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Judas Priest - Nostradamus review


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Band: Judas Priest
Album: Nostradamus
Style: Heavy metal
Release date: June 13, 2008
A review by: Baz Anderson

Disc I
01. Dawn Of Creation
02. Prophecy
03. Awakening
04. Revelations
05. The Four Horsemen
06. War
07. Sands Of Time
08. Pestilence And Plague
09. Death
10. Peace
11. Conquest
12. Lost Love
13. Persecution

Disc II
01. Solitude
02. Exiled
03. Alone
04. Shadows In The Flame
05. Visions
06. Hope
07. New Beginnings
08. Calm Before The Storm
09. Nostradamus
10. Future Of Mankind

Judas Priest, metal Gods, arguably the inventers of heavy metal as it is today. These guys haven't got the track record they have from sitting on their arses and plopping the same album out over and over again; Judas Priest have taken risks and re-invented themselves numerous times, from "Sad Wings Of Destiny" to "British Steel" to "Turbo" to "Painkiller" and now once more with this year's modern epic opus "Nostradamus". Over the years these risks have sometimes worked in their favour producing some of metal's timeless classics, but also on occasions, as far as the masses are concerned, in an unfavourable way. The running theme of all these years though, being that Judas Priest has kept true to themselves and has done everything just the way they wanted to.

Now, "Nostradamus" brings a whole new perspective to the world of Judas Priest. This is on a completely different level to anything the band has ever done before. Gone are the clear, razor sharp guitar riffs and straight-forward heavy metal sound the band put out since the "Painkiller" album, and its a hello and warm welcome to an overblown, pompous, slightly dark, theatrical kind of metal. Two CDs of over the top, dramatic stage show music that could easily be turned into a classic piece at a musical theatre in the west end of London depicting the life of Nostradamus. The guitars and the legendary singing of Rob Halford have always been the strongest points in the music of Judas Priest, but on "Nostradamus" both seem to have had the edge sandpapered off them. Both guitars and vocals lack the clarity and piercing qualities they should have, and more focus is placed upon a whole, full, multi-layered, bombastic sound you would imagine from a film soundtrack. The album is also littered with annoying little interludes that prevent any kind of real flow to the album's progression.

This is Judas Priest however, keeping to tradition there will always be quality on a Judas Priest album, you just need to know where to look to find it. Even though the first twenty minutes of the album, although puffing its chest out in grand fashion, is nothing much to keep your attention; most of the actual songs on "Nostradamus" have some of that melodic Priest magic about them we have come to expect. "Pestilence And Plague" has a bit more bite about it and with a magnificent Italian chorus is the first standout of the double album opus. "Lost Love" has an incredibly sad charm, as does the slightly drawn out but pleasant "Alone". "Visions" may be the highest point of the album with its deep guitars and catchy chorus, "New Beginnings" also gently brushes the listeners ears with a slow, sombre but satisfying affair. Title track "Nostradamus" has the most conviction the album sees though, and is the closest you will get to speed metal on this whole overblown, overdrawn musical work.

Indeed, the chocolate chips are buried in the cookie somewhere, the diamonds are lodged somewhere inside this endless mine. "Nostradamus" has the quality expected from a band as such as is Judas Priest, but this quality is just surrounded and cluttered with fillers, interludes, and a few songs that could have done with being dropped at the final cut, which makes the whole two CD final piece a hard pill to swallow in one sitting making it not the easiest album to listen to as a whole. If you have the time and patience, you will be able to appreciate "Nostradamus" and the highlights found within, but if you seek a quick, metallic, speed metal fix you got from "Painkiller" or even "Screaming For Vengeance", then unfortunately "Nostradamus" is definitely not the answer to your problem. One thing is for sure though, and that is that the Priest have put out yet another controversial record that will split fans right down the middle.

