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Posted by Lucas, 01.11.2006 - 22:30
No official Mayhem thread? Weird.

You all know the band, no need for an introduction. Discuss all Mayhem stuff here.

First, I'd like to start off with a question. Is anyone of you familiar with their live album Live In Zeitz?
I came across it lately, and was wondering if it is good. No, I am not talking about Live In Leipzig. Live In Zeitz has Dead on vocals, so I thought it would be nice to have that one, since there is not much of Dead besides Live In Leipzig and the Morbid/Mayhem split 'A Tribute To The Black Emperors'. Thank you!
11.02.2009 - 15:45
Written by Doc G. on 11.02.2009 at 11:34

Written by Lucas on 10.02.2009 at 22:54

Written by Slayer666 on 10.02.2009 at 22:47

Hmmm, I really don't like Atilla on Ordo Ad Chao. Hell, I don't like Ordo Ad Chao all together, it's too primmitive. By the way, did Maniac do vocals on Chimera?

Yes. That album is quite good in my opinion.

Wow, you were the last person I'd expect to like Chimera. Thats what I'd think of if you were to describe
safe-sounding black metal. Though I think it maybe my favourite Mayhem album (blasphemy!). When maniacs vocals kind of sit behind the creepy riffs it has an effectively creepy atmosphere (most notably in My Death).

And about the Ordo Ad Chao comment, yeah I know where your coming from dude, it takes some time to get adjusted to the strange production and even stranger drum sounds as well as timing. The primitive thing is one reason I started to appreciate it. The toms & bass drums have a fairly shallow, smaller sound which makes them almost sound like actual primitive type drums and what not. The cymbals have that really pie-plate-esque sound to them - the crashes don't carry on for long and cut out almost instantaneously, in my opinion (from a drummers point of view) it actually took some balls to make an attempt at going with that sound quality for the cymbals, which did work out nicely considering it fit well with the rest of the drums and overall production. Which brings me to my next point, the production is really earthy sounding which I can appreciate instead of having that typical buzzsaw-against-a-chalkboard production that far too many black metal bands use.

While I'm still not too keen on the songwriting in Ordo Ad Chao, Im really starting to enjoy the production. Like I said, takes some adjusting if your not a huge black metal person, just have to approach different mentally.

Trust me man, I tried and tried and tried again, but Ordo Ad Chao is just too bad (for me). I don't mind the production, I hate the stupid songwriting, it's just way too... not raw (raw is good sometimes) but simple to the max, and quite frankly, rather idiotic. IMO, of course.
11.02.2009 - 21:08
Mr. Noise
Written by Doc G. on 11.02.2009 at 11:34

Written by Lucas on 10.02.2009 at 22:54

Written by Slayer666 on 10.02.2009 at 22:47

Hmmm, I really don't like Atilla on Ordo Ad Chao. Hell, I don't like Ordo Ad Chao all together, it's too primmitive. By the way, did Maniac do vocals on Chimera?

Yes. That album is quite good in my opinion.

Wow, you were the last person I'd expect to like Chimera. Thats what I'd think of if you were to describe
safe-sounding black metal. Though I think it maybe my favourite Mayhem album (blasphemy!). When maniacs vocals kind of sit behind the creepy riffs it has an effectively creepy atmosphere (most notably in My Death).

Really? I don't think it's brilliant or anything, but a solid slab of dark & cold, modern Black metal. Better than, for example, Deathcrush...
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
11.02.2009 - 22:23
Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Written by Doc G. on 11.02.2009 at 11:34

Written by Lucas on 10.02.2009 at 22:54

Written by Slayer666 on 10.02.2009 at 22:47

Hmmm, I really don't like Atilla on Ordo Ad Chao. Hell, I don't like Ordo Ad Chao all together, it's too primmitive. By the way, did Maniac do vocals on Chimera?

Yes. That album is quite good in my opinion.

Wow, you were the last person I'd expect to like Chimera. Thats what I'd think of if you were to describe
safe-sounding black metal. Though I think it maybe my favourite Mayhem album (blasphemy!). When maniacs vocals kind of sit behind the creepy riffs it has an effectively creepy atmosphere (most notably in My Death).

