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Count Raven

33 fans
Also known as Stormwarning (1982-1989)

Country: Sweden
Label: I Hate Records

Links: Facebook

Formed in: 1989
Broke up: 1999-2003

1982-Doom metal


1982-  Dan Fondelius - guitars, keyboards, vocals
2006-2009  Jens Bock - drums
› 2011-  -//-
2016-  Samuel Cornelsen - bass
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1982-1989  Michael Nilsson - drums
1982-2006  Wilbur - bass
1989-1992  Christian Lindersson - vocals
1989-2006  Christer Pettersson - drums
2006-2011  Fredrik Jansson-Punkka - bass
2009-2011  Patrick Lundin - drums
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Latest reviews

It was 31 years ago when Storm Warning was released. Count Raven had a very fruitful decade during the ‘90s, releasing four albums but they also had really long breaks (or break-ups) after that. Hence their sixth LP, aptly named The Sixth Storm, comes in 2021, twelve long years after Mammons War.
Review by nikarg ››

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