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Metal just a phase?

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Posted by Unknown user, 02.11.2006 - 05:18
Some people just don't understand. You know, they can tell me about my "punk ass bitch gothic t shirts", they can tell me everything I listen to sounds the same, they can say just about anything in the book and I'll gladly set them straight if they allow me the time to explain to them. But nothing pisses me off more than when people tell me that it's just a phase or that I listen to metal music because I'm angry. I live in a part of the city where I'm the only metal head I really know so maybe this is new to you guys but I get this erroneous comment all the time. So just to get the conversation stirring, which people just go through a metal phase and which people (like myself) plan on devoting their whole lives to metal?
03.11.2006 - 02:33
Account deleted
Written by Eight on 02.11.2006 at 23:43

Metal won't fuck with you friend, and won't tell you that you bring not enough money home.

Well look at it this way. it was just a rather longshot metaphor. But somethimes people part way with stuff / people they really love because they feel that they have to, or the realise it isnt as important to them as they once thought.
Cheesy huh? I should write a power metal text. (Im tired ok? cut me some slack...)

Well whatever. For me its like this: When i was younger, I always thought "metal" was facinating, seeing all that crazy stuff on tv and so on. But you know I never got in contact with the music itself. SO I was a technogoat. For a looong time. Until some friends gave me System of a down / rammstein / Slipknot and so on, and it was great stuff I though. Diggin deeper and here I am today. The thing is, no other music genre has ever invoced this kind of intresst before, neither has it given the same "satisfaction" when buying a fresh album. The details is what make me feel so confortable being what I am now.
If I change , so be it, atleast I had amazing years as a metalhead. But I very much so hope that I never "outgrow" this "phase" since I find that rather bizzare. Why distanse myself from the music genre I love? Thats rather... stupid.

As I said Im tired. If this doesnt make any sense, blame Nervel
03.11.2006 - 03:43
Written by Clintagräm on 02.11.2006 at 06:31

I can understand where people are coming from though. I went from a normal kid, to a sports kid, to a Rap kid, to a grunge kid, and finally to a Metalhead. I changed like the seasons. However, I found living Metal music to be a much more suited lifestyle to my current ideals and feelings and I have proudly been a metalhead for over three years. That might not be long compared to some people, but considering I changed my style and attitude every school year before High School and been into metal since my freshman year and never looked back, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. From Metal I have found so much more, but unlike the other "styles" I haven't left Metal for something bigger and better, because there really isn't.

This is exactly what I did. Almost word for word.
03.11.2006 - 05:51
Eternal Flames
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.11.2006 at 12:45

Written by Eternal Flames on 02.11.2006 at 12:43

I've had many people tell me it's just a "teenage phase" that I'm going through and that once I get older I'll get over it.

Well, then just give those people me, Lordofthemosh and Hellish Star as an example that this is not always the case. In the case of Lordofthemosh he was even out of metal for some time and eventually returned again.

Yes, I quickly disputed that idea of it just being a teenage angry music phase thing as I realised that Metal is one of the very few genres that draws fans from all ages groups which is the great thing about the music. It's so very diverse. I mean, from some perspectives I understand if people see the metal image as a phase, because I know many people that still listen to metal heavily but don't dress into it anymore. But I don't think the love for the music can be a phase (with some exceptions for people as we agreed above).
03.11.2006 - 12:57
***Pardon me. I mean no misogyny by this post.***

Yes, there is a cartain phenomenon, where some girls in their early teens are really metal, then abandon it as if it was just a phase. It happens to guys too, but I saw that it happens mostly to girls. I think it's instinctual and natural for them to show a personality more acceptable for a potential mate or just society itself. To me, and most of the male metalheads I know, metal is more important than pussy or conformation with the public eye...
03.11.2006 - 13:01
Account deleted
Yeah, it cannot be a phase, the music is fascinating, the scene is remarkable, the feelings evoked magical...sure, one can stop listening for a while, but they would transcend to jazz and blues, or rock, and then go back to or incorporate metal. I have a few friends who listened to metal but stopped, but they listened to dimmu borgir etc, and for them, it was a phase. Put it like this, the ephemeral phase of metal is when you listen to semi-mainstream like it, but you listen to other music too...then it is a phase. The metal we refer to as metal is the core, the little extra which unites us in this way, and that is no phase - once you reach those depths, there's no turning back. The thing is, not many reach those depths, music does not interest them (any music) or they had no opportunity to reach the transcendant metal, and a phase it is labelled.
04.11.2006 - 01:02
Suicide Bug
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what Bitter COld said.
04.11.2006 - 04:39
Daru Jericho
It depends on what type of person you are and how easily you get bored. For example, if you get bored of metal and don't think of it as diverse as you originally thought then it probably will become a phase.

