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Behemoth - Protests Against Shows In Poland

According to, a series of religious protests against the Behemoth's Phoenix Rising Tour in Poland have taken place in several cities. One live show scheduled for late this month is already cancelled, while the rest of the tour is now being questioned because of the heavy protests of the religious organizations.

In an open letter addressed to the mayor of Białystok, the band's frotman Nergal is called "scandalist and hostile to Christianity". Opponents to the concert say that in Białystok, which is also called ''the city of mercy'', this kind of event should not be allowed to happen, and that they will attend to stop any other similar event in the future. Some of them have also addressed the President Tadeusz Truskolaski himself, asking him to ''launch any available instrument of power'' if necessary. However, the president stated that the concert is held without the participation of the city and that the state has no rights to intervene because of a private initiative. Organizers of the concert criticized the protests by saying that nobody in their right mind would protest against any variety of art.

As a reminder, Nergal has been previously charged for a Bible bashing during a live show in Gdynia in September 2007. He reportedly called the Catholic Church "the most murderous cult on the planet" and tore up the copy of the Bible onstage. This event has instantly called a ''promotion of Satanism'' by the head of the All-Polish Committee for Defence Against Sects and the band got sued.

Band profile: Behemoth
Posted: 21.01.2012 by bokimaniac

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22.01.2012 - 00:54
Cyborg Raptor
Written by Nemmeth on 21.01.2012 at 15:41

Really? I had thought Poland had become less catholic/religous over the course of years, but I guess there will always be overfanatical religious idiots out there...
[/end angry rant]

even in America we have the "overfanatical religous idiots" who protest metal metal concerts occasionally. its funny cuz a big christian group of them were protesting a concert one time with Megadeth and Black Sabbath headliners. they dont even know wat the fuck their doing b/c Dave Mustaine an half of Sabbath is fuckn Christian! half our world just simply doesnt think.
pewpew.. gotcha
22.01.2012 - 01:04
It's the never-ending troll-cycle, so we can all happily rage together.

This gets old fast.
22.01.2012 - 07:36
M C Vice
Written by Shaytaan666 on 21.01.2012 at 14:21

It seems that Poland is turning out to be the "new" holy city of the Christians

I would suggest that Vatican should be moved to Poland

Well, the last pope was a Pole.

And wouldn't it be more newsworthy if the religious-right in Poland DIDN'T protest a Behemoth show?
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
22.01.2012 - 12:29
Wtf???? Some people are sooo stupid... love behemoth
22.01.2012 - 13:21
Written by BloodFireDeath on 21.01.2012 at 15:02

Good music should not have to suffer the wrath of morons.

22.01.2012 - 13:23
Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Free speech > your crazyness
22.01.2012 - 15:41
Written by M C Vice on 22.01.2012 at 07:36

Written by Shaytaan666 on 21.01.2012 at 14:21

It seems that Poland is turning out to be the "new" holy city of the Christians

I would suggest that Vatican should be moved to Poland

Well, the last pope was a Pole.

And wouldn't it be more newsworthy if the religious-right in Poland DIDN'T protest a Behemoth show?

Exactly!! Although I strongly believe that Behemoth is a well-known successful band, getting more attention is not something bad
22.01.2012 - 20:17
I think this is an appropriate time to scream HAIL ZEITAN!!!!111

I, personally, wore a Burzum-shirt when we had mandatory church visits with our school, while I used be registered as Christian, and asked to play the organ. When, finally, I was allowed to do it (once only), I played Freezing Moon and screamed the vocals as harsly as I could.
Oh, a good "someone tellin' 'bout their childhood memories in the internet and no one cares"-moment, this is.
23.01.2012 - 01:08
Everybody wants to criticize Christians for speaking out against Behemoth and other "Blasphemous" metal bands. Nergal is doing the exact same thing with religion. While I don't believe that Censorship should ever be allowed, neither should stupidity. The entire idea of tearing a bible apart to show how bad-ass and rebellious you are is childish and simple minded. While I absolutely think he should be allowed to do it if he wants, I also believe people should have the right to speak out against it if they so choose. If you don't like it then fine. At least they're doing it publicly rather than from a computer in their mom's basement. I don't take either side, but looking at it from a neutral stance both sides of this argument are guilty of the same faults. Either you blindly worship an invisible man in the clouds, or you blindly worship a balding past his prime entertainer who uses shock value to get his point across, it's six of one half a dozen of the other.
23.01.2012 - 04:03
Written by Thamuz on 23.01.2012 at 01:08

I also believe people should have the right to speak out against it if they so choose.

