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Einherjer - To Reunite At Germany's Ragnarök Festival

The Norwegian Viking metal legends Einherjer have been announced to reunite at Ragnarök Festival which is to take place on 17th-18th April 2009 in Lichtenfels, Germany. Furthermore Alkonost and FEJD have been added to the billing. Below the entire statement of the festival:

"For about four years you didn't hear anything from Einherjer, one of the most important bands in viking metal, which split up in 2004. We're proud to announce their comeback will be next year at Ragnarök Festival, which is a great chance for many metalheads to see their idols again or maybe for the first time. We hope that yet another great chapter will be added to the band's awesome history in April 2009 at Lichtenfels and hopefully many other shows will follow.

Apart from that we got two more talented bands to confirm. Alkonost will show us, together with also playing Arkona, that Russia is a country full of very nice, unfortunately outside Eastern Europe mostly fameless bands. Alkonost is nearly 15 years old, but never played in Germany before. They mix pagan, black and doom metal with distinctive Russian folklore.

FEJD's music is a little bit more calm, but very enjoyable. Since 2001 they do Scandinavian folk with Swedish lyrics and a lot of enthusiasm. Ragnarök will be their first show outside of Sweden ever and their very first show at a festival, too. If you love music like the "Urminnes Hävd" EP from Månegarm, you'll love them as well.

With already 15 bands confirmed, advance booking starts today. Tickets cost 35 EUR each and can be bought at the shop on the festival's homepage. Shipment starts at the first week of October. Unfortunately we were forced to increase the price of the tickets a little bit due to the city of Lichtenfels imposing very acerb obligations to us. Tickets will also be available at the Ragnarök's Aaskereia Tour in October. Furthermore we still have festival shirts and girlies of the Ragnarök V Festival at our shop for 10 EUR (original price was 15 EUR), as well as restricted drinking horns for 20 EUR.

Further information is available at our homepage [url][/url] "

The whole festival lineup reads as follows, with at least one more headliner to be announced:

Adorned Brood (GER)
Alestorm (UK)
Alkonost (RUS)
Arkona (RUS)
Einherjer (NOR) - Reunion
Finsterforst (GER)
Fjoergyn (GER) - "Jahreszeiten" Release Show
Heidevolk (NL)
Kivimetsän Druidi (FIN)
Korpiklaani (FIN)
Melechesh (ISR / NL)
Midnattsol (NOR / GER)
Týr (FO)
Yggdrasil (SWE)

Band profile: Einherjer
Event: Ragnarök Festival 6
Posted: 08.09.2008 by Promonex


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Comments: 9   Visited by: 75 users
08.09.2008 - 16:55
Very cool. I heard some of their stuff and liked it.
00:40 - Doomface
Mikael Akerfeldt doesn't age like humans do.
08.09.2008 - 17:26
Lone wanderer
Nice lineup, too bad I cant go there
08.09.2008 - 17:33
Awesome, wish I could be there though.
08.09.2008 - 19:16
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Good news, and IMO best fest after Duitch Doom Days because bands belongs to one genre
Prom - I wating rewiew
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
08.09.2008 - 23:04
LeChron James
hahaha they "splitted" up. funny. good to see theyre back though, theyre killller.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
09.09.2008 - 01:06
I wish this festival would have been in the summer, that would've made it easier to plan and attend it from abroad.

This is great news though. Einherjer have been my hands down favorite metal band for as long as I can remember.. not because their music is that complex or innovative, but because it has that rare Nordic raw power and inspired conviction that few others can match. Still remember that sad day in february 2004 when they split, we were all expecting a US tour in support of their "Blot" album and the news came as a shock.
I'm surprised though that Frode and Gerhard are showing interest in reviving the band, if but for one festival apprearance, what with their current dealings with their thrash project Battered. But hey, if their minds are changed, I'm all for it. Maybe the explosion of the folk metal scene indicates that there is a chance with Einherjer yet (they were really ahead of their time, composing viking-inspired heroic lays in mid-90s). Hopefully they will not limit themselves to one festival appearance and do a proper world tour, including the States! (Heathen Crusade fest would make a nice would Paganfest, which is already assured to become an annual touring event).
09.09.2008 - 02:14
Sweet! Einherjer is reuniting! Awesome!
10.09.2008 - 08:38
Account deleted
Oo, nice. Too bad I'm not able to go to the fest.
13.09.2008 - 20:21
Account deleted
This is one of the best line-ups I've seen in a long time. Those of you going are truly lucky.

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