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Original post

Posted by Soliloquy, 17.05.2006 - 03:24
since MS started all overagain, i decidied to get rid of the numbers. but i believe this should have been the 5th poetry thread.

anyways, you guys know the rules. post somethig you wrote, or a friend of yours wrote. or if you dont want to post some poem, you can always read others work and comment on that. unlike the last poetry thread, lets try to comment on every poem we get in.

(if you want me to add or remove something, just PM me, and i'll edit it right away.)
26.08.2007 - 22:28
Truth About Life

The girls' eyes lingerd
As she traces the grave stone with her finger
With out noticing tears start to slip
Down her pale face, while her ripped
Skin is being cleaned by the rain
She no longer feels any eternal pain
In fact on the inside she is compleatly dead
To the world; as she rests her head
On the moist green grass
She awaits for her life to pass
I Love You is 8 letters and so is BULLSHIT
27.08.2007 - 09:07
Written by Damned-In-Black on 25.08.2007 at 13:32

^ I think it's quite good. Closing line gives the whole a stronger meaning.

@ AnGina-- : I very much like Trinity Fields...


Does the magic of perfection
lie in the mist
which enshrouds the lake-shore?
Or in the trees
which rustle gently
in the night breeze?

Does it hide
in the rolling meadow,
serene as if painted
in watercolours
by a passionate hand?
Or perhaps it floats silently
in the night sky...

Surely it resides not
in the cityscape?
Alive with the movements
of the dead and damned...

Does it dwell only
within those who yet live?
They, who need it most,
yet from whom it hides
when greatest need calls...

Or, does it lie still
many millennia dead?
Only its ghost
lending brief respite
only to once again
cruelly steal it away

A vengeance and spite
of its own
vented upon a race
which deserves not
its tender caress...

Thank You, but it is the truth, teenagers (even I) just lust for a thrill, just something that will give us chills, untill we realize we are dead is when we have had enough....i like ur poem too.
I Love You is 8 letters and so is BULLSHIT
28.08.2007 - 14:56
Stream of unconsciousness

"Sense faced defeat in a second
against an overflowing army of sweet nothings
which marked the beginning to an endless search
of whomever capable of explaining themself
and conjuring answers concerning the stream
unconscious of all the whoes and the whies

This was only a twist in the rhyme
a desperate attempt upon pushing back the waves
each representing an ideal voice of understanding:
how it all should work
what the message was supposed to be like
how much meaning there was possible to be found
none whatsoever this time

To haunt within the missing frame
likewise what couldn't be traced further down
than to the point where emptiness was created
from something even less

Untouched and pure to the end
not a stain of curiosity on the surface
sometimes pretending to hide something beneath
only to forget the freedom of inconsiderate ravings
or showing the audience how words can be directed
at everywhere and nowhere at once

I am much more comfortable drowning"
30.08.2007 - 14:01

I once looked at you,
There was a time...
Where we shared thoughts,
You brought me comfort
In times of desperation,

In all the places together,
It wouldn't be absurd to call you my own,
You sought refuge,
In your bastard god,

The one that did nothing for you,
The invisible self righteous one...
Your life centered around
revelation and afterlife...

Hence comes the renewal of the seasons,
I ponder and dwell on you judgements,
You breathe every word of the prophets,
I feel the dagger scraping my organs,
The price of Betrayal is bound to unravel.

Had I done nothing but care for you?
Who else shall fall to the euphoria?
Who else was cast into an empty shell?
I find no answers, only more sorrow...

I loved you,
In return you reviewed me in light of your beliefs,
You betrayed my kindness
And trampled on my spirit.

Dreams of Vengance,
Thoughts of Death....
On all of you,
Can you bring back my best friend?
Can you reverse my pain?

I denounce your presence,
Though it shall cut my soul in half..
I found no alternatives,
Feeling the absence of your love...
Falling into desolate thoughts...

Everything I see reminds me of you,
I only wish for death...
I only loved you that much...

