Posts: 209  |
15.05.2014 - 06:18Rating: 9
Oh boy. This band is quite the hit-or-miss. I really shouldn't get my hopes up, but I can't help it...
Posts: 10
Figh, this band is all hit.
Posts: 108  |
Can't wait for it!
Is that girl from Haggard going to sing on the new album or she'll be playing hurdy gurdy?
I'm gonna miss Anna terribly :S
Posts: 559  |
I hope they figured out if they are a folk band or a hardcore band.
Posts: 425  |
17.06.2014 - 11:55Rating: 7
New song "king" is pretty awesome!
Album Release day (August 01, 2014)
Album Release day (August 01, 2014)
Posts: 133  |
01.08.2014 - 13:34Rating: 7
Sounds almost too "commercial".
Posts: 209  |
02.08.2014 - 00:27Rating: 9
Written by hellsmiles on 15.05.2014 at 06:18
Oh boy. This band is quite the hit-or-miss. I really shouldn't get my hopes up, but I can't help it...
Well, looks like I had no need to be worried!
Posts: 425  |
02.08.2014 - 07:28Rating: 7
Posts: 209  |
03.08.2014 - 00:14Rating: 9
Written by Pitwulf93 on 02.08.2014 at 22:13
From Darkness has to be my favorite song of the album
Posts: 762  |
04.08.2014 - 21:43Rating: 5

I am like the last boy you will see ^
Posts: 425  |
05.08.2014 - 18:25Rating: 7
I cannot stand "From Darkness" personally, it recycles one of the best melodies from an earlier track, though I can't recall which one it is. The chorus just bugs me in a way I can't describe. I'm a big fan of their other albums, somehow this one isn't doing it for me, but maybe I've just changed my tastes.
"The Silver Sister" and "Carry the Torch" are quite original for the band.
TheMAGAmvm Soycrusher
Posts: 1086  |
Eluveitie needs to escape fast from the clutches of melodeath, and now I am serious. The only thing that makes this album good is the folk infusion, but the riffage is just as bland like in Helvetios. Once again they put out the same album...
CyberSymphony Ollie
Posts: 673  |
10.08.2014 - 22:14Rating: 7
Quite an enjoyable album, the folk parts really make up for everything, otherwise I would have voted lower.
Hazelnut Nero
Posts: 65  |
14.08.2014 - 22:46Rating: 7
Good songs enjoyable record in general but i think that something is missing .
Posts: 133  |
18.08.2014 - 06:45Rating: 9
Eluveitie really took me into the world of metal with Slania and Inis Mona. I've since gotten into more extreme forms of metal and, though I have everything they've done up to Origins, I was going to skip this one. Glad as fuck I didn't! This is my favorite Eluveitie album; their best work on the folk instruments. Good catchy driving tunes- not a big fan of their slowed-down stuff, but it's alright. Bravo!
AngelofDeth Cyborg Raptor
Posts: 1183  |
20.08.2014 - 07:15Rating: 9
There's nothing particularly wrong with the album but there's also nothing particularly game changing either. Nonetheless it's a solid album for Eluveitie fans, as the band takes their trademark sound/style and adds a slight twist and a sprinkle of maturity. Like a fine wine I think this album may get better in time but for now 8/10.
pewpew.. gotcha
Posts: 348
I've always found it hard to enjoy and get properly into Eluveitie as I don't enjoy a lot of their music/style but do like some of their songs.
Origins is no exception, do not enjoy the majority but I absolutely love The Call of the Mountains and also like Vania and King.
M C Vice ex-polydactyl
Posts: 3431  |
12.09.2014 - 11:50Rating: 7
The spoken parts are either deep and meaningful or cheesy and clichéd. Not sure which.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
Posts: 208  |
03.10.2014 - 11:23Rating: 7
Isn't it getting a bit boring?
World won't end today - it's already tomorrow in Australia.
AngelofDeth Cyborg Raptor
Posts: 1183  |
06.10.2014 - 09:22Rating: 9
Written by boo-boo on 03.10.2014 at 11:23
Isn't it getting a bit boring?
I felt that about Helvetos but there's a maturity here I can't seem to get enough of. Like Everything Remains(which I think is underrated) it's an album that grows on ya, the more spins the more the melodies start standing out and getting stuck in your head and the more you start noticing the subtle differences from past works. Maybe that's just me though, I am a pretty big folk guy.
pewpew.. gotcha
Posts: 208  |
06.10.2014 - 16:22Rating: 7
Written by AngelofDeth on 06.10.2014 at 09:22
Written by boo-boo on 03.10.2014 at 11:23
Isn't it getting a bit boring?
I felt that about Helvetos but there's a maturity here I can't seem to get enough of. Like Everything Remains(which I think is underrated) it's an album that grows on ya, the more spins the more the melodies start standing out and getting stuck in your head and the more you start noticing the subtle differences from past works. Maybe that's just me though, I am a pretty big folk guy.
Coulnd't agree with you more about Everything Remains. Origins is a solid album, nice for listening, but I miss some memorable parts or what (do I maybe ask for too much?).
World won't end today - it's already tomorrow in Australia.
AngelofDeth Cyborg Raptor
Posts: 1183  |
06.10.2014 - 22:31Rating: 9
Written by boo-boo on 06.10.2014 at 16:22
Coulnd't agree with you more about Everything Remains. Origins is a solid album, nice for listening, but I miss some memorable parts or what (do I maybe ask for too much?). 
Perhaps, imo Elu has always been one of those bands that has 3 or 4 really great tracks per album and with the rest being good but not totally memorable. Here, Id say those tracks are 'From Darkness', 'Vianna', 'Calll of the Mountains' and 'King'. But I also really like the lyrics in 'The Nameless' and some of the other songs choruses.
pewpew.. gotcha
Posts: 83  |
How this album could won MSA 2014 against alestorm's Sunset of the golden age?
Don't look for solution - look for EXIT!
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7781  |
07.03.2015 - 08:52Rating: 7
Written by Pelcu on 07.03.2015 at 04:54
How this album could won MSA 2014 against alestorm's Sunset of the golden age?
Because new Alestorm as cheesy as cheese. Probabaly that's the only reason people didn't give a shit but then again, people neglected great folk releases or they didn't check it out all.
Very disappointing voting this time.
Every year we get this traumatic attack when results out but this time it has gone fucking worse.
Posts: 180  |
13.11.2015 - 23:10Rating: 2
This is the 5th time they released Spirit. They only have to write about 3/4 of their music since they use traditional melodies and stuff. Why can't they come up with something new when they have 9 members to contribute?
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7781  |
14.11.2015 - 09:30Rating: 7
Written by Zyk on 13.11.2015 at 23:10
This is the 5th time they released Spirit. They only have to write about 3/4 of their music since they use traditional melodies and stuff. Why can't they come up with something new when they have 9 members to contribute?
You comparing with wrong record.
Slania is the parameter where rest of the albums are being measured. "Spirit" was step down, thinly stripped version of Slania where they heavily influenced on trad instruments.
While, "Origins" does have some creativity where songs picked up speed, trad instruments being implemented at right time with the flow of songs while you see musical interpretation on papers was phenomenal in "Origins".
Yes, they won't stop relying on old instruments but doesn't mean it'll get boring. Now, they're on writing process - let's see how they shape new album.
VaronoZz Vampbaron
Posts: 707  |
15.09.2016 - 11:52Rating: 8
Great work, close to the roots indeed but I am not tired of their pattern yet. And how can I when they keep the bar so high?
P.S. bonus truck in the other 3 languages of switzerland, especially the romansh -- so cool
give praise for the blood it bled,
grant a rose for the dead...