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Posted by Stigmatized, 18.05.2006 - 03:59
Here is the new topic for the new forum. The DVD is due out in June and the new album is supposedly set for a February 2007 release. Enjoy!
21.06.2006 - 14:53
Written by Hyvaarin on 14.06.2006 at 15:20

Written by Immortalist on 13.06.2006 at 18:00

Meh, what I was referring to was that creating good music doesn't always depend on musical abilities. And I am not saying that they are bad or anything, but nothing too special either. After all, I have heard better drum fills, overall playing live and clean vocals (or well, that part got fixed quite well on Dragonheads). Anyway, as I said, they are good and have also advanced a lot since their demo period.

EDIT: I just noticed your avatar... I am NOT questioning Mäenpää's guitar skills here

Hehe, I should hope not!

Do you thing he shows more skill with Ensiferum or Wintersun?
21.06.2006 - 15:58
Good question! I'd say Wintersun - to me, both his lead and rhythm playing is more complex and soulful with Wintersun. But then again, I suppose that's what you'd expect - with Wintersun he's totally free to play exactly what he wants.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
22.06.2006 - 06:55
Written by Hyvaarin on 21.06.2006 at 15:58

Good question! I'd say Wintersun - to me, both his lead and rhythm playing is more complex and soulful with Wintersun. But then again, I suppose that's what you'd expect - with Wintersun he's totally free to play exactly what he wants.

I actually prefer his work with Ensiferum, believe it or not.

Every song blows me away, not just the lead playing but the riffs and everything are just so well done.
22.06.2006 - 07:15
Yeah, I fully understand that. His playing in Ensiferum (on 'Iron', at least) doesn't really stand out as much as his playing with Wintersun - not through lack of quality, but lack of quantity - I was really surprised at how few solos that album has.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
30.06.2006 - 12:32
Amon Amarth
Is the DVD out yet?
30.06.2006 - 12:47
Account deleted
I think I slightly prefer his works with Wintersun. Yet I like the somewhat more "happy" style of Ensiferum
25.07.2006 - 23:27
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
This band is awesome, i'm surprised of many people don't post here a comment?
25.07.2006 - 23:47
Band rocks! Well of course it rocks. I dont like much folk metal, but this is exception. Music is so awesome.
NP. Ensiferum - Iron

@MicTian: There isn't many Ensiferum fan's in Metal Storm, everyone haven't noticed this thread or something like that?
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
26.07.2006 - 03:48
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
i don't know, many people here like Ensiferum, but i think they don't have idea about this thread.

My favorite discs, Dragonheads and the best for me IRON, the perfect combination of folk, power and death vocals.
26.07.2006 - 06:14
well heres another Ensiferum fan though a fairly new one i have dragonheads and really enjoyed it any suggestions on what to hear next, although as many here i have to say i really enjoy Wintersun more than Ensiferum
-At live's eve our flames will cease-
26.07.2006 - 06:17
You have to get their self titled CD, if you liked Dragonheads, you'll cream yourself over "Ensiferum." Iron is a really good CD as well. And if you like Ensiferum, check out Equilibrium.
28.07.2006 - 12:44
Slottet av Take
Account deleted
Awesome about them working on their new cd But i dunno....Ensiferum's soul kinda left when Jari left i dont think they will be as great without him. I mean he practically did the song writing and Petri is nowhere near as talented a musician nor songwriter so i dunno. I suppose it will be cool and all but Im not sure exactly if it will be on par with their other 2 albums..

we'll just have to wait and see..
02.08.2006 - 02:08
Written by [user id=1909] on 28.07.2006 at 12:44

Awesome about them working on their new cd But i dunno....Ensiferum's soul kinda left when Jari left i dont think they will be as great without him. I mean he practically did the song writing and Petri is nowhere near as talented a musician nor songwriter so i dunno. I suppose it will be cool and all but Im not sure exactly if it will be on par with their other 2 albums..

we'll just have to wait and see..

Agree with you. It was big hit to Ensiferum when Jari left. Hope that Petri will get better and do things better.

We will wait.
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
02.08.2006 - 02:40
Written by Fane on 02.08.2006 at 02:08

Written by [user id=1909] on 28.07.2006 at 12:44

Awesome about them working on their new cd But i dunno....Ensiferum's soul kinda left when Jari left i dont think they will be as great without him. I mean he practically did the song writing and Petri is nowhere near as talented a musician nor songwriter so i dunno. I suppose it will be cool and all but Im not sure exactly if it will be on par with their other 2 albums..

we'll just have to wait and see..

Agree with you. It was big hit to Ensiferum when Jari left. Hope that Petri will get better and do things better.

We will wait.

I don't think you guys are giving Petri enough credit. He shows a considerable amount of potential with Norther and on Ensiferum's Dragonheads EP. It may take him time to adapt, but I think he will fit right in with Ensiferum.
02.08.2006 - 13:51
But if Ensiferum is going anywhere near the road Norther took with their last album, it won't be as good as 'Ensifererum' and 'Iron' i think...
02.08.2006 - 15:05
Written by Veertje on 02.08.2006 at 13:51

But if Ensiferum is going anywhere near the road Norther took with their last album, it won't be as good as 'Ensifererum' and 'Iron' i think...

That's a good point. But, he's doing a whole different style of writing in a completely differnt genre.
02.08.2006 - 16:18
Written by Stigmatized on 02.08.2006 at 02:40

Written by Fane on 02.08.2006 at 02:08

Written by [user id=1909] on 28.07.2006 at 12:44

Awesome about them working on their new cd But i dunno....Ensiferum's soul kinda left when Jari left i dont think they will be as great without him. I mean he practically did the song writing and Petri is nowhere near as talented a musician nor songwriter so i dunno. I suppose it will be cool and all but Im not sure exactly if it will be on par with their other 2 albums..

we'll just have to wait and see..

Agree with you. It was big hit to Ensiferum when Jari left. Hope that Petri will get better and do things better.

We will wait.

I don't think you guys are giving Petri enough credit. He shows a considerable amount of potential with Norther and on Ensiferum's Dragonheads EP. It may take him time to adapt, but I think he will fit right in with Ensiferum.

What I think is that Petri does better work in Norther. Muuuch better, but in Ensiferum not so good. Even if they are same style. Well it takes some time, but he will be better in Ensiferum too ^^
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
02.08.2006 - 16:23
Written by Stigmatized on 02.08.2006 at 15:05

Written by Veertje on 02.08.2006 at 13:51

But if Ensiferum is going anywhere near the road Norther took with their last album, it won't be as good as 'Ensifererum' and 'Iron' i think...

That's a good point. But, he's doing a whole different style of writing in a completely differnt genre.

Yeah. I think its hard to write lyrics in folk and death metal.
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
02.08.2006 - 16:38
hmm... i didn't mean the lyrics (usually i don't understand 80% of them in every band with grunting) but the music itself. Northers last album was a real letdown for me, and i hope it won't be the same with Ensiferum
02.08.2006 - 18:09
Slottet av Take
Account deleted
I personally think it will be hard for Petri to write music which isnt anything like not trying to dis him but its inevitable that someone (who's been making the same type of music for a number of years) will include elements of that band when he becomes part of another band.

Norther is cool and all but I dont want Ensiferum's sound to be influenced by it even in the slightest!
02.08.2006 - 18:54
Account deleted
great band when Jari was in it..
03.08.2006 - 17:49
Written by Veertje on 02.08.2006 at 16:38

hmm... i didn't mean the lyrics (usually i don't understand 80% of them in every band with grunting) but the music itself. Northers last album was a real letdown for me, and i hope it won't be the same with Ensiferum

Ok. I havent heard them new album yet (going to get it soon) so dont know are they going to down or up (think that last one is right). I think they do same or better stuff like Iron.

I dont think that Northers last album was let down. Good one. There is one reason why I belive that Ensiferum will do awesome album in future.
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
04.08.2006 - 00:24
i too hope for the last, but i'm prepared for the first sadly ('¬¬)
06.09.2006 - 11:52
Great band on cd and live!
Into battle we ride with Gods by our side
We are strong and not afraid to die
We have an urge to kill and our lust for blood has to be fulfilled
WE'LL FIGHT TILL THE END! And send our enemies straight to Hell!
08.09.2006 - 09:33
Yes ! well waht can i say of this band....?? its a greta band with a great musicians...not only Jari when he has on it...also Oliver,MarkusJukka,Meiju and Pete when he aboards the band.....but yes the big "star" of the band was Jari and why not ? he is a god singing,playing the guitar and now writing too....but to me the work ho he makes with Ensiferum its totally diferents than the work with Wintersun cuz he makes what he want on Wintersun that the diference and Pete its making a great work...he show hes great work on the DVD or dont he ? ....i ahve all the albums and all the albums are great !!
08.09.2006 - 09:53
Amazing band, I love everything they've done. Even the new stuff with Petri is great, in my opinion. What else is there to say?
08.09.2006 - 10:33
Have only heard one track by Ensiferum. It's 'Guardians Of Fate'. Think it was on a MS Compilation. I really like it, so if the rest of their tracks are like this one, I better get them

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
09.09.2006 - 18:07
Written by GT on 08.09.2006 at 10:33

Have only heard one track by Ensiferum. It's 'Guardians Of Fate'. Think it was on a MS Compilation. I really like it, so if the rest of their tracks are like this one, I better get them

Great song. The rest of the tracks on that album are just as good, if not better. All their material is top-notch IMO.
09.09.2006 - 18:30
Account deleted
Wow, their latest EP 'Dragonheads' is great. It's beyond what I've expected of their new line-up. I like the song 'Finnish medley'
09.09.2006 - 19:06
I don't think Jari was sucha a big loss as belived... He was a great guitarist and vocalist, still he wasn't the prime song writer in Ensiferum, as long as there's Toivonen there's hope... They could make more songs like Battle Metal... I like Jari's work more in Wintersun, but I like Ensiferum more.... As the Diiiiieeee!!!!