Really? I don't think it's brilliant or anything, but a solid slab of dark & cold, modern Black metal. Better than, for example, Deathcrush...

You just lost like a million trueness points or something. Deathcrush is the best Mayhem release. It's simply necro as fuck, and contains some really raw, heavy and simple riffs that just reek of awesomeness.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
11.02.2009 - 22:44
Account deleted
Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...


Chimera's kinda fun, agreed on that.
11.02.2009 - 22:46
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=8724] on 11.02.2009 at 22:44

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...


Chimera's pretty fun, agreed on that.

I totally agree with Lucas on this one.
IMO Deathcrush is terrible.

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

11.02.2009 - 22:59
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 11.02.2009 at 22:46

Written by [user id=8724] on 11.02.2009 at 22:44

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...


Chimera's pretty fun, agreed on that.

I totally agree with Lucas on this one.
IMO Deathcrush is terrible.

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...

Haha, probably.

Deathcrush is one of the releases (or the release?) that got me into metal in the first place.
11.02.2009 - 23:03
rageing atheist
Account deleted
I have only had it on my computer as of now so I haven't listened to it terribly closely (completely focused on the music, with headphones etc), but imo Deathcrush sounds superior to DMDS and Ordo Ad Chao both. It sounds pretty much perfect to me. Short, to the point, catchy, has shit-eating-grin inducing riffs and so on...
11.02.2009 - 23:14
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 11.02.2009 at 22:46

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...

That album was really inconsistent for me, the songs I liked I absolutely loved: View From Nihil pt 1, Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction....I believe there was few more. But it just seemed like there was a whole lot of filler.
Actually I believe I traded Grand Declaration to Lucas a while back, I've contemplated buying it again just for those 2 songs alone.

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Really? I don't think it's brilliant or anything, but a solid slab of dark & cold, modern Black metal. Better than, for example, Deathcrush...

Yeah never quite understood Deathcrush much myself, I didn't mind it but its definitely not something I really think of listening to, when I feel like listening to Mayhem I usually pop in Chimera. Though I have to admit I listen to Sylvester Anfang very frequently, but from what I understand that wasn't actually their song....

Written by Slayer666 on 11.02.2009 at 15:45

Trust me man, I tried and tried and tried again, but Ordo Ad Chao is just too bad (for me). I don't mind the production, I hate the stupid songwriting, it's just way too... not raw (raw is good sometimes) but simple to the max, and quite frankly, rather idiotic. IMO, of course.

Yeah, I had very similar feelings toward the album myself when it first came out (even look a few pages back and see the long ass argument I had with Damnated over it). Must say I've come to enjoy the album a lot more.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
11.02.2009 - 23:21
Mr. Noise
Written by Doc G. on 11.02.2009 at 23:14

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 11.02.2009 at 22:46

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...

That album was really inconsistent for me, the songs I liked I absolutely loved: View From Nihil pt 1, Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction....I believe there was few more. But it just seemed like there was a whole lot of filler.
Actually I believe I traded Grand Declaration to Lucas a while back, I've contemplated buying it again just for those 2 songs alone.

Yep, and I still thank you for it.

I like the album, some songs are great and Maniac has some very great moments, but as you said, there are a few lesser moments which bring the album down. Great concept, good execution - good album.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
12.02.2009 - 01:35
The Ancient One
Thought it a good album. i dig the concept, the execution on most songs is really good - if not clinical. in many ways it seems nearly the opposite of "Ordo."

i didn't like the extended silent parts, though, those annoyed me. even in listening to ambient music, i don't like it when the music just disappears altogether for mroe than 5 seconds.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
12.02.2009 - 01:45
Well, I like both albums with Maniac vocals.. I like Grand Declaration of War, but Chimera is something better in my opinion. And indeed it was the very first Black Metal album I've ever heard.. And, Whore was just amazing.

