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Languages You Speak/Would Like To Speak/Are Learning

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Posted by Unknown user, 18.08.2007 - 17:35
The idea is simple... Talk about the languages you speak, and the ones you would like to learn. What are they? Why do you like them? What is that you don't like about them? How and where did you learn them? What is your mother language?


- (As you *might* have noticed) I speak English. Not really well, but I think I can say I know the basis. But it is not my first language: French is. I don't want to sound pretentious or anything, but I speak French really well. Yet, it is the third language I learnt.
- My mother language is Arabic, it was the first one I learnt as I am Moroccan and was born in Morocco. But my parents speak French more than Arabic, and I started going to a French school when I was 5, thus, I started forgetting Arabic. I was still as able to understand it as before, but I couldn't speak it anymore, past my 8th birthday. (Some other important factors were involded, but it is not necessary to mention them.)
- The second language I learnt was Spanish, because of/thanks to Spanish TV channels and my grandmother, who only spoke Spanish and Arabic. But when we left the city where we were living (Tanger, just in front of Spain), I stopped watching Spanish channels, and left my grandmother as well, and then, forgot Spanish too .
- That's when French comes. It became my first language around 8. As the French school system wants it, I started learning English at 11. And I unexpectedly didn't have any difficulty with it. I have always had the best mark in that subject, without making any effort for that. Unfortunately it is still not enough. I realised my level was not as good as I thought it was.
- The next year, (I was 12) I chose Latin, but I had to stop after a few months, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to start Spanish the following year. I started re-learning Spanish at 13.
- But since I took Spanish at 13, I couldn't take German at 15. I had too many subjects and the teachers wouldn't let me add German. Yet it is the language I really want to learn. I like the sonority of it, and I watch German TV channels just to hear it, even if I don't get a word of it .
- As a consequence, the two languages I can speak the best are French, and English.

As you see the topic is vast, there is a lot to say...
14.09.2008 - 20:15
maybe we crossed different parts of these 2 streets more than once...that's why I thought viru is everywhere. anyway Tallinn's downtown is very nice with the wall and the towers! and the very-narrow-house on the main square!

15.09.2008 - 14:55
Written by Janne on 14.09.2008 at 20:15

maybe we crossed different parts of these 2 streets more than once...that's why I thought viru is everywhere. anyway Tallin's downtown is very nice with the wall and the towers! and the very-narrow-house on the main square!

It's Tallinn.....two Ns : )
15.09.2008 - 16:47
Written by Ernis on 15.09.2008 at 14:55

Written by Janne on 14.09.2008 at 20:15

maybe we crossed different parts of these 2 streets more than once...that's why I thought viru is everywhere. anyway Tallinn's downtown is very nice with the wall and the towers! and the very-narrow-house on the main square!

It's Tallinn.....two Ns : )


22.02.2009 - 04:40
I was born and raised in America, so essentially I speak English. I'm currently learning Spanish in school. You know, the basics (conjugating verbs and such). My mom is German so I'm sure she could teach me that, but I haven't got around to it. I would love to learn Japanese because I would love to make a visit there someday and I could watch anime in Japanese rather than bland 'ol English. I'd also like to learn French and Latin (although it's a dead language.
22.02.2009 - 14:04
Obviously I speak Dutch and I've had 7 years of learning English in school, which is one of the 'standard' languages though in schools here.
We also have the choice of learning either French or German in high school, of which I chose German. I'm not very fluent in German, but I can read and understand it quite well. Speaking it, is a different story, though.

I'd like to learn Gaelic, I've been interested in learning it ever since I went to Dublin with a couple of friends.
I haven't had the time to learn it, since I'm quite busy with my current study, but when I graduate, I'll have more time to take a course or so.
22.02.2009 - 17:14
I speak finnish (well quite understandable me thinks) and been learning english for 8 years, like that one. And of course swedish for 5 years (though I quitted the classes just some months ago) no offence for swedish people, you've got great music and all but the language is just something I've never really got into my head. German I can read and understand but speaking, bah I prefer to keep my mouth shut

I speak little spanish, but the teaching of it in my town sucks so I have to study at home, but I will learn!. And I'd love to learn greece, more than some words I know.
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...
A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn... we fucked up"
22.02.2009 - 17:30
Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 17:14

German I can read and understand but speaking, bah I prefer to keep my mouth shut

I heard that talking is the hardest part in learning foreign languages. For example, my friend's mother is Russian, but she really knows Latvian language and I think that's great, but she is too scared to talk because of the accent and so. However, I think it's more good if you speak and learn from your mistakes, so in the end you're the winner anyway.
Though that will never happen with my horrible Russian language... lack of knowledge.

Btw, happy birthday! (I just thought I saw the number 17 on your profile yesterday - and I was right, lol)
22.02.2009 - 19:33
Written by Ragana on 22.02.2009 at 17:30

Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 17:14

German I can read and understand but speaking, bah I prefer to keep my mouth shut

I heard that talking is the hardest part in learning foreign languages. For example, my friend's mother is Russian, but she really knows Latvian language and I think that's great, but she is too scared to talk because of the accent and so. However, I think it's more good if you speak and learn from your mistakes, so in the end you're the winner anyway.
Though that will never happen with my horrible Russian language... lack of knowledge.

Btw, happy birthday! (I just thought I saw the number 17 on your profile yesterday - and I was right, lol)

yeah true, I used to suck at speaking english but just opening my mouth learned a lot. And I guess by just waving my hands I can say a lot eh? XD But honestly I have never studied german, and my knowledge about it I've picked from books, from listening and other languages, so I just don't know how to make sentences or anything maybe one day I will^^

Thanks^^ (eating cake while writing )
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...
A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn... we fucked up"
22.02.2009 - 20:33
Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 19:33

And I guess by just waving my hands I can say a lot eh? XD

Of course you can! How do you think kings and queens communicate with people? They wave and everyone's happy, haha.

I imagine me in my English exam where I'm only waving with my hands... I guess no one would understand my great skills. XD
22.02.2009 - 20:59
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 17:14

I speak little spanish, but the teaching of it in my town sucks so I have to study at home, but I will learn!. And I'd love to learn greece, more than some words I know.

Ye sits good greek is good one, once I wrote exame asnver in cchoclet befroe exame in greek letters and it was awsome I pass hard exame its good trick if you know greek

I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
22.02.2009 - 21:01
Written by Dest on 22.02.2009 at 14:04

I'd like to learn Gaelic, I've been interested in learning it ever since I went to Dublin with a couple of friends.
I haven't had the time to learn it, since I'm quite busy with my current study, but when I graduate, I'll have more time to take a course or so.

And did you HEAR any Irish language spoken there?
You see almost 99,9% of the population in Ireland speak English as the first language and most of them either don't have any knowledge of this language or they just suck at it. The language exists in written form only and is purely formal. There are native speakers, yes, but they are very few in numbers and live in far away rural areas. And in case you haven't noticed, those whose native language is English, almost always have the ENGLISH accent when they speak foreign languages and the English accent is the worst of all....even Russians and Chinese don't distort a foreign language as English speakers tend to do it...and since the mother language of nearly all Irish is English, you might expect the GENUINE Irish Gaelic is more or less gone forever....the Irish Gaelic today is some distorted wreckage of a language spoken with heavy English accent....sad but true....want to hear true Irish, listen to some Enya or her family band Clannad (they were born in a rural area and this was 50 years ago...)...

You can also try Scottish Gaelic....altho this is also spoken by only a handful of people who inhabit the northern islands near Scotland.....type "Cant seo" in Youtube and you have a nice course of Scottish Gaelic for beginners...the pronunciation is correct which is delighting....

Sad thing as you see....if a language has been out of use for centuries for most of society then after "reviving" it actually is not the same language any longer......
22.02.2009 - 23:30
Written by Ragana on 22.02.2009 at 20:33

Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 19:33

And I guess by just waving my hands I can say a lot eh? XD

Of course you can! How do you think kings and queens communicate with people? They wave and everyone's happy, haha.