What Bitter COld said about growing up and not being able to be as devoted to metal as previously is true. When you grow older you'll have more responsibilities and things to do and eventually metal will slide down the priority list a bit simply because there isn't enough time for so much dedication and searching all the new bands and even posting on these forums every day.

As for myself, I couldn't say if I'd still be listening to metal in 20 years. Obviously, I'd love to say I would be but I'm already getting bored of some metal genres and have started listening to folk music and ambient stuff more often. However, metal is still my primary genre, so to speak and 95% of the gigs I attend are metal ones. I just think there's so much diversity in metal, if I get bored of one sub-genre I move to another.

And if you want to change the public's opinion on metal being angry music play them something non-angry like power metal or some gothic metal. I'm sure that will make them think about it at least.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

04.11.2006 - 22:32
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It is hard to say you never know how you life would be in the future.. it is impossibel to say now! but i just think metal is so fucking great the energy and sound appeals to me and i cant see myself switch metal out with another genre...
05.11.2006 - 02:16
Account deleted
I don't honestly think about it, if I enjoy the music now, awesome. If I don't in 20 years, why the fuck should I care now? ^_^
05.11.2006 - 12:55
Mr. Noise
Written by [user id=5394] on 03.11.2006 at 02:33

As I said Im tired. If this doesnt make any sense, blame Nervel

SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
05.11.2006 - 17:16
I think most people dont understand the dinamics of metal. I think when most people think of metal they think of those fans that listen to stuff like slipknot, korn, deftones, and etc. IMO most of the people that got into that kind of metal were going through a phase, because eventually they got out of it and listened to smth more extreme and appreciable or something less aggressive.

Thats why when most people think of metal, they dont think, harmonies, chord proggressions, instrumentals and symphonics. They think of crap thats widely publicized on tv.
06.11.2006 - 02:16
Xtreme Jax
Just as a small response to the 'Metal Just A Phase?' prompt :

DAMN! I most certainly hope not, ive spent to much on metal cds/mags/clothing/etc. Haha.

Hellcunt Smurf
07.11.2006 - 01:39
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I will diversify for sure but I doubt I'll stop listneing to metal
08.11.2006 - 20:53
Perhaps it would be good to point out right now that (just maybe!) the traditional metal nihilism is spilling over into some people's sentiments that, 'I'll probably grow out of it at some point.'
08.11.2006 - 22:38
Dark Cornatus
Phases usually occur when you are a sheep, a follower. Say you not big on music, and all your friends start getting into punk, you may also start listening to it, because you are exposed to it more by your friends. It could be your a big radio listener, and you like what they play on it. These usually are phases, until you start looking into music for yourself. I never listened to music other than rock or metal, but i know alot of people who have, and i have seen their tastes change dramatically.
08.11.2006 - 22:44
hmm...its not a phase for me but i've known several persons for whom it has been...why?? because they r seeking for attention or because they want to look "bad"...most of them say, oh yes im into metal, i'm different...hmmm i don't like them, but the good thing is you can actually distinguish them after talking to them a while, because they don't know a thing...
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
09.11.2006 - 15:29
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for some people metal's just a phase but they just stick to that because they're superficial and they only have eyes and ears for the mainstream; some people think Cradle of Filth is the biggest and fucking evil band in the world but that's just wrong, it's a wrong attitude twards understanding and living through metal.
Of course people who try to look behind the mainstream and "dig" for bands under the surface will have a great satisfaction by finding great songs.And for those people metal will never be just a "teenage phase"
11.11.2006 - 01:17
Suicide Bug
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As I expected, it didn't take long for this thread to turn into yet another "my narrow mind and obsession for underground metal make me elite" fest.
Enter metal, shut the door, feel superior. Another young life in need of identity and guidance joins a trend. Because that's what it is, of course. And I hope that all those of you that see metal as their "lifestyle" can grow out of it and become just people who listen to metal. Not necessarily of course, you can always listen to something else. It's not like metal is gonna be offended by your "betrayal".
11.11.2006 - 02:40
Account deleted
Well Suicide Bug, you are right but people who listen to metal for a period and then just forget about it are just fake people or maybe people who are in search of something to indetify with but just didn't find that. But listening only to metal isn't a pretty good thing either because there are a lot of other genres of music to be explored
14.11.2006 - 05:11
I R Serious Cat
Well, Colombia is a very religious country and even now, in 2006, people believes that metal is satanic. When I started liostening metal, five years ago, my grandma and my uncles and aunts thought ti would only be a phase. "The teenage rebel phase" as they called it.

