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Judicator - Guitarist And Founding Member Leaves The Group

US power metal unit Judicator have revealed that their founding member and guitarist Tony Cordisco decided to leave the band. His full statement is posted below.

Statement from Tony: ''Hello there. It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing I am leaving Judicator - a band which John Yelland and I co-founded together 8 years ago in 2012. After eight years and five albums, Judicator will continue on without me and musically I will be focusing on my thrash band Project: Roenwolfe, as well as other projects.

"Just so there is no confusion, it was my choice to leave, and the band has my endorsement to continue without me. I actually left the band in early May, handed everything off in June, and have not been on any of the social media accounts the last two months or so. I had been rolling over the decision for quite a long time before that, and so the decision did not come quickly or carelessly. While it is a difficult decision, I know it is the right one for me, and the one that makes the most sense for the band.

"We had a clean, professional, handoff, and everyone in the band is happy with the arrangement, even if the circumstances aren't exactly what any of us wished for. There aren't any harsh words or slammed doors to share, nor any dirty laundry that needs airing, but for me personally, there are both personal and practical differences that have made it clear I cannot continue to be a part of Judicator, and so I have made the decision to move on. People grow, and sometimes they grow apart. It isn't one of life's happier lessons, but it's one I've come to terms with.

"I do want to take a moment to thank you all for everything this band has given me, and everything I've had the privilege to be a part of. While it may seem small to some, this band has grown so far beyond my wildest dreams, and I've gotten to be a part of so many great memories that I never thought possible. You all made that happen by giving your time, attention, love, and patronage to the band, and I can't thank you enough. I also want to thank all the press, promoters, fellow bands, and labels, etc we've worked with over the years -- the names are too numerous to count, but I've worked with so many great people in this industry, and I am so glad I had the opportunity. Whether fan, friend, or professional partner, I hope our paths cross again in future bands, projects, and shows. And if they don't, just know I am thankful for the good times we shared together with Judicator.

"If you are at all interested in continuing to follow me, my guitar playing, songwriting, etc, I invite you kindly to come over and checkout Project: Roenwolfe. I was in this band just before and concurrently with the early days of , but we Judicator broke up for some time after our first album. We recently reformed and our second album "Edge of Saturn" will be coming out on Divebomb Records in the front half of 2021.

"Thank you all again for everything. My last letter from Prussia, and always with love, Tony Cordisco.''

Band profile: Judicator
Posted: 16.09.2020 by Bad English


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Comments: 2   Visited by: 21 users
17.09.2020 - 05:33
Whoa this was unexpected. I've been listening to the new album on the reg since it came out a few months ago. Wish him well with his other stuff.
17.09.2020 - 18:35
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Sad news, his solo projektet might live short, this band is good engine what will keep on rolling
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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