I imagine me in my English exam where I'm only waving with my hands... I guess no one would understand my great skills. XD

damn if I could do my swedish exam with waving my hands I'd be having good grades XD
haha never actually seen any royal people (like in nature) but it's kinda boring. wait for hours then they wave and hey let's go home -_-
and what waving really says?
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...
A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn... we fucked up"
22.02.2009 - 23:36
Written by Bad English on 22.02.2009 at 20:59

Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 17:14

I speak little spanish, but the teaching of it in my town sucks so I have to study at home, but I will learn!. And I'd love to learn greece, more than some words I know.

Ye sits good greek is good one, once I wrote exame asnver in cchoclet befroe exame in greek letters and it was awsome I pass hard exame its good trick if you know greek


should try that one
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...
A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn... we fucked up"
22.02.2009 - 23:42
Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 23:30

and what waving really says?

Hmm... like: "Hi, I'm an asshole, please smile at me and don't throw anything, k'?"

Sure, it's pretty hard to escape from flying shoes and wave at the same time... khem. :
But anyway, it's a body language. It definitely means something. Unfortunately not in exams.
22.02.2009 - 23:53
Written by Ragana on 22.02.2009 at 23:42

Written by LostSoul on 22.02.2009 at 23:30

and what waving really says?

Hmm... like: "Hi, I'm an asshole, please smile at me and don't throw anything, k'?"

Sure, it's pretty hard to escape from flying shoes and wave at the same time... khem. :
But anyway, it's a body language. It definitely means something. Unfortunately not in exams.

XD haha nice interpretation
yeah body language makes everything easier, if you cannot find right word just make people understand with your hands.
yeh exams suck
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...
A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn... we fucked up"
25.02.2009 - 14:14
My mother language is spanish, I learned english at school and mostly playing Pokemon and other videogames (xD). As a exchange student in Norway I'm learning norwegian and swidish (is basically the same language...), and...I hope someday learn czech, polish and/or german
25.02.2009 - 14:26
Red Nightmare
I'd really love to learn some weird language one day...Russian/Finnish/Icelandish(?)/Japanese....

I only know Italian and English....some Latin too...
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

25.02.2009 - 17:05
I speak Swedish, English and some rudimentary extremely basic Spanish (not speak as much as understand, as I've forgotten how to make sentences and shit). As for other languages I'd like to learn, Russian would be really cool, as well as maybe Northern Sami (the most common variant of Sami, a language spoken by a people native to northern Sweden, northern Norway, northern Finland and parts of Russia). Latin would also be cool to learn. Maybe Mandarin as well.

Problem is I know (since I know how I am) that I'll never actually get to learning these languages. I'm too lazy to do difficult stuff. Especially the chance of learning Mandarin seems very remote to me. The chance of me learning Northern Sami is also quite remote, but at least we got a bunch of people speaking it as their mother tongue here in Sweden, so it might be easier.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
26.02.2009 - 17:56
I read in the newspaper yesterday that a greek who lives in brussels speaks 44 languages!!!!!!! He could speak english fluently at the age of 5
I am a God in the deepest corner of my mind
26.02.2009 - 21:00
And I heard there in Malaysia is a 9-year-old boy who knows 4 programming languages.
26.02.2009 - 22:44
Red Nightmare
Wtf! A friend of mine told me once a man who was in coma, woke up and he knew Icelandic for some reason, even though he hadn't ever been there or known someone who knew that that's some easy way to learn!
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

26.02.2009 - 23:14
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 25.02.2009 at 17:05

I speak Swedish, English and some rudimentary extremely basic Spanish (not speak as much as understand, as I've forgotten how to make sentences and shit). As for other languages I'd like to learn, Russian would be really cool, as well as maybe Northern Sami (the most common variant of Sami, a language spoken by a people native to northern Sweden, northern Norway, northern Finland and parts of Russia). Latin would also be cool to learn. Maybe Mandarin as well.

Yeah I know man here even soem town names are like sami
Jokkmokk, Ohranajarvi, Rauko its viliage whit 3 houses Pajala , Arvidsjaur realy Nordic Swe sometiumes its feels you're somewhere in Finland
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.02.2009 - 23:25
Written by Bad English on 26.02.2009 at 23:14

Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 25.02.2009 at 17:05

I speak Swedish, English and some rudimentary extremely basic Spanish (not speak as much as understand, as I've forgotten how to make sentences and shit). As for other languages I'd like to learn, Russian would be really cool, as well as maybe Northern Sami (the most common variant of Sami, a language spoken by a people native to northern Sweden, northern Norway, northern Finland and parts of Russia). Latin would also be cool to learn. Maybe Mandarin as well.

