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Skid Row - Part Ways With Drummer, Announce Replacement

In April of 2010 Skid Row and drummer Dave Gara parted ways. "We wish Dave all the best for the future and we are very excited to begin working with Rob", said lead singer Johnny Solinger.

Skid Row have recruited Atlanta native Rob Hammersmith as their new drummer. Guitarist Snake Sabo added: "Let's put it this way, we gave Rob a lot of songs to learn and not much time to learn them, but he came through like a champ". Rob spent many years touring and recording with Atlanta based rockers Rockets to Ruin and toured with Gunfire 76 featuring Wednesday 13.

When asked about his new gig Hammersmith answered: "Having always been a fan, it is an honor to be asked to join the band. The band's music and history holds a special place in both my life, and the lives of so many loyal fans. To be a part of that history is the chance of a lifetime."

Band profile: Skid Row
Posted: 15.05.2010 by BudDa


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15.05.2010 - 17:05
Metal Maiden
They need to part ways with vocalist...
16.05.2010 - 02:12
They need Sebastian Bach back in the band. He was Skid Row.....
Chef Metal Head
16.05.2010 - 13:29
Bull.... Sebastian Bach was there on Subhuman Race and that's one of the most rubbish albums in metal ever.
After Slave to the Grind (what was brilliant) everybody expected Subhuman Race to be a masterpiece but what a dissapointment that was. I like the last 2 albums more than that piece of metalshit.
16.05.2010 - 21:10
I wasn't even aware this band still existed today.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
16.05.2010 - 21:32
LeChron James
Written by Lord_Regnier on 16.05.2010 at 21:10

I wasn't even aware this band still existed today.

yeah dude me neither. i didnt even know the rest of the members had the nads to go on without sebastian bach.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
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Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
17.05.2010 - 23:39
The Shooter
Skid Row - Sebastian Bach = Nothing.
18.05.2010 - 22:35
Skid Row before 1995 is way much better then after 95'. They need to convince Sebastian to return.

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