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Musicians corner

Your one man project/band 239
A Day Of No Sun - Luci Ferre 1
Atomic Whimper - The Doom Approach (Debut Album) Metal, classic inf 1
Varoshan - ...And Then The Rains Came (Doom/Sludge/Post Metal) 1
The Metal Alliance, a mixed metal band 4
Resonare - Musicians and Composers Community 1
Vulgaris - new release 5
Küenring - Traditional Heavy Metal 3
Hegeroth - second album 1
Deep Underground, Melodic Death Metal 1
FS PROJEKT - fantasy-metal from Russia 24
Space VIkings 1
ELECTRIFIED - Industrial Groove from Ukraine 1
Despite Exile - Melodic Death 1
Sydney death metal band seek vocalist 6
Song of love seeking guitarist and drummer 1
Equalusion 1
Symphonic Oriental Folk Metal From Syria and Italy 1
Concrete Swine 2
Garden - Progressive symphonic metal from Scotland 10
ENTSETZLICH - Australian Black Metal with Ambient/Noise influences 51
"New-old" song by me 4
TRIGGER MADE SOLUTION - New Promo EP Full Package Available for free! 3
Black Bay - Swedish heavy/thrash/progressive-metal! 1
Get off the throne - Flashback video 1
Mortor 4
Repulsor - Oldschool thrash 6
New song from Impalers: See What I See 1
New Melodic Death Song by me 1
Melodic Death Metal song 4