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Posted by Lucas, 01.11.2006 - 22:30
No official Mayhem thread? Weird.

You all know the band, no need for an introduction. Discuss all Mayhem stuff here.

First, I'd like to start off with a question. Is anyone of you familiar with their live album Live In Zeitz?
I came across it lately, and was wondering if it is good. No, I am not talking about Live In Leipzig. Live In Zeitz has Dead on vocals, so I thought it would be nice to have that one, since there is not much of Dead besides Live In Leipzig and the Morbid/Mayhem split 'A Tribute To The Black Emperors'. Thank you!
15.02.2009 - 01:59
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 23:01

If they get Snorre on guitars and get him and Attila involved in the songwriting a future Mayhem album could be interesting.

Otherwise, I guess we should be happy if we don't get another grand declaration.

Snorre from Thorns? personally i don't care for that project, so it don't see him with Csihar that good of a combo.

but what's with the current live guitarist? can anyone say anything about his recent performance with the band? i know the guy is/was in Limbonic Art, combine that kind of music with a high Csihar and you have something interesting right there. but since he is still called a tour member, chances are slim he'll actually join.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

15.02.2009 - 02:01
Mr. Noise
Basically anything with Attila is interesting in my book. Not always good (I second the Burial Chamber Trio comment), but always something I want to check out.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
15.02.2009 - 07:34
rageing atheist
Account deleted
If Mayhem get Snorre Ruch, I wouldn't be surprised to see them topping Ordo. To me the strength of Ordo seems to diminish with subsequent listens, I loved it when I first heard it, it feels somewhat boring now.
15.02.2009 - 12:45
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Snorre joining Mayhem sounds nice but Mayhem's sound will shift towards Rebel Extragavanza era Satyricon I think. Snorre always leaves a huge mark on the the music he is invloved in and RE was clearly inspired by Thorns.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

16.02.2009 - 07:38
Orm KrigGud
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.02.2009 at 11:27

Written by X-Ray Rod on 13.02.2009 at 19:00

Written by Himann on 13.02.2009 at 14:49

Written by Lucas on 11.02.2009 at 21:08

Better than, for example, Deathcrush...

...and you were talking about Chimera??? Lol and some seem to agree with you too.. Things certainly have changed over the 2 years that I haven't been here..

People are getting from tr00 to realistic.

Deathcrush have some catchy riffs... But... it's just that.

I have just come to the conclusion that you are a mutant that lacks ears. The dirty, raw heaviness of Deathcrush is what makes it so great. It's got nearly the same great qualities as a lot of the first wave bm (Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Root...), just with a little more necro edge to it. It's just awesome, and easily Mayhem's best release.

Chimera isn't all that bad. It's just very boring (Maniac brings it down a lot though, would probably have sounded better with someone else). Grand Declaration is the only really bad one.

I may be living the past here, but there's no way that any of Mayhem's newer stuff can compare the brutal, raw, old school stuff of the past.

Personally I think metal as a whole is more of a joke after the year 2000. Same old nonsense with almost every band thinking too much about things like production and trends. I dont think there ever was anything called "kvltness" or "tr00ness" in black metal of the past. It was more like a lifestyle followed by a certain section of fans I suppose.

Old Mayhem on the other hand will always be the most dirty, yet most artistic band every to grace the shores of Norway.
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
16.02.2009 - 19:33
X-Ray Rod
Written by Himann on 16.02.2009 at 07:38

Personally I think metal as a whole is more of a joke after the year 2000.

I would agree but not in the metal scene as a whole. But a few genres like Power or Black.
But genres like doom are getting better and and way more original than before.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

16.02.2009 - 20:31
Written by Himann on 16.02.2009 at 07:38

I may be living the past here, but there's no way that any of Mayhem's newer stuff can compare the brutal, raw, old school stuff of the past.

Personally I think metal as a whole is more of a joke after the year 2000. Same old nonsense with almost every band thinking too much about things like production and trends. I dont think there ever was anything called "kvltness" or "tr00ness" in black metal of the past. It was more like a lifestyle followed by a certain section of fans I suppose.

