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Thumbs up: +15
2013 Hunting Mountain Creatures with Korah

1.Haken - The Mountain
2.The Ocean - Pelagial
3.Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
4.Deafheaven - Sunbather
5.Leprous - Coal

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Created by Korah on 01.08.2013

Thumbs up: +3
Favorites 2013 Albums

1.Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
2.Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
3.Fleshgod Apocalypse - Labyrinth
4.Kalmah - Seventh Swamphony
5.Ulcerate - Vermis

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Created by Michaelis on 27.06.2013

Thumbs up: +12
Hadriel's Favorites Of 2013

1.Deafheaven - Sunbather
2.Protest The Hero - Volition
3.Omnium Gatherum - Beyond
4.The Ocean - Pelagial
5.Haken - The Mountain

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Created by hadriel on 08.06.2013

Thumbs up: +6
2013 gnirpz's essentials

That's the 2013 gnirpz's essentials in order, following the releases along the year. Every ranking should be based on production quality, originality, musical technicality and specs like that.


1.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
2.Ghost B.C. - Infestissumam
3.Deafheaven - Sunbather
4.ASG - Blood Drive
5.Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed

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Created by gnirpz on 18.05.2013

Thumbs up: +2

1.Witherscape - The Inheritance
2.Ayreon - The Theory Of Everything
3.Týr - Valkyrja
4.Thrawsunblat - Thrawsunblat II: Wanderer On The Continent Of Saplings
5.Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn

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Created by ICONofSIN on 15.03.2013

Thumbs up: +5
Best Of 2013

I rate albums with rating not less than 8…

1.Fell Voices - Regnum Saturni
2.Deafheaven - Sunbather
3.Narjahanam - Wa Ma Khufiya Kana A'atham
4.Year Of No Light - Tocsin
5.An Autumn For Crippled Children - Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love

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Created by PēterisP on 20.02.2013

Thumbs up: +24
tea[m]ster's 2013 TOP 25 List & More...hop in, the water's warm...

This will the best place to jot down my favorite music for 2013...I'll follow IronAngel's rating system (3.5-5 and can change at anytime). Arrows indicate trending...

1.Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory & Injury
2.Everything In Slow Motion - Phoenix
3.Steak Number Eight - The Hutch
4.Fen - Dustwalker
5.Enshine - Origin

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Created by tea[m]ster on 27.01.2013

Thumbs up: +12
My Top Albums Of 2013

1.Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
2.Monolithe - Monolithe IV
3.Nails - Abandon All Life
4.Totem Skin - Still Waters Run Deep
5.Ataraxie - L'Être Et La Nausée

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Created by Red_Travis on 01.01.2013