I can't even remember if I have ever heard of any "satanist" or at least "atheist" protestors against some Christian bands
23.01.2012 - 06:55
The great majority of the arguments presented in this debate are cliches. Freedom speach, come on, bunch of fags!!! This shit called Behemoth is just want to promote their career. Vão tomar no cu de vocês,e acabem com tanta frescura.
23.01.2012 - 13:45
I am going to contribute with the only Polish word I know. Kurwa!
23.01.2012 - 14:48
Freedom of speech and expression! freedom to behemoth !
give praise for the blood it bled,
grant a rose for the dead...
24.01.2012 - 09:54
Written by Thamuz on 23.01.2012 at 01:08

I don't take either side, but looking at it from a neutral stance both sides of this argument are guilty of the same faults. Either you blindly worship an invisible man in the clouds, or you blindly worship a balding past his prime entertainer who uses shock value to get his point across, it's six of one half a dozen of the other.

I disagree with your logic. Nergal actually exists. There is no definitive proof for God. A person or institution that finds more truth in a barbaric, superstitious text (that has no validity outside of it's own authors' claims of truth), written by ancient, superstitious people, than what is known in to be true by modern man and can be shown to be true through empirical data and/or rational thought is automatically deemed to be of a lesser status than a balding, past his prime performer. ;p
25.01.2012 - 06:25
Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Do you even know what Satanism is? It certainly has a lot less killing, murder, and hatred than your christian religion.
Goodspeed on the Devils Thunder
25.01.2012 - 20:51
The Sasquatch
The same way I hate over the top religious people I hate over the top atheists too. This is the proof that the common answer to ignorance is even more mindless ignorance, then the two sides argue that the other is wrong when in fact both are full of shit.

Is it really necessary to vandalize a book that is so important to so many people (I'm not just talking about the Christian Bible, but any type of holy scripture) just to prove a point? Be against Christianity all you want, but be respectful while you are doing that. Because if you aren't then you are just as bad as those religious freaks that annoy you so much.

I personally do not have a problem with Christianity, I believe that it teaches very good moral lessons and I also believe that faith is important on anyone's life (regardless of where you put your faith in). The problem lies with religion itself but thats because, just like any other human-made institution, it is used to distort words and manipulate people.
26.01.2012 - 03:30
Written by BloodFireDeath on 25.01.2012 at 06:25

Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Do you even know what Satanism is? It certainly has a lot less killing, murder, and hatred than your christian religion.

Pra começar vc deveria pegar na minha rola e sentar em cima. Poland's motto: In God we trust, in Behemoth we fuck. Falando nisso, talvez seria melhor que a sua mãe sentasse na minha rola, seu satanista otário.
26.01.2012 - 03:30
Written by BloodFireDeath on 25.01.2012 at 06:25

Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Do you even know what Satanism is? It certainly has a lot less killing, murder, and hatred than your christian religion.

Pra começar vc deveria pegar na minha rola e sentar em cima. Poland's motto: In God we trust, in Behemoth we fuck. Falando nisso, talvez seria melhor que a sua mãe sentasse na minha rola, seu satanista otário.
26.01.2012 - 22:24
Account deleted
Written by Burebista on 26.01.2012 at 03:30

Written by BloodFireDeath on 25.01.2012 at 06:25

Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Do you even know what Satanism is? It certainly has a lot less killing, murder, and hatred than your christian religion.

Pra começar vc deveria pegar na minha rola e sentar em cima. Poland's motto: In God we trust, in Behemoth we fuck. Falando nisso, talvez seria melhor que a sua mãe sentasse na minha rola, seu satanista otário.

28.01.2012 - 14:33
Written by 4look4rd on 25.01.2012 at 20:51

The same way I hate over the top religious people I hate over the top atheists too. This is the proof that the common answer to ignorance is even more mindless ignorance, then the two sides argue that the other is wrong when in fact both are full of shit.

Is it really necessary to vandalize a book that is so important to so many people (I'm not just talking about the Christian Bible, but any type of holy scripture) just to prove a point? Be against Christianity all you want, but be respectful while you are doing that. Because if you aren't then you are just as bad as those religious freaks that annoy you so much.

I personally do not have a problem with Christianity, I believe that it teaches very good moral lessons and I also believe that faith is important on anyone's life (regardless of where you put your faith in). The problem lies with religion itself but thats because, just like any other human-made institution, it is used to distort words and manipulate people.

What about freedom of speech? You think it should be illegal to rip pages out of the Bible, whether on or off stage? Like someone above said, we might as well be back in the Dark Ages if that's the case.
29.01.2012 - 08:57
Written by 4look4rd on 25.01.2012 at 20:51

The same way I hate over the top religious people I hate over the top atheists too. This is the proof that the common answer to ignorance is even more mindless ignorance, then the two sides argue that the other is wrong when in fact both are full of shit.

Is it really necessary to vandalize a book that is so important to so many people (I'm not just talking about the Christian Bible, but any type of holy scripture) just to prove a point? Be against Christianity all you want, but be respectful while you are doing that. Because if you aren't then you are just as bad as those religious freaks that annoy you so much.

I personally do not have a problem with Christianity, I believe that it teaches very good moral lessons and I also believe that faith is important on anyone's life (regardless of where you put your faith in). The problem lies with religion itself but thats because, just like any other human-made institution, it is used to distort words and manipulate people.

Considering that I've studied the Bible to be a preacher and was a Christian for 16 years, I'd say I know what's in the book. It isn't very moral and I don't find it very useful for modern people. Religion was an explanation of what people saw around them. They made shit up and most people believed in one lie or another if it sounded good, because they were fairly superstitious and science did not exist.

In the Bible: the world was flat and Babylon would have reached Heaven, because it was just beyond the firmament; natural disasters were God's wrath; women were inferior to the point of being property; you could kill your kids for talking back; women had to marry their rapists; God destroyed humanity, killed a bunch of people in Egypt and then told man not to kill; he followed that commandment up by sending Joshua's army to the promised land to commit genocide; Lot fucked his daughters after getting drunk; you can't eat pigs and that's just fucked up, because bacon is delicious; and the Jesus Movement of the early CE, by it's own accounts in the Gospels, was little more than a doomsday cult, as Jesus was supposed to return in the lifetime of his original followers to take them to heaven before the end of the world, but those accounts may not be accurate as the first one (Mark) wasn't written until a little more than 20 years after Jesus was supposed to have died at Golgotha and people most likely would have already elaborated on the life of "The Messiah". Those are just off the top of my head and I don't find much of it useful today or moral in any way.

I might occasionally be an asshole, but I don't speak unless I know at least a bit about what I'm saying. Besides, you're on a Metal website in a thread about a band that hates Christianity. What did you expect?

Personally, I pray to Joe Pesci.
29.01.2012 - 18:37
Primitive. Ignorant. Religious is the enemy number one for free speech. Free speech is the most important aspect of a liberal society. A liberal society is the reason we have a thin strand of sanity still left over.
30.01.2012 - 04:53
The Sasquatch
Written by Zombie94 on 28.01.2012 at 14:33

What about freedom of speech? You think it should be illegal to rip pages out of the Bible, whether on or off stage? Like someone above said, we might as well be back in the Dark Ages if that's the case.

I do not think that ripping the pages of the Bible should be made illegal. But this just shares way too many similarities with the guy that wanted to burn the Q'ran. What would he have accomplished other than piss a bunch of people off? If Polish society is indeed so far behind when it comes to accepting different philosophies, is the best way to change things to denounce/mock/vandalize their believes to proof how much they are wrong? Freedom of expression is a beautiful concept and should be protected by all means. But we should also know how to express ourselves.

What Nergal did was the same as wearing an Arsenal jersey while surrounded by passionate Liver Pool fans. Its not illegal, it shouldn't be illegal, he shouldn't have to face consequences, but it is an incredibly stupid idea given the context and setting. In my opinion what he should do, if opposing Christianity is indeed so important to him, is to change how Polish society thinks. Sure thats a lot harder than getting on the stage and ripping pages from a book, but thats how it should be done.

I am not supporting the law-suits or the ban, I think they are ridiculous. But I believe that Nergal should have been aware of the consequences of his acts (even if there was nothing legally wrong with them), and that he could have accomplished his goal in more effective/less destructive way.

Written by afu on 29.01.2012 at 08:57

Considering that I've studied the Bible to be a preacher and was a Christian for 16 years, I'd say I know what's in the book. It isn't very moral and I don't find it very useful for modern people. Religion was an explanation of what people saw around them. They made shit up and most people believed in one lie or another if it sounded good, because they were fairly superstitious and science did not exist.

In the Bible: the world was flat and Babylon would have reached Heaven, because it was just beyond the firmament; natural disasters were God's wrath; women were inferior to the point of being property; you could kill your kids for talking back; women had to marry their rapists; God destroyed humanity, killed a bunch of people in Egypt and then told man not to kill; he followed that commandment up by sending Joshua's army to the promised land to commit genocide; Lot fucked his daughters after getting drunk; you can't eat pigs and that's just fucked up, because bacon is delicious; and the Jesus Movement of the early CE, by it's own accounts in the Gospels, was little more than a doomsday cult, as Jesus was supposed to return in the lifetime of his original followers to take them to heaven before the end of the world, but those accounts may not be accurate as the first one (Mark) wasn't written until a little more than 20 years after Jesus was supposed to have died at Golgotha and people most likely would have already elaborated on the life of "The Messiah". Those are just off the top of my head and I don't find much of it useful today or moral in any way.

I might occasionally be an asshole, but I don't speak unless I know at least a bit about what I'm saying. Besides, you're on a Metal website in a thread about a band that hates Christianity. What did you expect?

Personally, I pray to Joe Pesci.

I don't want to dispute any of your claims since you probably knows more about the Bible than I do. I do not follow any religion, but I have a deep respect for all of them. I would like to add a few things though:

All texts are a reflection a reflection of where and when they were written. If treating women like property was a common practice back then, than its very unlikely that the Bible would have opposed that. Texts are outdated the minute that they are written, and thats one of the biggest problems with religion.

I would also like to say that religious texts are not meant to be scientific text books. I love science, I was actually studying Astronomy and Physics (before getting sucked in the awesome world of Economics!), and I believe that Science and Religion are so unrelated (as much as people want to think other wise) that they are fully capable of coexisting in harmony. Most of the Christians that I admire actually believe that the Bible is metaphorical and it should not be interpreted word for word. Societies change, people progress, its our job to do just that. I still believe, however, that there are a lot of good things to be learned from Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion but we most be capable of thinking by ourselves and finding out what can apply to us and what cannot.
30.01.2012 - 10:43
Written by [user id=101272] on 26.01.2012 at 22:24

Written by Burebista on 26.01.2012 at 03:30

Written by BloodFireDeath on 25.01.2012 at 06:25

Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Do you even know what Satanism is? It certainly has a lot less killing, murder, and hatred than your christian religion.

Pra começar vc deveria pegar na minha rola e sentar em cima. Poland's motto: In God we trust, in Behemoth we fuck. Falando nisso, talvez seria melhor que a sua mãe sentasse na minha rola, seu satanista otário.

English please. I love and respect your language but I do not know it.
Goodspeed on the Devils Thunder
30.01.2012 - 10:43
Written by [user id=101272] on 26.01.2012 at 22:24

Written by Burebista on 26.01.2012 at 03:30

Written by BloodFireDeath on 25.01.2012 at 06:25

Written by Burebista on 21.01.2012 at 16:50

It is time to kick ass of those fucking shit satanists. I love what happened. Go Christians Poland!

Do you even know what Satanism is? It certainly has a lot less killing, murder, and hatred than your christian religion.

Pra começar vc deveria pegar na minha rola e sentar em cima. Poland's motto: In God we trust, in Behemoth we fuck. Falando nisso, talvez seria melhor que a sua mãe sentasse na minha rola, seu satanista otário.

English please. I love and respect your language but I do not know it.
Goodspeed on the Devils Thunder
30.01.2012 - 14:37
Written by 4look4rd on 30.01.2012 at 04:53

Written by Zombie94 on 28.01.2012 at 14:33

What about freedom of speech? You think it should be illegal to rip pages out of the Bible, whether on or off stage? Like someone above said, we might as well be back in the Dark Ages if that's the case.

I do not think that ripping the pages of the Bible should be made illegal. But this just shares way too many similarities with the guy that wanted to burn the Q'ran. What would he have accomplished other than piss a bunch of people off? If Polish society is indeed so far behind when it comes to accepting different philosophies, is the best way to change things to denounce/mock/vandalize their believes to proof how much they are wrong? Freedom of expression is a beautiful concept and should be protected by all means. But we should also know how to express ourselves.

What Nergal did was the same as wearing an Arsenal jersey while surrounded by passionate Liver Pool fans. Its not illegal, it shouldn't be illegal, he shouldn't have to face consequences, but it is an incredibly stupid idea given the context and setting. In my opinion what he should do, if opposing Christianity is indeed so important to him, is to change how Polish society thinks. Sure thats a lot harder than getting on the stage and ripping pages from a book, but thats how it should be done.

I am not supporting the law-suits or the ban, I think they are ridiculous. But I believe that Nergal should have been aware of the consequences of his acts (even if there was nothing legally wrong with them), and that he could have accomplished his goal in more effective/less destructive way.

The guy who wanted to burn the Qu'ran was going to burn hundreds of them and any threat of retaliation posed by it was the media's fault for giving him so much coverage. It's not really comparable to Nergal ripping a few pages out of one Bible.

It's not the same as wearing an Arsenal jersey when surrounded by Liverpool fans because I can guarantee that most of the people at the Behemoth show at the very least either knew exactly what they were in for and what the sentiments of the band is regarding religion OR they themselves were already opposed to religion. So it's actually more comparable to wearing an Arsenal jersey in a room full of Arsenal fans and saying how much you hate Liverpool.

The point is that although it's clear you believe he should have gone about it a different way, he is not and should not be forbidden from dissing the Bible and tearing a few pages out. And Christians getting up in arms about any criticism to their beliefs only fuels the whole thing even more.
02.02.2012 - 15:37
Erotic Stains
Dude... Chill...

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