Old Mayhem on the other hand will always be the most dirty, yet most artistic band every to grace the shores of Norway.

I agree with most of this, but I'd say that the reason for most of the joke kind of metal we have today is that it is now a lot easier to come into contact with metal than it was in the past without the internet and stuff. The real, serious bands are still here, but as they are hidden deep within an underground scene nowadays littered with faggot shitbands who don't even know what they're doing they're a lot more difficult to find. You have to go through 20 shit bands to find one good one nowadays it seems, but there are some gems rising from the underground scene today as well.

Examples of good modern underground stuff I've come across would be:

Nex Perpetui Regis

Merciless Crucifixion

Black Wraith

The Swedish Orthodox scene also isn't completely hopeless (Malign is a really good band for example), even if the Swedish depressive scene is. There are still bands that sure as hell don't fuck around if you know where to find them. While I agree that the Norwegian days of glory are gone by now (most good bands have stopped playing, or sold out and started sucking, and the scene itself seems pretty stagnant), but the Canadian, Swedish, Finnish and French scenes still produce good black metal that ain't joking around.

As for other genres of metal, I'd say that doom metal is going strong still, and ain't showing many signs of weakening. The death metal scene has more or less imploded into a parody of itself, but there are still some good stuff going around like Dead Congregation or Father Befouled (the problem with the genre is it's constant failure to evolve without starting to suck). As for thrash, I agree with you that the scene's mostly a joke, and what little there still is is kept alive by the deep underground (all the big "thrash scenes" are pretty much gone), there are still a few decent modern bands though. As for heavy and power metal, you just can't get away from the fact that most of the really great stuff was released long ago. And as for the melodeath genre, whatever little good it ever contained has pretty much spiraled out in nothingness as the Gothenburg scene has totally decayed (no good bands remaining and playing good music).

And as for new metal genres, the most recently evolved seems to be this -core bullshit, which is a joke in itself (and a very bad one at that).
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
17.02.2009 - 14:07
Written by X-Ray Rod on 16.02.2009 at 19:33

Written by Himann on 16.02.2009 at 07:38

Personally I think metal as a whole is more of a joke after the year 2000.

I would agree but not in the metal scene as a whole. But a few genres like Black.

Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

17.02.2009 - 14:53
Orm KrigGud
Written by Damnated on 17.02.2009 at 14:07

Written by X-Ray Rod on 16.02.2009 at 19:33

Written by Himann on 16.02.2009 at 07:38

Personally I think metal as a whole is more of a joke after the year 2000.

I would agree but not in the metal scene as a whole. But a few genres like Black.


Whats so hypocritical about that?
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
17.02.2009 - 18:10
Written by Himann on 17.02.2009 at 14:53

Whats so hypocritical about that?

the fact that you both very much enjoy bands after 2000, yet you bash the scene. even if it is a handful of bands. it's like being a vegetarian and eating fish. it's not like they have a face!!
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

18.02.2009 - 00:08
X-Ray Rod
Written by Damnated on 17.02.2009 at 18:10

Written by Himann on 17.02.2009 at 14:53

Whats so hypocritical about that?

the fact that you both very much enjoy bands after 2000, yet you bash the scene. even if it is a handful of bands. it's like being a vegetarian and eating fish. it's not like they have a face!!

101 Rules of being a metalstormer:
43. Be a hypocrite.

Naaah, just kidding though. You're actually right... I was talking shit back then XP
I don't even remember why I wrote black. Specially since I'm into the more recent scene... I was in drugs ad playing necro maybe.
And also... I got some black cds... and all of them are from these years
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

18.02.2009 - 07:51
Orm KrigGud
Written by Damnated on 17.02.2009 at 18:10

Written by Himann on 17.02.2009 at 14:53

Whats so hypocritical about that?

the fact that you both very much enjoy bands after 2000, yet you bash the scene. even if it is a handful of bands. it's like being a vegetarian and eating fish. it's not like they have a face!!

There aren't that many recent bands that I enjoy actually. Take a band like Mayhem for example (since we're on the Mayhem thread). I'm not too fond of their recent releases, but almost all of their older albums, live stuff and bootlegs from older albums are simply fantastic. There are obviously one or two exceptions to this sort of rule of course.

Suppose I listened to 20 bands from the older era, I'm likely to like at least 15 of them. If I listen to 20 bands from the current era, I'll be lucky to even like 2 of them. Sorry but to me its just like quantity over quality at the moment for most of these recent bands.. Of course, thats probably just my taste. I dont even look around for bands anymore (much to the disappointment of my supplier). I stick to what I have listened to all these years and continue to enjoy it regardless of what all you new age chaps say.
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
01.04.2009 - 03:18
Fist of Death
01.04.2009 - 13:58
Mmmm... Mayhem!!! This band is for me maybe the greatest BM band ever! I've heard only De mysterylis so I can not be objective but this album is really really great!!!! It creates an amazing atmosphere!!!
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
01.04.2009 - 19:51
The Ancient One
This thread is so much more amusing today.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
01.04.2009 - 20:52
X-Ray Rod
Written by BitterCOld on 01.04.2009 at 19:51

This thread is so much more amusing today.

Agree... Every thread of a BM band is a joke right now
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

01.04.2009 - 23:32
How the fuck did you dudes manage this sorcery?! Far-fuckin-out, man! Gotta lotta strands in ole' Duders head, man.

Which words are being replaced? releases, black metal, raw, cult... about to find out...
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
01.04.2009 - 23:53
The Ancient One
Huh, i thought you of all posters would get it... what, with you adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep your mind, you know, uh, limber.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
02.04.2009 - 20:56
Account deleted
I don't think that I'm able to get over Fluffycrush anytime soon.
25.04.2009 - 20:11
Valentin B
Someone please tell me what releases Dead did the vocals on("sang" is kind of pushing it lol) and why is Dead hailed as something like "the trvv mayhem voice" when he lasted only like 3 years in the band
25.04.2009 - 20:16
Mr. Noise
Written by Valentin B on 25.04.2009 at 20:11

Someone please tell me what releases Dead did the vocals on("sang" is kind of pushing it lol) and why is Dead hailed as something like "the trvv mayhem voice" when []bhe lasted only like 3 years in the band[/b]

thats basically your reason right there. he was raw, he was evil, he shot himself. 1+1+1=3. And three is more than two.

But um, yeah. I think the only thing worth your time & money is Live In Leipzig. there are more bootlegs out there, but most are very low quality. though im not pretending that i've heard them all.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
26.04.2009 - 07:44
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Lucas on 25.04.2009 at 20:16

Written by Valentin B on 25.04.2009 at 20:11

Someone please tell me what releases Dead did the vocals on("sang" is kind of pushing it lol) and why is Dead hailed as something like "the trvv mayhem voice" when []bhe lasted only like 3 years in the band[/b]

thats basically your reason right there. he was raw, he was evil, he shot himself. 1+1+1=3. And three is more than two.

But um, yeah. I think the only thing worth your time & money is Live In Leipzig. there are more bootlegs out there, but most are very low quality. though im not pretending that i've heard them all.

While we're on the topic, Lucas, could you please explain to me the giant attraction behind Dead? I mean, other than the whole being mentally unstable thing....I've listened to Live In Leipzig and although it isn't bad, I don't see why people go apeshit over his vocals?....or does it have anything to do with vocals? I mean, I'm reasonably uninformed when it comes to black metal (relative to other metal peoples) and I can see where Attila and Maniac both have distinct vocals, can't see anything special about Dead....
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
26.04.2009 - 10:58
The Ancient One
Written by Doc G. on 26.04.2009 at 07:44

Written by Lucas on 25.04.2009 at 20:16

Written by Valentin B on 25.04.2009 at 20:11

Someone please tell me what releases Dead did the vocals on("sang" is kind of pushing it lol) and why is Dead hailed as something like "the trvv mayhem voice" when []bhe lasted only like 3 years in the band[/b]

thats basically your reason right there. he was raw, he was evil, he shot himself. 1+1+1=3. And three is more than two.

But um, yeah. I think the only thing worth your time & money is Live In Leipzig. there are more bootlegs out there, but most are very low quality. though im not pretending that i've heard them all.

