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Extreme metal forum

Melodic Black Metal (suggestion) 71
Atmospheric black metal 24
All That Remains 16
Greek Black Metal 49
Artillery 32
Behemoth 388
Black Metal 394
Evile 30
Recommend me bands like Summoning 78
Slayer the thread, Reprise 167
The Drone Thread 226
Wyrd 28
Oppressor 3
Blood Cult 3
Emperor Of Myself - Tantrum 1
Wolves in the Throne Room 189
The Dark Side of Death Metal 58
New EP from Last Legion (Swedish blackened thrash) 1
Deathcore 142
Killing Spree - In Conflict 1
Anti Islamic Black Metal 70
Borknagar 53
Lifelover 202
Tyrada 1
RIMFROST New Lyric Video. "Voorhees". Tribute To Jason 3
Bands with Melodic Screaming 3
Instrumental Death Metal? 28
Peste Noire - 3rd album probably in a few weeks. 40
Cosmic Atrophy - The Void Engineers (Lovecraftian horror death metal) 1
Thronum Vrondor 3th album to be released 01/02/2019 1