I'm a Mayhem fan, because of what Blasphemer composed.. I really don't enjoy Euronymous era albums.. Maybe just De Mysteriis Dom Sathanes, and only because there's some Attilaic vocals.. But Grand Dec..., Chimera and Ordo Ad Chao are just amazing to me.. And those are great albums thanks to Blasphemer.
12.02.2009 - 13:45
Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 23:21

Written by Doc G. on 11.02.2009 at 23:14

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 11.02.2009 at 22:46

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...

That album was really inconsistent for me, the songs I liked I absolutely loved: View From Nihil pt 1, Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction....I believe there was few more. But it just seemed like there was a whole lot of filler.
Actually I believe I traded Grand Declaration to Lucas a while back, I've contemplated buying it again just for those 2 songs alone.

Yep, and I still thank you for it.

I like the album, some songs are great and Maniac has some very great moments, but as you said, there are a few lesser moments which bring the album down. Great concept, good execution - good album.

If you ask me, Grand Declaration is purely average, or a little beneath average. Ordo is far worse, though. Deathchrush is good and DMDS is awesome.
12.02.2009 - 17:40
X-Ray Rod
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 11.02.2009 at 22:46

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...

Well... It seems I'm in that group then
I think that the album is really original, some sort of avantgarde black metal that really works. And the drums on songs like "Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction" are so fucking catchy at times.
And also Maniac's vocals are awesome:

You have now entered from the womb
In my reconstruction from deconstruction
Where instruments of genetic distortion is me
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

13.02.2009 - 14:49
Orm KrigGud
Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...

...and you were talking about Chimera??? Lol and some seem to agree with you too.. Things certainly have changed over the 2 years that I haven't been here..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
13.02.2009 - 19:00
X-Ray Rod
Written by Himann on 13.02.2009 at 14:49

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...

...and you were talking about Chimera??? Lol and some seem to agree with you too.. Things certainly have changed over the 2 years that I haven't been here..

People are getting from tr00 to realistic.

Deathcrush have some catchy riffs... But... it's just that.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

13.02.2009 - 19:12
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 11.02.2009 at 22:46

Written by [user id=8724] on 11.02.2009 at 22:44

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...


Chimera's pretty fun, agreed on that.

I totally agree with Lucas on this one.
IMO Deathcrush is terrible.

And I am probably one of the very few on this earth who absolutely LOVES Grand Declaration...

Probably so...probably so. That album actually frightened me.

As for Ordo Ad Chao, I can't get enough! I can't way to see Mayhem at the Kings of Black Metal in Gießen!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
14.02.2009 - 11:27
Written by X-Ray Rod on 13.02.2009 at 19:00

Written by Himann on 13.02.2009 at 14:49

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...

...and you were talking about Chimera??? Lol and some seem to agree with you too.. Things certainly have changed over the 2 years that I haven't been here..

People are getting from tr00 to realistic.

Deathcrush have some catchy riffs... But... it's just that.

I have just come to the conclusion that you are a mutant that lacks ears. The dirty, raw heaviness of Deathcrush is what makes it so great. It's got nearly the same great qualities as a lot of the first wave bm (Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Root...), just with a little more necro edge to it. It's just awesome, and easily Mayhem's best release.

Chimera isn't all that bad. It's just very boring (Maniac brings it down a lot though, would probably have sounded better with someone else). Grand Declaration is the only really bad one.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.02.2009 - 11:40
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 11:27

I have just come to the conclusion that you are a mutant that lacks ears. The dirty, raw heaviness of Deathcrush is what makes it so great. It's got nearly the same great qualities as a lot of the first wave bm (Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Root...), just with a little more necro edge to it. It's just awesome, and easily Mayhem's best release.

Chimera isn't all that bad. It's just very boring (Maniac brings it down a lot though, would probably have sounded better with someone else). Grand Declaration is the only really bad one.

