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Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin review


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Band: Led Zeppelin
Album: Led Zeppelin
Style: Progressive hard rock, Heavy metal, Blues rock
Release date: January 12, 1969
Guest review by: IronBlackZepp

01. Good Times Bad Times
02. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You [Anne Bredon cover]
03. You Shook Me [Muddy Waters cover]
04. Dazed And Confused
05. Your Time Is Gonna Come
06. Black Mountain Side
07. Communication Breakdown
08. I Can't Quit You Baby [Otis Rush cover]
09. How Many More Times

Led Zeppelin are one of the most influential, and popular bands of all time. Even today they continue to influence up-and-coming artists. The band always focused on making all sorts of different types of music, whether it be heavy or soft. They could be playing one of the softest, most beautiful songs you have ever heard, then turn it around and go all out using distorted guitars and hammering drums that could make parents and neighbors complain. The musicianship was always key in Zeppelin's music - some even say that they wore their influences on their sleeves. However, all bands and musicians have to start somewhere, and they have to have someone to look up to, right? What they often did on their early albums like Led Zeppelin "I" and "II" was take blues and folk music and blow it up into something more heavy, and more exciting. In a way this is how they paid tribute to their influences.

In 1969 Led Zeppelin released their self titled debut album. The album would become a blueprint for heavy metal. Not that it was the first heavy metal album, but its influence on metal is undeniable. Led Zeppelin "I" is a powerhouse featuring some of the best, most recognizable songs in the history of rock and roll. Lyrically and musically it is very bluesy. Jimmy Page's riffs are consistent throughout the album, and his soloing is on fire. Robert Plant's vocals were in top form at that time. All four musicians have their own solo spots where they get their chance to shine, perhaps more then on any other Zeppelin album.

The album opens with the anthem "Good Times, Bad Times". With the crunching of the opening chords you can feel the power that is about to engulf you. When the guitar solo begins the energy of the song doubles. Jimmy Page always had a knack for writing such fulfilling solos. The next track is "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You". The song was originally done by Ann Bredon, however the Zeppelin version stands a few steps above the original, adding intense vocals and guitar playing that will blow you away. You can just hear the fury in Plants vocals as he shouts and screams his lines throughout the song. The covers of the Willie Dixon songs "You Shook Me" and "I Can't Quit You Baby" do the originals justice as well. The most powerful and possibly best song on the album is "Dazed and Confused". The riffing and soloing on this song are probably the most influential on the entire album along with "Communication Breakdown", which could be described as one of the most electrifying songs you will ever hear.

After listening to this album all the way through you will find that it is one of the most consistent albums you will ever hear, and a must for fans of rock and metal. If you are a musician, you will most likely find that it will influence you in some way or another. All Bands and musicians have to start somewhere, and they have to have someone to look up to.

Written by IronBlackZepp | 15.02.2009

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 4   Visited by: 132 users
15.02.2009 - 12:52
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Mmm, although I love the album, it is quite uneven not consistent at all. And even though the covers are great (like Bbe I'm Gonna Lave You) there are a bit too many of them on here for my liking. Plus the production is quite tiny and thin (even for that time) This is clearly a band still searching for their right sound and groove. They haven't come into their own yet.
Good debut nonetheless but not masterpiece in my books. * I would rate it.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

16.02.2009 - 18:24
Account deleted
Good, well written review. I agree to the things said there. Actually this is my favourite Led Zeppelin album. I agree that they were still searching for their sound, they had three covers - which was alright for that time, Deep Purple had covers in their earlier days, The Stones, The Yardbirds, even Cream. But the two Willie Dixon covers are brilliant, Page's solos and Plant's vocals are amazing. It was great how these four musicians got along musically (if I may say so), and their amazing chemistry started here.

There isn't any weak song here (the reviewer forgot to mention How Many More Times, the song that closes the album, which IMO is great); I will never understand people that criticize Led Zeppelin's debut album; I understand some people disappointment with LZ's last two albums (Presence and In Through the Out Door), but never with their debut.
29.04.2012 - 00:38
Cuca Beludo
Account deleted
I found out the whole bluesy thing boring as hell, or maybe I need to give it several listens...
21.07.2015 - 01:03
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Marcel IMO all that time bands has some covers and same time those covers are so unknown if we try find out original song
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