Many people have their minds too closed to understand that metal is music, and I like this kind of music, just like they like rock, or punk, or rancheras (Mexico traditional music), or vallenato (Colombia traditional music), or whatever they listen. It's just that many people still relates metal to satan. Maybe its this or this

In me, metal is not a phase. It's the soundtrack of my life, since I've listened to it since I was in my mom's uterus (she listened to Scorpions, Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard, led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden) So it's in my blood, in my veins, in my genetics.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
22.01.2007 - 23:56
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Who ever is saying that is gay.Metal is not just a phase and I dont listen to metal because Im angery,All metal does deffantly not sound the same.They just hate metal and mess with you becasue they think listening to music that is about abusing women and carrying drugs is any better.
23.01.2007 - 01:39
The Sasquatch
People see metal as a phase because its a "new" kind of music. But I think that people that first started listening to metal like in the 70s and 80s still listen to it, and most likly always will no metter how old they are. But I do not think that metal is a kind of music that "all age groups enjoy," I mean like eldery people wont just start listening to metal, unless they have tryed it when they were younger
23.01.2007 - 02:05
Mr FancyPants
I wonder what percentage of metal storms users will still be listening to metal in five years time.

For most people it is just a phase.
"This rudderless world is not shaped my metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us"

Read Watchmen.
23.01.2007 - 02:17
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Written by -tom- on 23.01.2007 at 02:05

For most people it is just a phase.

From where do you take this from?
23.01.2007 - 02:24
Account deleted
I see Metal, along with Classical, as the pinnacle of music. I personally cannot find anywhere else that my taste for music can be fulfilled. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but for me there is nothing better that I can go to. It's for that reason that I can't foresee myself ever drifting away from Metal into other genres. I like Classical music and I respect and appreciate it in all it's glory, but my personal taste favours Metal and always has, because of its diversity and impact. Classical has many qualities of it's own but it just doesn't strike me as much as Metal does. I just can't see myself placing Metal behind any other form of music. I started listening to nu-Metal about 9 years ago, and then progressed to less mainstream forms about 4-5 years ago. I haven't had what I would consider real musical "phases" since I was 8 years old.

The only way I can see myself losing interest in Metal is if I lose interest in music altogether. I can't see that happening at this point in time because listening to music means a great deal to me and it's something that I can always make time for.

Although I do have a soft spot for Prog Rock
23.01.2007 - 05:52
Bloody Rain
I Am The Night
Wow, I haven't been on metalstorm in a while.

Anyhow whether or not metal is just a "phase" is dependent on whom you are talking about. But for me metal can't be just a phase. I have been listening to it for many years and I still haven't ever thought that I should stop. The fact that metal has so much to it may be why I've been into for all of these years. There are definitely metal sub-genres that I get tired of after a while (eg. black metal) so I just go on to another one. So yeah, metal has so much in it, that I don't think I'll ever lose my interest.
24.01.2007 - 08:30
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Metal to me is away of life and a phrase. I live metal everyday and it's a phrase that I use everyday...really I have nothing else to say on this matter...
24.01.2007 - 11:44
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by -tom- on 23.01.2007 at 02:05

I wonder what percentage of metal storms users will still be listening to metal in five years time.

For most people it is just a phase.

I doubt that for most people it is a phase. Judging from people I know who started listening to it in their early, like myself, to mid to late teens all those people still listen to it (they are about 40 now)
So, I wouldn't say it is a phase to those people and myself. It might be a phase to some but to most it won't be. I am sure of that. So I think that most metalstormers will still be listening ot it in 5 yeas time.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.02.2007 - 05:11
I R Serious Cat
Many people, spacially in my dad's family thought that it was a phase I was stepping into, but when other of my cousins became metalheads too, and it's been like 5 years since that... The fammily assumed it. Finally.

Of course this is not a phase in me. I was a rock child (mom likes Poison, Scorpions and that kinda stuff), so it was only a matter of time, of getting the correct album (Metallica - ...And Justice For All), to start listening to metal and to become a metalhead.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
04.02.2007 - 06:58
Account deleted
For me, metal isn't just a phase. For others who stop listening to metal and think of it as just a phase really don't understand what Metal is. I'm not going to take this too far saying that metal is in my blood and veins like some people, but it's a very unique, complex, amazing genre of music that I love and enjoy, and I think the heavy metal culture is great whether I become a stereotypical metalhead all my life, or wear buisness suits and have a family in some suburbia. People who think that metal is just a phase don't understand that metal isn't just drinking, tatoos and all that shit, but it also has its pretty side where it's real musicians really making great music, and it's sad how some people just don't get it.