Written on 05.09.2008 by Member of Staff since 2006


Comments: 46   Visited by: 444 users
05.09.2008 - 05:42
Southern Wind
Account deleted
There is some great symphinic heavy metal in this album, but most of it is absolute shit. Maybe with half of its lenth Nostradamus could a a very worthy album, but I simply can't listen to it entirely without dying of boredom.
05.09.2008 - 09:29
I actually reviewed it for a magazine some time ago and gave "Nostradamus" a 4/10 rating

Imho this is one of the most boring albums I have ever listened to, hands down.
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
05.09.2008 - 09:30
Rating: 7
I totally agree with Baz (as usual). Nostradamus is in some parts veeery booooring and definitely not good enough for and album of Metal Gods. As Southern Wind says (modified) : get the best parts of Nostradamus, increase speed a lot and then will be the result better...
05.09.2008 - 10:04
The song Pestilence And Plague is really great. Especially as it fades in from the previous one.
05.09.2008 - 14:12

in my opinion this album should be nominate to the worst CD 2008

boooooring... and there are 23 tracks, 1h 42min of boring, boring, boring music

3/10 ;]
05.09.2008 - 15:24
Rating: 8
Valentin B
yup, i'm disappointed with this release too, and i'm a rabid fan of theirs. the first two and the last two tracks are the only ones which i would listen to

EDIT the first two are awesome and as inseparable as The Hellion and Electric Eye, they work pretty good as a intro, but for concerts, nothing could match Hellion as the intro... too damn epic
05.09.2008 - 15:29
Rating: 8
Raziel X
I liked the record, and it seems ppl who are used to prog releases will be able to get into this since it requires hell a lot of listens, a clear 8/10 as for me
05.09.2008 - 17:33
Rating: 8
The first time I listened the album I didn't like it but now I think it's a great album. It deserves an 8
05.09.2008 - 18:30
as a big fan i was reaaaally disappointed with this album and yes its veeeeerry boring, unfortunately.i really hate the symphonic things in the album, it just doesnt sound right or good.

i dont like concept albums anyway, its like they always feel the need to add symphonical things to make it more theatrical but in the end its just lame and boring.

besides; an intro before every song is my worst nightmare.i hate intros...any kind of.
i'm super, thanks for asking
05.09.2008 - 21:16
old fans can see difrent between old and new JP... horrible...
05.09.2008 - 22:49
yeah, this album wasn't like the old ones, even Angel of Retribution owns the power and force of the JP heavy metal, but this album doesn't have the same concept... at least I think, songs like Persecution or Nostradamus have the closest sound of their "past" concept and style of music...

but well, not of my favorites, I really don't like the album at all...
05.09.2008 - 23:42
Rating: 8
Iron Priest
Wow I found many of the tracks on here incredible. I suppose if all you want is straight up, heavy metal riffing then you can't get into this album. But as a fan of symphonic metal I really enjoyed this album.

06.09.2008 - 04:24
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Yeah luckily I got a preview of this at my work when I was tempted to buy it, but I found it incredibly boring. Can't say I was too pleased.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
06.09.2008 - 05:22
Rating: 6
Underpaid M.D.
Oh yeah, you need to listen it many many many times to actually like the entire album jaja (23 songs!!! are you insane?), I liked "Nostradamus" and "Persecution" since the first time I listened the entire thing, but If I were almost dead and had the choice to listen to one last song between Nostradamus and Painkiller you know which one I would choose. Ok ok, fans from hell will like it (and I like Judas too much) maybe as a symphonic album it is... ok, but if you are searching for a more powerful Judas Priest maybe you should listen other releases like "Painkiller" or "Screaming for Vengeance" and even "Ram it Down".
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
06.09.2008 - 21:38
Rating: 10
ok they change their style from the begining but i really like this album 9/10
metal always live in us
08.09.2008 - 08:59
Rating: 4
Jason W.
I stopped listening or caring about anything Priest after "Painkiller," and this is not even close to changing my mind. Terrible, sloppy, and just a poorly arranged concept. I enjoy a lot of symphonic metal, but this just is not working. Good review in the sense that there is a lot of honest criticism of the album though

