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Harakiri For The Sky - Arson

8.2 | 256 votes |
Release date: 16 February 2018
Style: Black metal, Post-metal


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18 want it

01. Fire, Walk With Me
02. The Graves We've Dug
03. You Are The Scars
04. Heroin Waltz
05. Tomb Omnia
06. Stillborn
07. Voidgazer
08. Manifesto [Graveyard Lovers cover] [vinyl bonus]

Staff review by
Word of advice for Harakiri For The Sky: you write great music, you really do, but putting out 70-min+ long albums with 7-min+ long songs once every two years is overkill.

published 19.02.2018 | Comments (7)

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Comments: 16   Visited by: 707 users
02.11.2017 - 23:42
Rating: 9
Sounds great, sounds like it could have been on the previous album, which is a good thing.
11.12.2017 - 21:21
Alex F
The released tracks sound pretty good, though perhaps a bit long winded.
05.01.2018 - 20:40
The first release I've spun in 2018 and it's good as expected, but once again way too long.

Album Release day (February 16, 2018)
17.02.2018 - 15:16
Rating: 6
Dark Horizons
They go on with the same pros and the same cons, but with a bit less inspiration.
They bore me a bit, and not only for the excessive lenght of each song.
We are just a moment in time
A blink of an eye
A dream for the blind
Visions from a dying brain
I hope you don't understand
20.02.2018 - 18:46
Rating: 8
Nick Carter
I think it's the general opinion, the album is great, but it just feels that it was forced to be soooo loooong. There are a lot lot of great moments, but it felt as if you had to go all the way down to get them.
I also believe Trauma was a bit better than this one, while giving me the same sensations.
21.02.2018 - 13:08
Rating: 8
I think the album is great despite its length. Cmon it's just an EP compared to Therion's latest
24.02.2018 - 20:16
Rating: 6
Average rock with weak vocals. I don't understand the praise for this band.
25.02.2018 - 23:11
Rating: 8
Great album. Similar sound and feel to Trauma but with a little more successful experimentation on a few songs. Stillborn might be my favourite song, Fire is a close 2nd. You Are the Scars might round out my top 3 however it's a very 'safe' song and would have fit right into Trauma.
16.03.2018 - 19:22
Rating: 8
Good music but repetitive vocals. His voice sounds similar in all songs. Still rate it 8/10.
In the beginning I was made of clay. Then I bit the apple and they changed me to metal 🤘
04.05.2018 - 01:32
Rating: 6
19.05.2018 - 20:06
Rating: 8
Top album, might be a bit dragged but still. Shitton of excellent guitar melodies, how does this guy keeps writing them in this amount?
29.05.2018 - 15:02
Rating: 9
For me Great album with so much Improve, And so far I didn't heard it once and then forget it , Am listening to it almost everyday !
And its normal that Post Song is long length, so am not sure why some complain about that !
06.06.2019 - 08:51
Rating: 7
Just a good album for me, not quite on the great or excellent territory.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
24.08.2019 - 06:53
Troy Killjoy
I get it, these guys have nothing better to do than write 75 minutes worth of music on an annual basis, but they could at least make it worth my while. Lots of recycled riffs and meandering moments that make a snail-paced approach toward anticlimactic endings, bleeding into the next track without enough of a send-off to entice further listening.

The vocals are also really grating as they never deviate from that hoarse shrieking style, which can be rather headache-inducing over such a lengthy bombardment.

That said, it's far from bad. It's just a tad monotonous and drawn out. This is yet another example of a band trying to achieve a specific niche -- namely crafting "epic" songs -- rather than simplifying and focusing their ideas in a more efficient capacity. Some of the melodies within are truly captivating and the overall somber atmosphere lends credibility to the band's songwriting abilities, if only they could be a little more concise.

Not a waste of time completely, but when factoring in how much of that time was spent re-listening to extremely familiar concepts for an excessive amount of time, what would normally be deemed a great album instead comes across as more of a chore and thus, disappointing.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
24.08.2019 - 13:26
Rating: 7
Written by Troy Killjoy on 24.08.2019 at 06:53

This is yet another example of a band trying to achieve a specific niche -- namely crafting "epic" songs -- rather than simplifying and focusing their ideas in a more efficient capacity. Some of the melodies within are truly captivating and the overall somber atmosphere lends credibility to the band's songwriting abilities, if only they could be a little more concise.

Wait, aren't you talking about Ne Ob? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
25.08.2019 - 07:16
Troy Killjoy
Written by Karlabos on 24.08.2019 at 13:26
Wait, aren't you talking about Ne Ob? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Unfortunately that sentiment can extend to cover so many bands these days...
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."

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