Deathcrush is thin with forgettable riffs, the "raw dirty heaviness" of it could (and was) done by others who did it better, with better riffs on top. Not to mention the songwriting seemed completely lacking in much thought whatsoever.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
14.02.2009 - 11:45
Written by Doc G. on 14.02.2009 at 11:40

Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 11:27

I have just come to the conclusion that you are a mutant that lacks ears. The dirty, raw heaviness of Deathcrush is what makes it so great. It's got nearly the same great qualities as a lot of the first wave bm (Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Root...), just with a little more necro edge to it. It's just awesome, and easily Mayhem's best release.

Chimera isn't all that bad. It's just very boring (Maniac brings it down a lot though, would probably have sounded better with someone else). Grand Declaration is the only really bad one.

Deathcrush is thin with forgettable riffs, the "raw dirty heaviness" of it could (and was) done by others who did it better, with better riffs on top. Not to mention the songwriting seemed completely lacking in much thought whatsoever.

Well, each to their own I guess. Perhaps I'm the mutant that lacks ears, but I sure as hell don't think the songwriting was lacking. It was just very primitive and straight-forward. Also, the riffs are anything but forgettable.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.02.2009 - 13:38
rageing atheist
Account deleted
Forgettable riffs? I can't get the Deathcrush opening riff out of my head, one of the most memorable metal riffs to me, alongside the main riff of Burzum's Lost Wisdom.
14.02.2009 - 18:18
X-Ray Rod
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 11:27

I have just come to the conclusion that you are a mutant that lacks ears.

I don't know if I will take that as an insult or not. Since I don't find myself as a person that jumps everythime there's a "mutherfucking sweeeeeeeeeeeet and necro riff". So I'm more complicated when it comes to like a band.

The riffs are not forgettable. We both agree with that. But I need more than just that. The feeling in the album is really awesome too... But the other albums are way better IMHO.

But you don't have the right to say "you lack ears" just because I don't think the same as you. That's such an arrogant actitude. And there's nothing worse than an arrogant metalhead tbh.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.02.2009 - 19:05
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.02.2009 at 18:18

Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 11:27

I have just come to the conclusion that you are a mutant that lacks ears.

I don't know if I will take that as an insult or not. Since I don't find myself as a person that jumps everythime there's a "mutherfucking sweeeeeeeeeeeet and necro riff". So I'm more complicated when it comes to like a band.

The riffs are not forgettable. We both agree with that. But I need more than just that. The feeling in the album is really awesome too... But the other albums are way better IMHO.

But you don't have the right to say "you lack ears" just because I don't think the same as you. That's such an arrogant actitude. And there's nothing worse than an arrogant metalhead tbh.

Relax dude.... I got nothing against you in any way, and that was mostly a poor attempt at a joke.

If you're offended, I apologize. Irony doesn't always come across well across the interwebs, and I'm a very ironic kind of person (quite often also when I'm referring to myself).

From ehat I've seen of your posts it is obvious you have ears and mostly a good taste in music as well (you like Devil Doll, for one thing )

Peace, brother?
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.02.2009 - 19:08
X-Ray Rod
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 19:05

Relax dude.... I got nothing against you in any way, and that was mostly a poor attempt at a joke.

If you're offended, I apologize. Irony doesn't always come across well across the interwebs, and I'm a very ironic kind of person (quite often also when I'm referring to myself).

From ehat I've seen of your posts it is obvious you have ears and mostly a good taste in music as well (you like Devil Doll, for one thing )

Peace, brother?

Naaah, I'm the one who is sorry. I'm also very ironic with my comments but I'm really bad at finding the irony in other people's comments. I was probably in my period.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.02.2009 - 20:22
Mr. Noise
Less peace and love, more motherfucking Mayhem!

I'm very curious (and a little frightened) to the future of Mayhem. I hope they will continue, but I wonder what they're going to do with the gigantic void Blasphemer left behind.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
14.02.2009 - 20:25
Written by Lucas on 14.02.2009 at 20:22

Less peace and love, more motherfucking Mayhem!

I'm very curious (and a little frightened) to the future of Mayhem. I hope they will continue, but I wonder what they're going to do with the gigantic void Blasphemer left behind.