I guess the only thing that keeps me from being too angry about the album is that I'm just apathetic toward the band now that did so much for me when I was a kid getting into metal.
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
09.09.2008 - 14:20
Account deleted
No, simply no. Tedious, boring, not worthy of the legacy of Judas Priest. I agree with the 7/10 only in terms of the musicianship involved.
09.09.2008 - 14:21
Loooooooooong and boring.
My question would be... worst than Demolition? Difficult to answer..
10.09.2008 - 17:38
Account deleted
I agree.This is indeed a boring album...Too bad for a big band...
11.09.2008 - 04:52
Account deleted
i think it's got some good moments, but overall, a dissappointment...
23.09.2008 - 12:29
Rating: 8
Valentin B
Written by Valentin B on 05.09.2008 at 15:24

yup, i'm disappointed with this release too, and i'm a rabid fan of theirs. the first two and the last two tracks are the only ones which i would listen to

EDIT the first two are awesome and as inseparable as The Hellion and Electric Eye, they work pretty good as a intro, but for concerts, nothing could match Hellion as the intro... too damn epic

i take back my words, the album sounds pretty good as a whole, it flows really good, there's not one stop, it's perfect for a musical, but i don't think they would be able to pull it all off, like acting, singing, etc. at the same time, maybe if they had actors and they appeared at certain key points in the show, all the while playing the instruments in the back or something. it seems too much, especially for their age. should be REALLY interesting to see the whole stage show though. Halford said he wants "as much theatricality as possible"
06.10.2008 - 07:38
Rating: 8
i liked it, it was different and the production was fantastic. it did have some dull parts but even some of the slow songs were catchy.
14.12.2008 - 10:21
Account deleted
I heard a song from this on the radio when it first came out and it stopped me from getting it. the other day i saw it used for a few bucks and picked it up. i am going to give it one or two more tries before i sell it for a couple bucks. very disappointing. i have never traded in a judas priest album before ( got me.....not one with halford on it)
12.02.2009 - 00:13
Rating: 6
Underpaid M.D.
This album has grown a bit inside me, thinking of it Judas Priest have always changed their style when they wanted to, so they do not fear to experiment something new. So by now I think this album is very good in it's own way, it is not the classic heavy metal Judas have always done, it's something fresh and new, at least for the history of the Metal Gods.
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
18.02.2009 - 05:27
Rating: 9
This album is only at 7.5? that is not cool. I think that it deserves at least an 8.5. It is a new stile for Judas Priest thathas never been shown before. Plus a lot of the songs on this album are great. Sure their are filler tracks but they are all short. Most of the longer songs are great.
18.02.2009 - 12:24
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by IronBlackZepp on 18.02.2009 at 05:27

This album is only at 7.5? .

It was actually rated a 7 by Baz. Btw, I totally agree with that rating.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.02.2009 - 13:00
The fact that it is something new for a band doesn't make it more special, oftentimes bands try new stuff, add new elements and it doesn't work.

So, I think that it should only be a factor when the end result is actually something good.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
18.02.2009 - 20:05
Rating: 9
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.02.2009 at 12:24

Written by IronBlackZepp on 18.02.2009 at 05:27

This album is only at 7.5? .

It was actually rated a 7 by Baz. Btw, I totally agree with that rating.

Actually I was talking about the overall rating, which is currently a 7.5.
18.02.2009 - 20:57
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by IronBlackZepp on 18.02.2009 at 20:05

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.02.2009 at 12:24

Written by IronBlackZepp on 18.02.2009 at 05:27

This album is only at 7.5? .

It was actually rated a 7 by Baz. Btw, I totally agree with that rating.

Actually I was talking about the overall rating, which is currently a 7.5.

I find that about half a point too high as well.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

19.02.2009 - 01:36
Rating: 9
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.02.2009 at 20:57

Written by IronBlackZepp on 18.02.2009 at 20:05

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.02.2009 at 12:24

Written by IronBlackZepp on 18.02.2009 at 05:27

This album is only at 7.5? .

It was actually rated a 7 by Baz. Btw, I totally agree with that rating.

Actually I was talking about the overall rating, which is currently a 7.5.

I find that about half a point too high as well.

Its not that the music on this album is bad. The biggest problem is that their are so many little filler songs. It is true that the band mabey should have made nostradamus a one disc album instead of two. However I still think it is a good album. Their are worse Priest albums out their, in fact their are many metal albums in general that are much worse. You have to admit that this is better then Turbo, Point of entry, Rocka Rolla. And it is certainly better then the stuff they did with Owens.

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