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Metal Storm Next! - The Future Of Metal Storm

Dear Metal Stormers,

As you may have noticed, the site has undergone a few adjustments in recent months. We're now letting you in on what's happening and what that means for the site and its community.

We have deactivated ads (except for one, which was a miscommunication on our part that we had to make up for), database issues have become so few and far between that most of us in the team have now forgotten they ever existed, several dry-aged and matured bugs of old have simply disappeared, and in a few select spots, new shiny UI features have come to light.

There is a reason for this, and today we're letting you in on it. Metal Storm has undergone a change of ownership. The project that was previously the brainchild of and hand-crafted by our founder, Ivan, is now firmly in the hands of a newly founded nonprofit entity and thereby owned and operated by a team of current staff.

What does that mean for the site?

Initially, not much. ScreamingSteelUS will remain our beloved EIC and the rest of the team will continue doing what they have for years now.

One change some of you will have realized by now is that corrupt has taken over the site's development. He is both hunting down old bugs and preparing for a move to a new server right now. We also have more technological revamp planned and are working on that as well.

While there will be changes to the site in the future, don't expect or fear a big overhaul overnight. We love Ivan's design and have no plan to surprise you with a whole new version of Metal Storm out of the blue. Instead, you will see a constant small-step evolution and we will collect your feedback along the way to make the site we have loved and devoted so much of our time to for almost 18 years now the best platform we can for all of us.

What is going to happen next?

Our current plan is to move the site to new infrastructure on the weekend of September 11th/12th. During that time, the site will be down for a couple of hours while corrupt does the magic. We are already testing the new setup and things are looking good, but seeing that we are a small team of volunteers, unforeseen things can always happen and we are looking at the weekend of September 18th/19th as a backup date. Naturally we'll keep you posted, should that be necessary.

Once the move is done, we'll be relying on you! Much of the site's code is quite old. While we're hard at work to guarantee smooth operation on modern infrastructure, there will most likely be issues at first. Expect to find bugs we have missed in our own testing, wrong hard-coded information here and there, slowdowns, database hiccups, you name it. We are reserving a whole weekend for the move to be able to make adjustments to the infrastructure and closely monitor its operation for a few days while all of you have a chance to poke around. There will be a thread for you to report your findings, ask questions, and pat us on the shoulder for what will hopefully be a job well-done

What you can expect right after the move, however, is HTTPS across the whole site, full UTF-8 support in both the site and the database (that means you can use any character set from any language without the site garbling your text), and general performance improvements both from the new infrastructure and ongoing database optimization in the background.

How are we planning to finance this?

Honestly, we haven't agreed on a plan yet. For the time being, our cost is covered out of our own pockets. Ads are always an option, but one that none of us are really keen on. However, there is precedent for community-funded projects out there and we will definitely try that and see whether that covers our expenses. Many of you have previously voiced a desire to help fund the team and we're hoping that that will be enough for the site to run completely without ads and maybe even finance a few projects we have yet to come up with.

That won't mean we'll create a Patreon or Gofundme account and start releasing exclusive content. Metal Storm will always be free and 100% accessible to anyone anywhere (as long as they adhere to our community guidelines). But we will create a way for you to help fund the project on a completely voluntary basis. Not right off the bat, but you can expect updates on that soon. Also, as you know, on April 1st, this policy can always change for a day

Am I required to do anything?

No. Metal Storm is and will continue to be a community project. We welcome your help in maintaining our database; suggesting features; keeping the community healthy, welcoming, and inclusive; reporting news; and telling us our opinion sucks below every odd review. But if you prefer to just linger and post the occasional shout, that is fine with us.

Server time will change from Estonian to German time, but we will adjust all your profiles automatically. If you have set your time zone offset correctly for your current location now, it should still be correct after the move.

If problems should arise, we may be a little slow to respond for a few days and that may or may not have an effect on the submission of news, articles, or reviews.

We're excited to finally share this big development with all of you and are really looking forward to what the future of Metal Storm holds.

Your Metal Storm staff, elites, and contributors.

Posted: 05.09.2021 by ScreamingSteelUS

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Comments: 86   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 667 users
01.09.2021 - 23:11
Written by Sangre Sani on 01.09.2021 at 23:02

Holy shit, I registered 11 years ago. xD

Try 17
01.09.2021 - 23:33
My "blackened synth metal" solo project:

Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
01.09.2021 - 23:43
Lost To Apathy
Nothing to say that hasn't already been said, but Metal Storm has been in my life since 2005 and helped me discover any number of bands and albums I might never have heard otherwise.

You guys have my full support with whatever needs to be done to keep this place going. Cheers.
"Pay no heed to anyone and do what seems right to yourself." - Franz Kafka, The Trial
2022 List:
2021 List:
02.09.2021 - 00:38
Nocturnal Bro
Good luck! I love this website!
02.09.2021 - 01:07
The Galactician
Sign me up for some monetary donation when the time comes. I have gotten a ton out of Metalstorm in the decade or so I've been here. I couldn't possibly count the number of bands I've discovered and discussed as part of this community.

The move to HTTPS is also very very welcome! Been wondering about that for one years.
02.09.2021 - 01:10
With a lowercase c
Written by The Galactician on 02.09.2021 at 01:07
The move to HTTPS is also very very welcome! Been wondering about that for one years.

So did we, man. So did we.
This one in particular has bugged me for more than 10 years now.
02.09.2021 - 01:54
Dark Forever
Ruído Sonoro
Great news, congratulations and good luck! I've been here for almost 17 years and it has been one of my most important tools to keep up with the new releases and discovering new bands. I've done my share contributing to it and I'll continue to do so in the future. I just wish there were sites just as great as this for other genres of music that I also like, I keep missing new records because I can't keep up with everything and it's much easier to just look here for New / Upcoming releases than to search for every single individual band I like in EBM / Neofolk / Darkwave / Post-Punk / etc.
Taste the DARK...
... and you'll live FOREVER!
02.09.2021 - 02:18
The Ancient One
Written by Spacerunner on 01.09.2021 at 15:44

Nice. I do enjoy this a little outdated design, it takes me to the web 1.0 times and makes me feel younger I hope it will work smoothly with a modern backend.

I do as well. Miss the old internet in the days where it was like the Wild West and largely still just the domain of nerds and geeks. has a better vibe to it. Less slick, but less plastic.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
02.09.2021 - 02:22
The Ancient One
As for fundraising, batting around the idea of car washes and bake sales, but usually those are a waste of time and resources. Anyone up for a "Date with an MS Staff" bachelor auction?

Written by Daniell on 01.09.2021 at 23:11

Written by Sangre Sani on 01.09.2021 at 23:02

Holy shit, I registered 11 years ago. xD

Try 17

2004 was a good year for MS. Or a bad year, I suppose, depending upon your preferences.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
02.09.2021 - 03:43
This site is part of my morning ritual. I am glad I am growing old with this site

All the best to the MS team!
02.09.2021 - 03:48
Cheers to all the MS staff! Thanks for the amazing work you guys have done.
Their old stuff is better.
02.09.2021 - 05:14
This site has basically been my browser homepage for like 12 years. I used to procrastinate schoolwork by refreshing the front page over and over again in hope of more metal news. To 12 more years and beyond!
02.09.2021 - 09:17
Heaven Knight
Good old days before Facebook was a thing
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

02.09.2021 - 09:44
This site is as essential as the air that we breathe. Like many mentioned above it's thanks to this site that I've discovered several hundreds of great bands I never would've heard of otherwise and the database just keeps growing, making for new discoveries all the time. My favourite part is that us regular mortals can contribute to the site in form of band and album additions, make edits, add news and even get our own reviews and articles published. This makes it more including and actually makes you feel that you're a part of this magnificent site. So kudos to the the staff for making Metal Storm feel like home. Keep up the good work and good luck with the transition of the site. Cheers!
Liebe ist für alle da.
02.09.2021 - 09:52
I always liked design of this website. Many other sites took new aproach through new modern simplicity design and it mostly looks awfull.
02.09.2021 - 10:01
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ellrohir on 02.09.2021 at 09:17

Good old days before Facebook was a thing

Ms is still bigger as fb for getting news, info, reviews as fb will be. Fb group killed ms forums.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.09.2021 - 10:18
I have been introduced to many satanic things courtesy metalstorm. no matter how many overhauls you guys do, you're still going to hell.

anyhow, i'd be willing to contribute financially. thanks for everything you've done so far.
02.09.2021 - 11:55
Not a day goes by that I don't browse This is the best stressbuster for us metalheads. As for donations I will definitely contribute within my limits.

But why are you thinking of making the site ad free? Ads are such a great source of revenue.
Leeches everywhere.
02.09.2021 - 12:24
Very happy with the https. I'd definitely send a few quid to this website if needed.
02.09.2021 - 13:53
Just registered to say I Love You! (I'm a daily reader, but not registered 'till now. And yes, i want to "help" )
02.09.2021 - 14:24
Your response is amazing, it really means the world to us. Thank you so much!

Metal Storm belongs to Metal Stormers
02.09.2021 - 15:12
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by nikarg on 02.09.2021 at 14:24

Metal Storm belongs to Metal Stormers

Sounds like democracy... Who will drink poison wine now.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.09.2021 - 15:31
With a lowercase c
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2021 at 15:12
Sounds like democracy...

Let's call it a benevolent dictatorship where many voices are heard
02.09.2021 - 17:56
Hope you guys will get adequate remuneration, one way or the other, to help make metalstorm awesomer.

BTW, a brilliant band called 'Tyrant Trooper' is missing in your database.

Keep up the good work.

Many cheers!!!
02.09.2021 - 19:45
Roman Doez
The workers seized the means of production! Glad to know the staff owns the website, and very excited for the change that is to come! Cheers!
02.09.2021 - 20:13
Written by Leperor on 02.09.2021 at 17:56

BTW, a brilliant band called 'Tyrant Trooper' is missing in your database.

Tyrant Trooper
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
02.09.2021 - 21:40
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by corrupt on 02.09.2021 at 15:31

Written by Bad English on 02.09.2021 at 15:12
Sounds like democracy...

Let's call it a benevolent dictatorship where many voices are heard

Its parlamentet whit out strikt opposition. Real opposition is sitting outside and represuons coming... Well we can say its dictators there
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.09.2021 - 23:23
Best site on the whole Internet! Hope many years more giving info about the greatest metal bands!
03.09.2021 - 00:41
Thanks for the heads up!
The truth is that I think it's a good change for the page that looks a bit old.
I still wouldn't like it to be so modern because I love the old graphic design it has and it runs on my old netbook.

Also what would be excellent is what you also said about the HTTPS that in these times if any page does not have that, people do not enter for fear of being scammed or with a virus.
03.09.2021 - 02:17
Meat and Potatos
Written by The Galactician on 02.09.2021 at 01:07

The move to HTTPS is also very very welcome! Been wondering about that for one years.

Written by JavierPaper on 03.09.2021 at 00:41

Also what would be excellent is what you also said about the HTTPS that in these times if any page does not have that, people do not enter for fear of being scammed or with a virus.

So many people are talking about that. Not only here, but also came up with that https transition idea on other places an on the SB...
It must be really good news...

I myself never got what the heck that all means
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei

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