Yeah I know man here even soem town names are like sami
Jokkmokk, Ohranajarvi, Rauko its viliage whit 3 houses Pajala , Arvidsjaur realy Nordic Swe sometiumes its feels you're somewhere in Finland

Sami culture is also damn interesting. I'm just waiting for a sami pagan black metal band to pop up, singing about their viking-influenced shamanism and about tending reindeer....

That would be awesome.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
26.02.2009 - 23:36
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 21:00

And I heard there in Malaysia is a 9-year-old boy who knows 4 programming languages.

Did you know in Finland are werry small villiage whit name ''Mauka'' and ''Izpista'' actualy I pass buy those to and was laughting till mid Finland forets area

If someone knows what means those in latvian
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.02.2009 - 23:50
Written by Bad English on 26.02.2009 at 23:36

Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 21:00

And I heard there in Malaysia is a 9-year-old boy who knows 4 programming languages.

Did you know in Finland are werry small villiage whit name ''Mauka'' and ''Izpista'' actualy I pass buy those to and was laughting till mid Finland forets area

If someone knows what means those in latvian

Omg, really? Gotta get there someday.
Actually there were few words in Estonian which sounded quite rude too... of course, if you know Latvian language. But can't remember any example at the moment, but I have a strange feeling it was something with waffles.
27.02.2009 - 00:09
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 23:50

Written by Bad English on 26.02.2009 at 23:36

Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 21:00

And I heard there in Malaysia is a 9-year-old boy who knows 4 programming languages.

Did you know in Finland are werry small villiage whit name ''Mauka'' and ''Izpista'' actualy I pass buy those to and was laughting till mid Finland forets area

If someone knows what means those in latvian

Omg, really? Gotta get there someday.

Yes I tryd make a pic but didnt catch it
It was soemwhere 100km from helsinki to nord if you go to Oulu
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
27.02.2009 - 01:03
Written by Bad English on 27.02.2009 at 00:09

Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 23:50

Written by Bad English on 26.02.2009 at 23:36

Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 21:00

And I heard there in Malaysia is a 9-year-old boy who knows 4 programming languages.

Did you know in Finland are werry small villiage whit name ''Mauka'' and ''Izpista'' actualy I pass buy those to and was laughting till mid Finland forets area

If someone knows what means those in latvian

Omg, really? Gotta get there someday.

Yes I tryd make a pic but didnt catch it
It was soemwhere 100km from helsinki to nord if you go to Oulu

i know how t count in binary and hexidecimal, but wat i really want t spek is japanese.
The computer Nerd
27.02.2009 - 11:00
Red Nightmare
Written by Bad English on 27.02.2009 at 00:09

Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 23:50

Written by Bad English on 26.02.2009 at 23:36

Written by Ragana on 26.02.2009 at 21:00

And I heard there in Malaysia is a 9-year-old boy who knows 4 programming languages.

Did you know in Finland are werry small villiage whit name ''Mauka'' and ''Izpista'' actualy I pass buy those to and was laughting till mid Finland forets area

If someone knows what means those in latvian

Omg, really? Gotta get there someday.

Yes I tryd make a pic but didnt catch it
It was soemwhere 100km from helsinki to nord if you go to Oulu

What do those name mean? I wanna laugh
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

27.02.2009 - 14:50
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Elio on 27.02.2009 at 11:00

What do those name mean? I wanna laugh

Mauka-like whore, slut
Izpista-fucked(about woman)
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
12.10.2009 - 11:18
Valentin B
Time to resurrect this thread lol

currently i'm learning Spanish and Italian, i love learning foreign languages, i think that after i'm done with these 2 (as in, know them at a decent conversation level), i'm gona re-start learning French and German. then i'll have 5 different foreign languages, then after that maybe expand on my shitty basic Japanese and impossibly basic Swedish haha.