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Drum Tabs

Posts: 27   Visited by: 32 users
29.06.2007 - 02:46
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Okay so this is a place where you can submit Drum Tablature, be it interesting fills from a song, blast beat variations, rudiments, double bass patterns, linear drumming and alike. Please do not submit drum tabs of entire songs (I'm pretty sure that's illegal..)
Feel free to submit anything you've written yourself, anything you're currently working on and exercises to develop speed/coordination and so on. Submitting advanced tabs to challenge other Metalstorm drummers would also be appreciated, feel free to be competitive, but remember to have fun.
Be creative!
29.06.2007 - 08:56
Written by Savage Messiah on 29.06.2007 at 02:46

Please do not submit drum tabs of entire songs (I'm pretty sure that's illegal..)

I don't think it is... maybe in America, but with this site being based in Estonia it shouldn't matter at all. Is that the only reason you don't want full songs here? Since there are so few drum tabs out there elsewhere I thought it would be great for MSers to post their interpretations of metal songs, or tabs they found that they very much agree with. But up to you.

So you guys know, here you can use
[ font=Fixedsys]this code[ /font] or [ font=Courier New]this code[ /font]
without the spaces after the [ to make monospace (tab-style) text - just don't forget to [/close] it at the end
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
29.06.2007 - 10:06
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by Syk on 29.06.2007 at 08:56

Written by Savage Messiah on 29.06.2007 at 02:46

Please do not submit drum tabs of entire songs (I'm pretty sure that's illegal..)

I don't think it is... maybe in America, but with this site being based in Estonia it shouldn't matter at all. Is that the only reason you don't want full songs here? Since there are so few drum tabs out there elsewhere I thought it would be great for MSers to post their interpretations of metal songs, or tabs they found that they very much agree with. But up to you.

So you guys know, here you can use
[ font=Fixedsys]this code[ /font] or [ font=Courier New]this code[ /font]
without the spaces after the [ to make monospace (tab-style) text - just don't forget to [/close] it at the end

haha thanks for the font tips lol
Oh thats awesome then, I'm not sure about any of the tab laws aye, I was just being careful so the mods wouldnt lock this topic lol

Okay to start us off I think I'll put in an exercise to help bring up double bass speed:

x-------x----------x-------x-------- hihat (evenly spaced)
--------------------o---------------- snare
o---o---ooooooooo---o---o-o-o-o- bass drum (8th, 16th and 32nd notes)

Repeat this for about 5mins everyday for maximum results, and slowly push your speed up, start off at around 80bpm, then move up 10bpm every few weeks or whenever you become comfortable at that speed.
Also, to improve hand/foot coordination, try doing the same bass drum pattern but on the snare with both hands, while playing the bass pattern.
01.07.2007 - 15:46
Crap, i've tried tabing out some beats i play but the " - " character is smaller than the " o " and it ends up a bit offset but most importantly not accurate. I've tried MSWord, Wordpad, Notepad - nothing works, or maybe i'm just a pooh pooh that can't tab.
Procrastinate, NOW!
02.07.2007 - 12:34
Written by Remus on 01.07.2007 at 15:46

...can't tab.

Oi, cut the foul language, I've already told how to do it! Type:
"[ font=Courier New]tab
tab[ /font]" without the spaces after the [
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
15.07.2007 - 12:09
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
man where are all the metalstorm drummers?
This is an exercise that I have found quite good for building coordination and speed, George Kollias gave me this one:


L = Left hand
R = Right hand

So that can be played anywhere on the drum kit, I usually just play it on the snare...George said to play it for around 6mins everyday, and slowly build up speed.
15.07.2007 - 21:51
Metal Master
Hm, what about using guitar pro tabs?

Internet is full of them and they have drum parts too (if they are written of course). Some of them are very good indeed i think.
16.07.2007 - 00:58
@ Savage Messiah aren't those rudiments? But anyway, what a coincidence - i was practicing the first one (rlrl rlrl) today as a fill!

Yes, i finaly learnt how to use da whole [courier] thing!
Procrastinate, NOW!
16.07.2007 - 11:56
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by Remus on 16.07.2007 at 00:58

@ Savage Messiah aren't those rudiments? But anyway, what a coincidence - i was practicing the first one (rlrl rlrl) today as a fill!

Yes, i finaly learnt how to use da whole [courier] thing!

Yeah, I did say in my first post that this topic is for rudiments too
Thats cool that you tried it out Post some stuff up then, this topic would be awesome if other people contributed lol
I look forward to seeing some of your stuff
16.07.2007 - 12:00
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by W-Lash on 15.07.2007 at 21:51

Hm, what about using guitar pro tabs?

Internet is full of them and they have drum parts too (if they are written of course). Some of them are very good indeed i think.

Yeah but decent ones are hard to find... and I find writing decent ones on guitar pro really difficult lol, never could work out how to put in a damn "off-beat"
If a few people put stuff up on this topic though, we could make one mean topic
11.08.2007 - 04:43
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by Remus on 16.07.2007 at 00:58

God damn it where the hell are all the metalstorm drummers?
Anyway.. I've been working on odd time signatures recently, especially 9/8 or "Bossanova".
has anyone got some cool patterns in that time signature?
12.08.2007 - 17:11
Written by Savage Messiah on 11.08.2007 at 04:43

Written by Remus on 16.07.2007 at 00:58

God damn it where the hell are all the metalstorm drummers?
Anyway.. I've been working on odd time signatures recently, especially 9/8 or "Bossanova".
has anyone got some cool patterns in that time signature?

I've tried and tried but somehow i can't get the whole tab thing right - not to worry though, i'll try again, and again...

As for the 9/8 thing, never heard of it but then i know as much musical theory as Varg from Burzum so...
But i checked it out, and here are some songs:

"Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden - solo in 9/8.
"The Accolade" by Symphony X - intro in 9/8.

Here's a 9/8 lick from the Soundgarden song's song solo :

( 6 )
C |------x-----------------x---------|--------x-----------------x-----|
Rd |----------x---x---x-------x---x---|------------x---x---x-------x---|
T |---ooo------------o---------------|-o------------------o-----------|
S |ooo---------o---------------------|o-----oo------o-----------------|
Bd |------o-o-------o-------o-----o---|--------o-o-------o-------o-----|
|1tripl+ 2 + 3 + 4 + |1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |

C |------------x-----------------x-|----x-----x-----x---------------|
Rd |x-------------------------------|x-------------------x---x---x---|
HH |----------------x---x---x-------|--------------X-----------------|
T |------------------------o-------|----------------------------o---|
S |------------------o-------------|--o-----o---oo--------o---------|
Bd |o-----o---o-o-o-------o-------o-|----o-----o-----o-o-------o-----|
|1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |
Procrastinate, NOW!
12.08.2007 - 17:17
^ I fucking give up
Procrastinate, NOW!
18.08.2007 - 02:27
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by Remus on 12.08.2007 at 17:17

^ I fucking give up

lol it's alright, I cut and pasted it into a word doc and fixed it up so I can read it thanks a lot for that
So what have you been working on recently?
19.08.2007 - 22:19
Written by Savage Messiah on 18.08.2007 at 02:27

Written by Remus on 12.08.2007 at 17:17

^ I fucking give up

lol it's alright, I cut and pasted it into a word doc and fixed it up so I can read it thanks a lot for that
So what have you been working on recently?

You should actually listen to the song while reading the tabs - it's much easier to understand that way.
What i'm working on, well, thanks to you on 9/8 beats. I'm trying to learn this Soundgarden song but to me tabs are quite useless(or maybe i'm usless @ reading them) so i'm playing the song in my headphones and playing along to it.

Besides that, i'm learning "Enemy Within" from you-know-who 'cause the intro is pretty technical and "Cry of the Black Birds" from Amon Amarth. The latter doesn't require so much technique (save from a couple of ghost rolls on the ride) but it's reeeealy fast and my feet are killing me from playing the double-bass ! But yeah that's it. You?

It says in your profile you're learning Spanish, what a coincidence - so am i.
Procrastinate, NOW!
22.08.2007 - 05:57
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by Remus on 19.08.2007 at 22:19

Written by Savage Messiah on 18.08.2007 at 02:27

Written by Remus on 12.08.2007 at 17:17

^ I fucking give up

lol it's alright, I cut and pasted it into a word doc and fixed it up so I can read it thanks a lot for that
So what have you been working on recently?

You should actually listen to the song while reading the tabs - it's much easier to understand that way.
What i'm working on, well, thanks to you on 9/8 beats. I'm trying to learn this Soundgarden song but to me tabs are quite useless(or maybe i'm usless @ reading them) so i'm playing the song in my headphones and playing along to it.

Besides that, i'm learning "Enemy Within" from you-know-who 'cause the intro is pretty technical and "Cry of the Black Birds" from Amon Amarth. The latter doesn't require so much technique (save from a couple of ghost rolls on the ride) but it's reeeealy fast and my feet are killing me from playing the double-bass ! But yeah that's it. You?

It says in your profile you're learning Spanish, what a coincidence - so am i.

Oh cool, both those songs are awesome
you're learning spanish too? Well hola to you then I'm only learning it cause I have to.. school is such a cunt.
Thats great that you're working on 9/8, at the moment I'm sick so I havent been able to drum much but I have been working on odd time signatures, like 9/8, 7/8 and 5/8 as well as 6/8. I've also been practising changing from double kick to hihat work, like opening and closing it and then back to double kick.. I'm a bit rusty with hihat stuff because I never spent much time on it when I started drums, I pretty much went straight into double kick.
It sounds pretty cool once you can put hihat patterns together with double kick though.
Got any tabs for me?
25.09.2007 - 17:26
here's an exercise i use as a warm up and in fills. i usually phrase it as 16th notes or 32nd notes, but you could also phrase it as 8th or 16th note triplets. accents are denoted in upper case, non-accents in lower case. play as a constant stream of notes - the gaps are just to make it easier to read:

Rlrlrrll Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrlrllrr Lrllrr Lrllrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll (repeat)

Basically you start with right hand lead:
1x double-paradiddle-diddle
2x paradiddle-diddle
3x single paradiddle

By this point you'll have reversed hands, and you repeat with left hand lead:
1x double-paradiddle-diddle
2x paradiddle-diddle
3x single paradiddle

I usually omit the first "Rl" of the initial RH-led double-paradiddle-diddle, but then add it again from the second repeat. So i usually play:
Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrlrllrr Lrllrr Lrllrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll and then Rlrlrrll Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrlrllrr Lrllrr Lrllrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll to infinity. I just find it gives a better accent placement.

have fun.
ta bi
26.09.2007 - 13:03
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by Christos on 25.09.2007 at 17:26

here's an exercise i use as a warm up and in fills. i usually phrase it as 16th notes or 32nd notes, but you could also phrase it as 8th or 16th note triplets. accents are denoted in upper case, non-accents in lower case. play as a constant stream of notes - the gaps are just to make it easier to read:

Rlrlrrll Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrlrllrr Lrllrr Lrllrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll (repeat)

Basically you start with right hand lead:
1x double-paradiddle-diddle
2x paradiddle-diddle
3x single paradiddle

By this point you'll have reversed hands, and you repeat with left hand lead:
1x double-paradiddle-diddle
2x paradiddle-diddle
3x single paradiddle

I usually omit the first "Rl" of the initial RH-led double-paradiddle-diddle, but then add it again from the second repeat. So i usually play:
Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrlrllrr Lrllrr Lrllrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll and then Rlrlrrll Rlrrll Rlrrll Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrlrllrr Lrllrr Lrllrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll to infinity. I just find it gives a better accent placement.

have fun.

good stuff man, I'll have to try that out
how fast can you do this?
26.09.2007 - 15:40
Written by Savage Messiah on 26.09.2007 at 13:03

good stuff man, I'll have to try that out
how fast can you do this?

fast as my little hands can carry me! i just had a quick bash at it and found it pretty manageable at 16ths at 208. i spend a lot of time playing rudiments so that definitely helps. if i play it as a warm up, it's usually in the "open-close-open" style. i start real slow (open), and gradually get faster and faster until i can't play any faster without losing control (closed). i then slow right back down again (open).

the tough part of the exercise is the double-paradiddle-diddle into the paradiddle-diddle - that's the main stumbling block.

start slow, speed will come. the important thing is stick control, dynamic control and accuracy!
ta bi
23.04.2009 - 04:26
Anata's drummer (recently sessioned for Lion's Share) just posted some double-kick exercises on the band's space blog -
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
25.05.2012 - 19:36
A speed exercise that helped me:
Alternate between 16th and 32th notes.
For endurance I drink Monster.
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
31.08.2012 - 00:22
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
Hope someone can help. My band (a group of friends getting together for the first time to jam) are wanting to play some easy songs to get going. One that we want to cover is the song "Ritual" by Ghost. Does anyone know where I can find the drum tab (or music) for this song? I know it's an easy one and I could learn it from watching YouTube drum covers but I'm a bit of a beginner on the drums and the tab would help me out a lot. Any help greatly apprciated. Please PM me or reply to this message by quoting. Thanks in advance.
The sun shines over The Fool...
31.08.2012 - 06:54
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Infernal Eternal on 25.05.2012 at 19:36

For endurance I drink Monster.

God that stuff is fucking gross. Since when did it become cool to drink cat piss?

It's not like it actually helps you drum.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

02.09.2012 - 03:50
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
I agree that Monster tastes like cat piss. So many energy drinks to choose from these days but that one I avoid after trying it once.
The sun shines over The Fool...
21.09.2012 - 16:08
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
I found a good internet resource for drum music (they say tabs but it's really the music) and you can request a song (which I've done) and the turnaround is usually only a day or two. The price is reasonable:
The sun shines over The Fool...
05.10.2012 - 20:52
Written by Boxcar Willy on 31.08.2012 at 06:54

Written by Infernal Eternal on 25.05.2012 at 19:36

For endurance I drink Monster.

God that stuff is fucking gross. Since when did it become cool to drink cat piss?

It's not like it actually helps you drum.

LOL, at least it's better than Red Bull, which is said to be bull semen...
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
07.10.2012 - 13:56
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman

LOL, at least it's better than Red Bull, which is said to be bull semen...

That's just a vicious rumour - it isn't true. Bull piss maybe, but not semen.
The sun shines over The Fool...