While we're on the topic, Lucas, could you please explain to me the giant attraction behind Dead? I mean, other than the whole being mentally unstable thing....I've listened to Live In Leipzig and although it isn't bad, I don't see why people go apeshit over his vocals?....or does it have anything to do with vocals? I mean, I'm reasonably uninformed when it comes to black metal (relative to other metal peoples) and I can see where Attila and Maniac both have distinct vocals, can't see anything special about Dead....

probably the Jim Morrison/Kurt Cobain/Chuck Schuldiner factor - talented musician dies prematurely and get canonized for his work.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
26.04.2009 - 10:58
Written by Doc G. on 26.04.2009 at 07:44

Written by Lucas on 25.04.2009 at 20:16

Written by Valentin B on 25.04.2009 at 20:11

Someone please tell me what releases Dead did the vocals on("sang" is kind of pushing it lol) and why is Dead hailed as something like "the trvv mayhem voice" when []bhe lasted only like 3 years in the band[/b]

thats basically your reason right there. he was raw, he was evil, he shot himself. 1+1+1=3. And three is more than two.

But um, yeah. I think the only thing worth your time & money is Live In Leipzig. there are more bootlegs out there, but most are very low quality. though im not pretending that i've heard them all.

While we're on the topic, Lucas, could you please explain to me the giant attraction behind Dead? I mean, other than the whole being mentally unstable thing....I've listened to Live In Leipzig and although it isn't bad, I don't see why people go apeshit over his vocals?....or does it have anything to do with vocals? I mean, I'm reasonably uninformed when it comes to black metal (relative to other metal peoples) and I can see where Attila and Maniac both have distinct vocals, can't see anything special about Dead....

Well yes, I believe in the same thing. I'm wondering if Dead was on vocal duty in De Mysteriies Dom Sathanas instead of Attila.. In my opinion that would suck. I think Dead done the best act for Black Metal by killing himself he cause Attila Csihar came up..

Maybe I'm untrue, but I'm a die-hard fan of Mayhem, not because the kvlt actions of Euronymous and Dead in early 90's. I like this band because of Blasphemer and Attila Csihar's talent in music. Although I like Deathcrush very much but still I can't believe that Euronymous was better than Blasphemer..
26.04.2009 - 13:06
Mr. Noise
Dr. Rock: I fully agree with BitterCOld here. Dead is idolized for being raw and evil, but in reality, he isn't all that special. Ok, he was pretty extreme in his time, but no more than that imo.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
27.04.2009 - 16:17
They cancelled their shows in Mexico because of the Swine Flu....

Kinda ironic. lol.

Glad I could see them here though!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
27.04.2009 - 20:18
The Ancient One
Written by TheBigRossowski on 27.04.2009 at 16:17

They cancelled their shows in Mexico because of the Swine Flu....

Kinda ironic. lol.

that is pretty hilarious.

get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
27.04.2009 - 22:00
Written by BitterCOld on 27.04.2009 at 20:18

Written by TheBigRossowski on 27.04.2009 at 16:17

They cancelled their shows in Mexico because of the Swine Flu....

Kinda ironic. lol.

that is pretty hilarious.

Glad somebody got it... well, it hasn't been that long since that post either. But still...fuck.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
17.06.2009 - 17:55
Got Mayhem?
Late to the game but I finally sat through all of Ordo Ad Chao and what a trip it was.
Attila sounds 500% better than on DMDS (I thought Dead could have done better there) and the entire album just creates a suffocating atmosphere. Some moments remind of DMDS, which is really nice because I didn't get alot of the Old Mayhem sound from Chimera.
18.06.2009 - 15:07
Written by Got Mayhem? on 17.06.2009 at 17:55

...Attila sounds 500% better than on DMDS (I thought Dead could have done better there)...

Donny, you're out of your element. Dead is not the issue here... I'm talking about drawing a line at Attila's feet and across this line...

Also, Dude, you're only writing that because it's been written a thousand times before you and set in stone that ''Dead was the most awesome black metal singer of all time''. Even though there is next to nothing with him on it...

If he was alive, he would admit himself that Attila is 2x as good as he is.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?