That was a load off my chest
30.08.2007 - 15:25
The Amputator
@Hellraizer, Graveheart: Nice to see happy, pleasant stories being told in verse! Actually, those were very nice poems, though not really ones to brighten anyone's day, but I suppose if you're feeling a bit down, there's nothing better than a good bit of artistic expression to let out all the feeling. Well written, friends.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
31.08.2007 - 14:28
Written by Judas on 30.08.2007 at 15:25

@Hellraizer, Graveheart: Nice to see happy, pleasant stories being told in verse! Actually, those were very nice poems, though not really ones to brighten anyone's day, but I suppose if you're feeling a bit down, there's nothing better than a good bit of artistic expression to let out all the feeling. Well written, friends.

Thank you mate...I only really write poems on impulse or to channel out bad energy. It works...
02.09.2007 - 18:43
Thank you Judas. Actually mine was more of an experiment again, for I was trying to speak without using a voice. This time it's not about a "me" or a "you" or even a 3rd person, an outsider's view was supposed to make the poem emotionless and create a lack of tone. Until the twisted surprise in the ending.
04.09.2007 - 12:35

Silence enshrouds the night
A faint echo in the gloom
traces of hate...
Greed, malevolence,
desiring dominion
The oppressive darkness beckoning
imploring the final surrender

The endless eclipse pierced
by only the faintest of lights
A glimmer of hope,
or herald of doom?

A desperate chase
through the darkness
Silence is shattered
The light flickers ahead
Faint, taunting, enrapturing...
But never once held

What is it for?
Will the torment never end?

Feeding on doubt,
the darkness deepens
An obsidian cloak
encompassing all
granting only emptiness
Blackness closes in
one final time

The light shatters
Its shards piercing the soul
Life bleeds out
and silence reclaims all...
05.09.2007 - 17:17
Jack killed Jane

Jack killed Jane
oh, what a strange coicidence

He wanted to take a knife at first
but he found it all in dirt

I was there, I saw it all!
No way, I'm not going in that car

They found her there, hanging down
I was praying for us all
19.09.2007 - 09:23
I wish

I wish that I didn't do it
I wish I could take back the shit
That I said, all the lies of which we both cried,
And sadness of which fills your eyes,
I wish you could forgive me,
It has been six months, why can't we let it be?
I know the pain I put you through,
I am suffering too.
I Love You is 8 letters and so is BULLSHIT
19.09.2007 - 16:54

Rise, O faceless one
Ascend through the ashes of existence
Rise, O faceless one
Ascend the shining stairs

Darkly gleaming, black with gold
It awaits you, fate and death entwined
Nameless one, claim your throne

Now, wage your wars
Fight your battles
Invincible... You're always losing
Come, defaced - dance now with my demons

Fall, O faceless one
Pass forever, lie beyond memory.
You'd long since
forgotten yourself...

First thing I've completed in a while - though it's not very long.
08.10.2007 - 22:32
It's been a long time since I last posted here - too long I would say. I start with something a bit old, written in Feb. 2005 but I hope new stuff is coming soon.


On your grave I stand, mourning and crying
With a poem in my hand, dedicated to you
All my feelings and emotions I put into words
No regrets, no repent, I know you were true
To say everything I wanted, there was no time
To give all I have, there was no place
The questions ‘why’ come back to me
Distorting my brain and soul in my sleep

Why was the happiness and joy taken away?
We were two kind souls, harmless and pure
Why was the strong bond broken so suddenly?
We had something special, we had each other
Why am I cursed to live alone again?
To exist without you is a suffering
What have I done to deserve such immense pain?
I still cannot comprehend his complex reasoning

I must be too insignificant, like all of us
Everything happens beyond me, without my influence

You are gone and lost to the world I knew
The world that ended the day you passed away
Now I have to live on with sorrow and pain
Without you by my side, it seems impossible
Grim smile on my face, trailed with tears
Only thought that calms me is that you are there
Gazing down on me, in eternal tranquillity
I will join you above, as we were here below

Together in celestial embrace forever we shall be…
09.10.2007 - 00:44
Account deleted
Written by Bartulus on 08.10.2007 at 22:32

It's been a long time since I last posted here - too long I would say. I start with something a bit old, written in Feb. 2005 but I hope new stuff is coming soon.


On your grave I stand, mourning and crying
With a poem in my hand, dedicated to you
All my feelings and emotions I put into words
No regrets, no repent, I know you were true
To say everything I wanted, there was no time
To give all I have, there was no place
The questions 'why' come back to me
Distorting my brain and soul in my sleep

Why was the happiness and joy taken away?
We were two kind souls, harmless and pure
Why was the strong bond broken so suddenly?
We had something special, we had each other
Why am I cursed to live alone again?
To exist without you is a suffering
What have I done to deserve such immense pain?
I still cannot comprehend his complex reasoning

I must be too insignificant, like all of us
Everything happens beyond me, without my influence

You are gone and lost to the world I knew
The world that ended the day you passed away
Now I have to live on with sorrow and pain
Without you by my side, it seems impossible
Grim smile on my face, trailed with tears
Only thought that calms me is that you are there
Gazing down on me, in eternal tranquillity
I will join you above, as we were here below

Together in celestial embrace forever we shall be?

Nice poem, Bartulus, so emotional Somehow it reminds me of My Dying Bride and their song For My Fallen Angel
09.10.2007 - 18:37
Written by Bartulus on 08.10.2007 at 22:32


I agree this is an extremely emotional poem, but I would have appreciated a more personal take on the subject. It's the same old "you are dead and I am alone" story that doesn't go anywhere. Instead the work you have put on details is very careful and incredible, I always admire it when a poem is written with patience. There's a catchy rhyme at the end of the second stanza, though I'm not sure if it's intentional because the rest is in free verse. As a whole, I would like to read something way more risky and experimental, since poems like these can't easily reach me anymore. But I'm sure I would have liked this a lot back in February 2005.

Here is a result when I tried to head for a more "straight to the point" approach.

On the count of three

Head first into the fire
no fear, or else it will burn
no water, or else you won't learn
when naked the pain passes through
when protected you remain vulnerable

If faced in the heart
even the most violent of flames die

11.10.2007 - 23:44
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I left my self

In morning when I left my self
In that room wher i was born
and my first kiss was melancholic
I understand that Im unvanted

In sollitude when I left my self
Im in thay grave what was confirm
And where flowers yearn
I understand that Im gone

In (untrue)love I left my self
In that bad where I was sleeping
and my dreams was about rotten hopes
I understand life is in otherside

Why i left my self?
Why i left my self in such way?
Why I left my self(why you kill me my love?)?

Us I know

us i know
our time goe sto end
us i know you wannt see me under sand

Us i know you
you always cry and feel...
fealings what I cant
becauseof your beleafs

Us I know you
you always cry and hope...
about life in that mystic place
where I can see you

Us I know
you alays cry and think
about how I will die
in your world of lies

us i know
our time goe sto end
us i know you wannt see me under sand

Man who crying

In autum I walk
Around shattered fields of emetions
And I understand its not me
When I hear
I hear my self crying
Under my hanged boddy
Im man who crying
And emetiosn are dancing whit me
Im man who crying
and my soul are leaving me

Near riveroctober leaves are falling
Ewery leave are one lost soul
Who are locked inside after suicide
Locked for 1000 sprigs
Locked for 1000 rotting sleeps
And I only watch
Because I know next year I wil fall...
I crying
Im man who crying
'Cause leaves are calling me
Im man who crying
'case eave are falling around me

I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
23.10.2007 - 00:17
It's has been awhile since i visited this thread, not many people I still around since I first visited the poetry thread, everyone seem to have just stoped coming here anymore. I'm glad that there still are people who are willing to share his/her poems, even though people rarely comment them anymore.

@Vrana: I really liked your poem, right to the point get with sensible wording. Nice!


It's weird to see
the future and the past collide
it's like a plane suddenly decides
to turn into a bird

It's a weird sense
feeling nostaligica
when somethings happens instantly
like jumping into a river
a realise that you didn't get wet

It's weird, when everything around you lose its shape,
when a tightened grip soften the chains,
when a structed society begin to decay
and the chaos you hated before,
is that one thing you wish to explore

Of these things, is but one thing that I'm certain,
this I know for sure,
as soon as I remove the curtain, this new world will re-awake
as it has done many times before
23.10.2007 - 11:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Torelli on 23.10.2007 at 00:17

It's has been awhile since i visited this thread, not many people I still around since I first visited the poetry thread, everyone seem to have just stoped coming here anymore. I'm glad that there still are people who are willing to share his/her poems, even though people rarely comment them anymore.

IMO it died when MSv3 arived an d I rememebr you and raged dreamer posts but other members, seems disapeard of this tread and not shore if thay come beck
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
25.10.2007 - 05:42
Attempted Suicide
The girl cuts until she sees her own blood
She noticed it flowed like a red river flood.
She suddenly feels weak
As she drops to the sink.
She starts to nod off, as she recalls every memory
She tries to get back up, and when she does she cannot see.
She falls again, but this time, she hits her head,
When she comes to, she is in a bed.
She knows people are sad, and crying
She then hears a guy whispering "When I found her she was slowing dying"
She couldn't help but to fake
Her gratefulness when they found her to be awake.
I Love You is 8 letters and so is BULLSHIT
03.11.2007 - 17:36
flying is simple
Account deleted
I see you guys are all really talented hah. All the poems are so beautifully written...there's this site where you can upload your poetry, chat, take a part in contests etc. you guys should open accounts there (if you already don't)
03.11.2007 - 23:50
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=26718] on 03.11.2007 at 17:36

I see you guys are all really talented hah. All the poems are so beautifully written...there's this site where you can upload your poetry, chat, take a part in contests etc. you guys should open accounts there (if you already don't)

I look to site but i cant see nothing whit out log in and i dont wanna do it, I prefere this tread
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
04.11.2007 - 20:24
Account deleted
Desert Hand

Frozen Finland, Flaming Flesh
Leather Lakes, Lunar Lights
Breath Beneath, Bold Breeze
Wide Woods, White Wolves

Across the River of your Smile
Around the Falls of your Neck
Away from Pleasure, from Pain
Avoid my Gaze, my Grace

Waters Rise, Waves Cry
When Ocean and Sun collide
Winds Blow, Whisper shy
When Storm Embrace' the Night

Thunders Trash, Earth Ends
Moon Mesmerizes, Stars Scream
Void Vanishes, Rainfire Rules
Nothing Nevermore, World Wasted

Streets Melted, like Sugar
Men Murdered, like Slaves
Life's no War, Love's no Whore
Slit my Throat, Save my Soul

Devoured by Despair
Dried out of all Dreams
Dare to take my Desert hand
Dwell in me, Drown with me
06.11.2007 - 22:22
Account deleted

The sound of your voice,
a dull echo through the
corridors of my mind.
And all of your messages
have been deleted from my phone.
You've been away so long
you're scent is now leaving the
room and all of my waking
minutes are filled with you,
as I count the seconds until
you're return.
06.11.2007 - 22:24
Account deleted
Puppet Master

Pulling at my strings,
strings that keep me
bound to you,
strings that make me yours.

My restraint limbs
sway to the rhythmic
chorus of your sadistic
love song.

Repressing me.

Possessing me.

Controlling me.
06.11.2007 - 22:28
Account deleted
9/11: The Onlookers

Billowing smoke and people
diving, flying, departing
to their deaths.

As tears stream from glazed eyes,

All faces turned to the sky.

