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Do you mess up on your fret or pick hand?

Posts: 43   Visited by: 76 users

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Posted by Lord TJ, 23.06.2007 - 00:00
So when you play fast things, what do you have the most trouble with? Keeping speed with your fingers and the position, or picking the right strings at the right time and speed?

Me, I usually mess up with my picking hand. Sometimes with my fretting hand cause I mess up the positions.

How about you?


What messes you up the most during a song?

Picking hand, my accuracy isnt well.
My fretting hand, my accuracy isnt well.
My frettomg hand, I cant keep speed.
Picking hand, I cant keep speed.

Total votes: 44
23.03.2008 - 12:52
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
Most of my mistakes are with my fretting hand, but I do occasionally hit the the sixth string if I'm doing some tremelo on strings five and below. I may be bringing it up alot lately but my new guitar seems alot easier to play on, and transitions are easier to excecute.
27.03.2008 - 18:25
Account deleted
i feel i have good control on my fretting hand but piccking hand cant take the speed lol:D
29.03.2008 - 06:46
Written by Visioneerie on 22.03.2008 at 21:33

Written by Nighthowls on 11.03.2008 at 18:26

So are there exercises to help one's picking hand aside from just simply practicing?

Try a chromatic scale playing triplets on each string, going up and down, with alternative picking on each string, that means if you pick primarily pick down on the E string, then your first note on the A string you will pick up. I know it's not precise, you'd have to see it to know what i mean, it's an exercise from my guitar teacher.

Yeah, I know exactly what you are talking about. I didn't know that was an exercise though. I've been doing that for some time now just without the triplets and without using a scale but I'll add that in thanks a lot. Oh yeah one more question, why a chromatic scale?, and which one would you recommend.
04.04.2008 - 03:20
Urban Monster
Well, first of all the chromatic scale is sure to be a good exercise to all your fingers on the fretting hand. Once you get the hang of playing it starting with your index finger, you start with your middle finger excluding your index if you know what i mean. I dont know the name for the chromatic scale i use, i start on the low E string, 5th fret, end up on the high E string 10th fret, scaling back down to the 5th, i'll ask my teacher what name its given at my next lesson
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
24.11.2008 - 22:37
It all depends on the song. how fast it is and stuff like that.
Blat Blat
02.12.2009 - 17:32
Angel Of Mercy
I normally mess up on my picking hand, fast triplets are hard when they are 200BPM! lol
Your time will come.
21.12.2009 - 16:16
My fretting hand doing me the most troubles, it just can't keep up with my picking speed. It's awfully annoying when it's messing my solos so I have to keep it pretty low
Li'ed - Prog-Metal from Jerusalem
18.11.2011 - 18:40
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

24.11.2011 - 16:58
In that case, man is only air as well.
29.11.2011 - 19:35
I can honestly say that i don't have problems playing. But ofc if it's a complicated riff it is hard
24.05.2012 - 16:53
When I play covers on bass, I don't have much accuracy on my fretting hand but when I play my own stuff I do it right 'cause I wrote the shit, right?
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
02.01.2013 - 15:22
The main issue I have is picking and fretting in unison to make a clean sound. Obviously it happens more when I play fast, but even happens the odd time when I'm playing something very simple at a very slow speed. I've started practicing scales with metronome, which I'm hoping will help.
02.01.2013 - 18:29
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Zombie94 on 02.01.2013 at 15:22

The main issue I have is picking and fretting in unison to make a clean sound. Obviously it happens more when I play fast, but even happens the odd time when I'm playing something very simple at a very slow speed. I've started practicing scales with metronome, which I'm hoping will help.

Is it fret buzz? Sometimes if you fret it too high on the fret, it won't press down all the way and it will end up buzzing. Scales and a metronome will always help! They've really improved my playing since I started.

Lately I've been using Dunlop Jazz III's as my picks. They're short and stubby and I like them better for more precise playing, but I keep dropping the damn things. I guess I'm not used to them yet.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum
