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Death Angel - Working On New Album

Death Angel drummer Will Carroll revealed in a recent interview with Rock Immortal's "Rock Talk Happy Hour" that he and guitarist Rob Cavestany have been working on new material for the follow-up to 2019's Humanicide record.

When asked what it was like to play drums again, following his battle with COVID-19 earlier this year, Carroll said: "Surpisingly, it went really well. [It was] really easy to get back behind the kit and get back into the groove of things. I wasn't quite sure how it was gonna go ? if I was gonna get winded or if my heart was gonna feel funny. Who knows what was gonna happen? But it was smooth sailing, and by the end of the day, I was almost back to where I left off. It was really great. And now I'm drumming a lot. Rob [Cavestany] from Death Angel is sending me songs, so I'm going into the studio and working on those? Yeah, I'm staying busy with the drums, and it feels good. Everything is working good."

Band profile: Death Angel
Posted: 10.08.2020 by Metal God

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