good album (supposing it'll be good), just because have a personal problem with it's maker? He got punished by the legal system and served his sentence. That's more than you can say about many other criminals. So why the hell would this influence anyone's commercial behaviour?

So when are you buying Adolf Hitlers paintings then. I heard he wrote a book as well.

Ok, obviously you're not interested in the discussion, so go ahead and turn it into buying everything any murderer has ever produced just because he's a murderer. My point was that, just because someone has a bad history, it's no reason not to appreciate the art he produces. By your point you could not only ever drive a german car or travel with any ship or plane (as obviously any shipyard and plane manufacturer also produces war machinery), you also, on a smaller scale change your perception of music based on sympathy for the musician. Talk about second chances...

I have morals, I believe if you take a life you should get a life sentence. I choose to not spend my hardearned money where the proceeds go directly to a convicted murderer. Has he apologised for his crimes, I don't know, If not, then he is not rehabilitated. As for the german car jibe, I doubt that many war criminals or convicted murderers currently work for BMW or VW. I mentioned actual criminals, not people who were just born in that country, as that is xenophobic.

Okay. You have morals. You don't agree. That's fine, your right. There is however no need to push your morals onto others, or defy others if they DO buy the album. Each to his own.
The silent moment, right before the dusk fades away
I open my eyes, but the darkness stays
09.07.2009 - 19:59
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by corrupt on 09.07.2009 at 19:46

As far as I know, and admittedly I don't know much because I don't generally care much about the actual musician, the whole murder was a self-defence that got out of hand.

That's what Varg keeps on saying. But any sane person can see it was not self-defence, simply because Euronymus was unarmed when he was stabbed. Euronymous was stabbed multiple times and looads of times in the back as well. That sure as hell doesn't spell out self-defence to me. The self-defence story is just one of the very many lies Varg has been know to spread. He contradicts himself constantly. He is a compulsive liar. Yes, he served his sentence, but that doesn't make him any less of a murderer. I will also not buy the man's work cause I don't want any of my money going to him, not only because he is a murderer but also because of the person behind the musician. Call it hypocritical or whatever you want, but that's how I feel.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

09.07.2009 - 20:20
I like the way people compare buying this asshole's music to buying Hitlers paintings.
Buying Burzum albums = giving Varg money/popularity/exposure
Buying Hitler's paintings = giving money to the collector who currently owns the painting and most probably has no Nazi connections.

If you like the music, don't give this guy your money. As Varg is a criminal and a racist, you can "not remove his music from his inventory *wink, wink, nudge nudge*" completely guilt free!

Edit: Punctuation!
09.07.2009 - 21:02
Account deleted
Let's hope this new album doesn't suck.
09.07.2009 - 21:21
Man.. I knew this would turn into a huge discussion when i posted this. Varg is a different person alltogether now, although still a nationalist at heart, he's nowhere near the bigot he once was. He did his time, and has matured beyond what once was. Even though he is a murderer and an arsonist, i still greatly appreciate, and admire him for the beautiful music he brought into this world.
09.07.2009 - 21:32
I also hope the new album doesn't suck.

Formerly Desolate Gale
09.07.2009 - 21:35
Fucking Great News! A new Burzum album feels like god have returned to the earth:banger2:
09.07.2009 - 21:42
Written by NeverAgain on 09.07.2009 at 20:20

I like the way people compare buying this asshole's music to buying Hitlers paintings.
Buying Burzum albums = giving Varg money/popularity/exposure
Buying Hitler's paintings = giving money to the collector who currently owns the painting and most probably has no Nazi connections.

If you like the music, don't give this guy your money. As Varg is a criminal and a racist, you can "not remove his music from his inventory *wink, wink, nudge nudge*" completely guilt free!

Edit: Punctuation!

Stupid. At least Varg Vikernes (beside whatever that he is) has done work on something called [art], so he deserves to earn money for it.. But what that collector has done for [art]..?
09.07.2009 - 21:49
People> When you are creating something, you are an artist, not a usual human that you are. So music is not some kind of murderers work, it is a piece of art, so lets buy MUSIC like it self, and not murderer product. The same with MJ. Who cares what he did with those children, we can punish him as a human for that, but as an artist he is different person, and the reason that he might have been a pedophile doesn't make his music worser.
the riddle wants to be...
09.07.2009 - 22:36
Written by Hamird on 09.07.2009 at 21:42

Written by NeverAgain on 09.07.2009 at 20:20

I like the way people compare buying this asshole's music to buying Hitlers paintings.
Buying Burzum albums = giving Varg money/popularity/exposure
Buying Hitler's paintings = giving money to the collector who currently owns the painting and most probably has no Nazi connections.

If you like the music, don't give this guy your money. As Varg is a criminal and a racist, you can "not remove his music from his inventory *wink, wink, nudge nudge*" completely guilt free!

Edit: Punctuation!

Stupid. At least Varg Vikernes (beside whatever that he is) has done work on something called [art], so he deserves to earn money for it.. But what that collector has done for [art]..?

If you want to give this convicted murderer and racist money/popularity/exposure, then you are entitled to it. And I can't judge whether he "deserves" this money or not as I am not a morality guru. All I know is that this is a man who, were I to live in his country, would hate me because of my ethnicity and nationality. Plus, he has proven to be violent.
09.07.2009 - 23:31
Wicked Mung
09.07.2009 - 23:34
Written by NeverAgain on 09.07.2009 at 22:36

Written by Hamird on 09.07.2009 at 21:42

Written by NeverAgain on 09.07.2009 at 20:20

I like the way people compare buying this asshole's music to buying Hitlers paintings.
Buying Burzum albums = giving Varg money/popularity/exposure
Buying Hitler's paintings = giving money to the collector who currently owns the painting and most probably has no Nazi connections.

If you like the music, don't give this guy your money. As Varg is a criminal and a racist, you can "not remove his music from his inventory *wink, wink, nudge nudge*" completely guilt free!

Edit: Punctuation!

Stupid. At least Varg Vikernes (beside whatever that he is) has done work on something called [art], so he deserves to earn money for it.. But what that collector has done for [art]..?

If you want to give this convicted murderer and racist money/popularity/exposure, then you are entitled to it. And I can't judge whether he "deserves" this money or not as I am not a morality guru. All I know is that this is a man who, were I to live in his country, would hate me because of my ethnicity and nationality. Plus, he has proven to be violent.

OK, every man for himself can decide whether to buy it or not.. And me, I cannot buy this or any other even if I want, so be sure my money wont be in Varg's pocket..
10.07.2009 - 00:06
el parcero
For some reason I'm more excited about the book than the album
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top

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