Hope they bring in Snorre. There's been rumours going on about that and they very well could be true since he's played with Mayhem before and shit. He's got Thorns going on now though, so I really don't know...
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.02.2009 - 21:42
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Lucas on 14.02.2009 at 20:22

Less peace and love, more motherfucking Mayhem!

I'm very curious (and a little frightened) to the future of Mayhem. I hope they will continue, but I wonder what they're going to do with the gigantic void Blasphemer left behind.

Well, I don't know enough black metal to give a good prediction on who its going to be, but I do know black metal well enough to notice Attila doesn't write (or participate?) in typical predictable crap. Love him or hate him his stuff is generally unique and interesting in one way or another. So as long as hes in the band I have a feeling any new releases won't suffer from mediocrity. I have a feeling it will be one of those albums thats seen as horrendous crap by some and genius by others....just a little prediction though, who knows, I'm probably not the right guy to make these types of predictions anyways.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
14.02.2009 - 22:31
Written by Doc G. on 14.02.2009 at 21:42

Written by Lucas on 14.02.2009 at 20:22

Less peace and love, more motherfucking Mayhem!

I'm very curious (and a little frightened) to the future of Mayhem. I hope they will continue, but I wonder what they're going to do with the gigantic void Blasphemer left behind.

Well, I don't know enough black metal to give a good prediction on who its going to be, but I do know black metal well enough to notice Attila doesn't write (or participate?) in typical predictable crap.

you're right as long as black metal is concerned, but Csihar does crap too, Burial Chamber Trio ie.

i think i said this once, but i'll say it again, i really hope Mayhem stops recording and sticks with just performing live. i can't see an album by Mayhem topping Ordo ad Chao. and releasing weaker stuff is just useless.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

14.02.2009 - 23:01
Written by Damnated on 14.02.2009 at 22:31

Written by Doc G. on 14.02.2009 at 21:42

Written by Lucas on 14.02.2009 at 20:22

Less peace and love, more motherfucking Mayhem!

I'm very curious (and a little frightened) to the future of Mayhem. I hope they will continue, but I wonder what they're going to do with the gigantic void Blasphemer left behind.

Well, I don't know enough black metal to give a good prediction on who its going to be, but I do know black metal well enough to notice Attila doesn't write (or participate?) in typical predictable crap.

you're right as long as black metal is concerned, but Csihar does crap too, Burial Chamber Trio ie.

i think i said this once, but i'll say it again, i really hope Mayhem stops recording and sticks with just performing live. i can't see an album by Mayhem topping Ordo ad Chao. and releasing weaker stuff is just useless.

If they get Snorre on guitars and get him and Attila involved in the songwriting a future Mayhem album could be interesting.

Otherwise, I guess we should be happy if we don't get another grand declaration.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.02.2009 - 23:14
Written by Damnated on 14.02.2009 at 22:31

i think i said this once, but i'll say it again, i really hope Mayhem stops recording and sticks with just performing live. i can't see an album by Mayhem topping Ordo ad Chao. and releasing weaker stuff is just useless.

Yes, talk to them about this.. Then can perform lots of lives, and of course they can release a DVD from their live performances..
I really like to see another Mayhem DVD.. Live in France was good, although it wasn't very nice, because Maniac destroyed songs from De Mysteriies Dom Sathanes.. But other members' performance were nice.
And of course I've seen some videos on Youtube, and some pictures of their live performance after Ordo Ad Chao, I'm really interested to watch some in HD.
15.02.2009 - 01:15
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Damnated on 14.02.2009 at 22:31

you're right as long as black metal is concerned, but Csihar does crap too, Burial Chamber Trio ie.

i think i said this once, but i'll say it again, i really hope Mayhem stops recording and sticks with just performing live. i can't see an album by Mayhem topping Ordo ad Chao. and releasing weaker stuff is just useless.

Well what I meant was, if its going to be crap I expect to be crap for creating something off-the-wall type crappy. I doubt he'd make something thats crappy because it sounds like everything else. Thats just what I've noticed about the guy personally, I could be wrong....Seeing as now that I'm looking at it theres a fairly good chunk of projects he's participated in that I've never heard.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin