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Industrial Black Metal

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Posted by Unknown user, 15.12.2011 - 20:15
Arguably my favourite area of black metal (along with psychedelic, an area certainly not exclusive to industrial, though much harder to define), the Industrial variety is something that has never made much headway, even in black metal circles. It tends to remain in disparate pools, rather than collating into any semblance of "scene" or "movement" or what have you. Personally I'd hate it if it became en vogue and started to (arguably) stagnate like the post-rock, blackgaze, atmo-black bands that are currently trending. Each entity is often unique and forced to define themselves by creative means. In terms of the fangled "atmosphere" that every blackened outfit purports to exude, industrial is by far the most appealing for me, doing away with trite evil and archaic visual themes in favour of an oppressive, mechanised terror, images of decay and post-apocalyptic dischord and themes of politics and philosophy.

And of course, gas masks.

Some favourites of the genre to follow in the first post....
24.12.2014 - 14:19
Good industrial black I recently discovered.

Also I have a list full of industrial bands : [url][/url]
25.12.2014 - 23:44
Written by Ilham on 24.12.2014 at 11:25

Written by criminal_deity on 24.12.2014 at 07:03

Helel tape

They're still alive? What's the line-up now?

Mz and someone new on keyboards from what he told me recently. they are working on a full-length.

Written by CyberSymphony on 24.12.2014 at 14:19

Good industrial black I recently discovered.

yes, that very track was posted (but not embedded) on page 2

and incidentally was the inspiration for this

album set a yet unsurpassed bar imo at least for a studio project. wish they could have done it live and toured before LSK's death.
12.01.2015 - 00:17
A shame this was never released

two more tracks were intended for the split - wonder if they made it onto No State of Grace or are still lost in label limbo (this one has at least been up on myspace since '07)
22.01.2015 - 23:09
This is out apparently

05.02.2015 - 05:52
17.02.2015 - 16:31
Jessie J
Account deleted
Written by criminal_deity on 18.08.2014 at 22:51


"Having achieved almost mythical status in black metal lore, 'Planet Satan' has been rumoured since the late 1990's, following the band's debut release, 1996's 'In the Streams of Inferno'. Unifying the core trio of Herr General Cerastes, Svartravn & DrBest, 'Planet Satan' is now upon us, & is set for an October 27th 2014 release on Peaceville Records.

A work of intense and otherworldly black metal power injected with Mysticum's strong cosmic, satanic and psychedelic overtones, 'Planet Satan' welcomes Mysticum to the new millennium with full & unrelenting force, whilst retaining the core elements which made the Norwegians pioneering legends of industrial black metal. Both infernal & nihilistic, as well as apocalyptic in its scope and execution, 'Planet Satan' is a new milestone for the genre in its sublime, chaotic ferocity. Primitive minor-chord riff patterns & tortured vocals mixed with the band's manic and often unconventional programmed drum beats makes this an eerily hypnotic work of the darkest order.

The album was recorded & mixed at Fias Co. Studios with producer Sverre Dæhli, & mastered by Tom Kvålsvoll at Strype Audio in Oslo.

Emerging in the early 1990's, Mysticum brought to the world a completely unique brand of psychedelic discordant black metal with insane drum machine patterns & synths. They were originally signed to Euronymous' Deathlike Silence Productions label, such was his belief in the band. However, this venture proved to be cut short following his death, forcing Mysticum to look elsewhere for the release of their eventual debut album, 'In the Streams of Inferno'."

I never thought that album would be released. It was worth the wait.

Album of the year.
16.05.2016 - 00:30
Here's some nice Industrial Black Metal for ya.
20.08.2017 - 16:48
Meat and Potatos
Omg. I've been trying to find the full Katar album on the internet for ages and just now, all of a sudden, it's available for streaming in bandcamp.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei