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What is music all about?

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Posted by Valentin B, 06.08.2006 - 11:39
well,i saw last night on vh1 the video for miami sound machine-conga.while most people on this site will argue that the song is pure crap,i agree it does not have the best lyrics in the world,but it does exude a great feeling in me,that to get up and dance or do the conga's full of energy.and i thought about what music is all about-isn't it to bring across a message or a feeling?people automatically classify anything as crap if it's emocore or metalcore,and when i crossed into this metal scene from the mainstream rock scene,i had to dismiss(or to classify) as shit a whole lot of songs,even though some are quite uplifting like the one i'm asking: what is music all about,in your opinion?
24.04.2008 - 15:56
Valentin B
Written by Sunioj on 11.12.2007 at 22:06

And I think this is applicable to how we perceive music as well, sometimes I enjoy music much more when I approach the music with a less critical attitude. Or just, not focusing on the technique of the musicians and how well they play. But rather, humbling yourself to a childlike, impressionable, yet aware state of mind.

i agree with that, i mean i appreciate yngwie malmsteen and john petrucci for their incredible skill, i even hail malmsteen as the best guitarist in history but sometimes people just need to take a break and stop doing opeth-like shit like 'ooh no.. this part sounds just too simple. i want it more complex!' or '3 chords for thins song are just so few! how about 26?'
24.04.2008 - 18:01
Written by Valentin B on 24.04.2008 at 15:56

Written by Sunioj on 11.12.2007 at 22:06

And I think this is applicable to how we perceive music as well, sometimes I enjoy music much more when I approach the music with a less critical attitude. Or just, not focusing on the technique of the musicians and how well they play. But rather, humbling yourself to a childlike, impressionable, yet aware state of mind.

i agree with that, i mean i appreciate yngwie malmsteen and john petrucci for their incredible skill, i even hail malmsteen as the best guitarist in history but sometimes people just need to take a break and stop doing opeth-like shit like 'ooh no.. this part sounds just too simple. i want it more complex!' or '3 chords for thins song are just so few! how about 26?'

Exactly, the question I always ask myself is, would I rather be a perfectionist and never be satisfied about what music bands have to offer me, or would I rather appreciate the music for its original intentions. But of course, it is a lot to ask of someone, because it could mean to change your standards or to be more open minded. I personally try to be as true to myself as I can in terms of what I want to listen to, if its emotive, or angry, over exaggerated, depressive, dissonant, I play what satisfies my needs.
26.04.2008 - 01:38
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
Written by Valentin B on 06.08.2006 at 11:39

well,i saw last night on vh1 the video for miami sound machine-conga.while most people on this site will argue that the song is pure crap,i agree it does not have the best lyrics in the world,but it does exude a great feeling in me,that to get up and dance or do the conga whatever.

I'm not familiar with this song, I try to avoid watching music videos since MTV and others just promote total shit. To inspire one to dance doesn't seem like it holds any true value, not to myself at least.

The problem with pretty much all mainstream music is it's the same shit in a slightly differant package. Most popular songs focus on the same subjects, love, heartbreak, partying, and other things that common people can easily relate with, that's why it's popular and they find it touching but in all actuality it's nothing special; if anything it's all generic.

Real music is art, it's about creating something that invokes some sense of deeper thought or feeling, and it can also be powerful enough to take a person into their subconcious and away from the daily drudges of shit.
26.04.2008 - 16:57
X-Ray Rod
For me... Music is all about atmospheres.

The guys/grils can have great skills... But if I don't feel anything... the whole music means nothing to me.

I have to feel something and then I will call it great music.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

26.04.2008 - 17:39
This is an interesting topic, especially in light of the fact that some people into metal tend to generaly disregard all other types of music, obviously not everyone, but these people do exist.

Now I can't say what music is about for everybody out there, because I think it differs from person to person. I would personaly prefer to listen to Tori Amos, who is a fantastic songwriter than some two-bit, badly produced, amatuer black metal band. But that is purely because of what I want out of music. For me it is important to be able to relate to music that actualy says something about issues that are important to me and that I can relate to. I also want to listen to musicians who I think WOW these guys are just so fucking clever and are doing something I really respect and admire.

On the other hand, some people use music as an escape from the realities of their lives. It's much nicer to be an "evil dark lord of hell", than a high school dropout without much chance of a future or whatever else predicament people find themselves in. This can go for gangster rap or any music with extreme lifestyle tendencies. Sometimes its just nice to escape into a fantasy if you have had a hard day at work or some other stressful occurance has taken place. It can be better to be a marauding viking plunderer than someone with a pile of paperwork that needs doing.

There are people who exist simply for the technicalities of music. Truly amazing artists. Unfortunately this music is unlikely to appeal to a broad range of people because the simple fact is music is an emotional medium and whilst there is a time and place for technicalities people do not want to have to CONCENTRATE all the time when they listen to music. Its just too much of task rather than relaxation.

So basicaly music means something different to everyone. People are not always aware of why they like certain types of music. Music works on a subconcious level and often the attraction is subconcious. This includes Madonna just as much as it does any metal band. The type/s of music you listen to generaly tend to reflect either your inner, often sunconcious, ambitions/goals or a nostalgiac/romanticised idea of your past to make you the person of the present and hence music is always seen by the listener through its relation to themself.

This is the reason why many people into metal disregard other types of music or genres. Simply because they would be admitting that their fantasy world is actualy not real. They are no dark lord. Music can teach you alot about yourself and this is why it is so important a medium in this complicated world which we live in.
26.04.2008 - 19:56
Valentin B
Written by Stuart on 26.04.2008 at 17:39

This is the reason why many people into metal disregard other types of music or genres. Simply because they would be admitting that their fantasy world is actualy not real. They are no dark lord. Music can teach you alot about yourself and this is why it is so important a medium in this complicated world which we live in.

great post man. there's really nothing self-mocking about giving in to the urge to dance, listen to something else than screaming all the time and whatnot. sometimes people just gotta be a little less grumpy and grim..
27.04.2008 - 16:17
Written by Valentin B on 26.04.2008 at 19:56

Written by Stuart on 26.04.2008 at 17:39

This is the reason why many people into metal disregard other types of music or genres. Simply because they would be admitting that their fantasy world is actualy not real. They are no dark lord. Music can teach you alot about yourself and this is why it is so important a medium in this complicated world which we live in.

great post man. there's really nothing self-mocking about giving in to the urge to dance, listen to something else than screaming all the time and whatnot. sometimes people just gotta be a little less grumpy and grim..

Yeah I agree totaly, the urge to dance generaly tends to attack me when I've had a few drinks though. It is no fun being grumpy and grim.
07.03.2009 - 19:06
This is a very debatable topic. In my opinion, music is about every aspect of life (and death, to be accurate). Pretty much anything and everything. Period.
20.03.2009 - 17:11
For someone music is life,so it is for me.I connect everything in life with music.And of course i try to expres my fellings through music.
Will the ones who live after our end
Worship the goddamn cross again?
20.06.2012 - 16:42
Some ppl listen to music when they go out partying, sume just to be cool but i listen to music to relax, i listen to music before big game or during work cuz when i listen to music i love time is life to terrorist said i express my feelings trought music for a day and i go craaaaaazy...:p
BELIEVE NOTHING, no matter where you read it or who has said it, unless it agrees whit your own reason and your own common sense...
10.07.2012 - 08:45
For me, music is about the art of arranging sound. Theres music that makes me feel things I can only experience through music, it enhances visuals and excerise, and can provide good background music. A good example of this is bebop. I actually have a few friends who go to a music university, and because of this hate bebop and I can see why as I play some jazz myself. Its very logical sounding music. If on one end of the spectrum you have blues players just feeling around the pentatonic scale, then you have bebop where music theory writes most of the music instead of human emotion. This isn't all bad though, because you can learn a lot from playing bebop, but I think it's too much for the non bebop player to really enjoy listening to, which is why I like it as background noise, or to dissect it almost the same way I would a puzzle.

I really like music that makes me feel like I know what the artist was thinking, or when I feel I almost know the artist after. I mean this not in a creepy sort of way, but when the music is powerful and authentic enough, I feel some sort of connection. I also like some mindless death metal shit too.

So, music can be about deeper things such as expressing yourself and putting into sound what you can't explain about yourself or a thought, or it can be much more simple. It could serve the purpose of a tool to make money, or aid the sucess rate of a commercial for example.
11.08.2012 - 08:21
Written by X-Ray Rod on 26.04.2008 at 16:57

For me... Music is all about atmospheres.

The guys/grils can have great skills... But if I don't feel anything... the whole music means nothing to me.

I have to feel something and then I will call it great music.