The streetsand cars stopped,

Shock, anger,despair
unexplained emotions cross the faces
of men and women standing in
the surrounding streets,

Wittnesses to the rape of a nation.
06.11.2007 - 22:30
Account deleted

Has no gender or age

Has no country or boarders

Has no color or culture

Has no intellect of profession

Has no accent or language

Love conquers all.
06.11.2007 - 22:32
Account deleted
I Remember You'r Childhood Well

That day in may, mischievously you
hid at the bottom of the garden to escape
the tedious chore of setting the family
dinner table.

Or on those long hot hours that D.C summers
would bring, your mother would send you all,
your brother, sisters and you out to play
never once thinking about the 'murderers'

And once as the sun was setting over DC
your brothers for spite tied you to a tree,
you lashed out and yelled and shouted,
they never taunted you again

Or winter at school how goose bumps
would appear on your bare thighs
as 'murder ball' was the game of chose.

I remember your childhood well.
06.11.2007 - 22:34
Account deleted
I Miss...

I miss the way you'd wink at me,
and the way you'd always see.

I miss the way you'd smile
and the way I'd run a mile.

I miss the way you'd yell,
and hold me under you'r spell.

I miss all of everything you do,

but most of all I miss you.
17.11.2007 - 03:37
Lactation Cnslt
Cliched Poem

Among the ominous mist
of a twilight winter's affection,
the yearning, everlasting nihilist
has a rapacious yeast infection.

But woe is she,
the eternal river of Autumnal call;
reminds the brethren of thee
because the word Autumnal is more poetic than fall.

Oh why does the fruitful fig tree
beckon the moist morning dew?
I reckon that most poetic spirits free
are just emo n00bs.

Is learning. (tbh)
17.11.2007 - 23:41
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Erotic Funeral Poetry

mūsu grēki
sāpes un nāve vientulībā

I open bock
and read erotic literature
and dream...
how it will be, into otherside
where erotic fealings are banished

Softly kiss
It exist, but you cant feal it
because of unloved emeotions
and softly touch of hand
are shaterd

3 lifes...
Cradle, adult and pre-grave
and still you dont know
reason of love, life and existence?
Suicide are easy, but terible sin
Father, God, I belive, and angels are whit me...


What you need more?

I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
19.11.2007 - 04:27
Account deleted
Sleep Now, My Unworthy One

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

Don't cry those tears
Smile and hold them back
Lock up all your fears
And go on pretending

It's not as easy as you'd think
To watch life pass you by
Never knowing what will happen
Just wishing that you could die.

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

I'll be forgotten
Like I always have been
Always and forever
Something I can't change

And you just keep walking
While I stand here with broken heart
I stand here all alone
For there's no one to tell me that it'll be okay

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

If that's the way it's going to be
Then fine
You just keep on f*cking walking
As I spiral out of control

I can't do this anymore
I can't pretend that I have no problems

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

Because the truth of the matter is
That I do have problems
I'm in over my head
And I'm gasping for air

But there's nobody to support me
Or even to care

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

I'm sick of the pain
The suffering
Left all alone
No one's noticed I'm here
No one cares

The hurt kills me more each day
I realise now that I'm not okay
But there's no one to help me
Seems like there never was

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

And you all still f*cking ignore me
Hoping that I'll be okay
Well, guess what
I'm not okay

I feel like giving up
What reasons have I to live
When I have so many to die?

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

And because I'm all alone
With nobody to give a damn
I'll keep on pretending that it's all okay
Even though it gets worse each day

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

Oh, please - don't leave me
Like she did
Like he did
Like they did

I just want someone to care
I want someone to fill the empty spot within my heart and soul
To hold me tight and never let me go
But I'll never know what it's like to be truly loved by someone

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

It hurts, deep within
Oh, I can't stand it any longer
Help me, please
Take the pain away

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

I want it all to be over
No more smiling
No more pretending
No more crying
No more hurting

I just want to be free
To be truly cared about
But I'll doubt that it'll happen
Nobody could love me

Sleep now, my unworthy one.

I'm afraid to die
Yet feel like I can't live another day
It's too hard
So many worries

They never leave me
My mind is filled with turmoil
Get me out of here

Sleep now, my unworthy one.